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Soft skills and your career: how to unlock your potential

Posted on Career planning

“LinkedIn’s 2024 data find soft skills make up four of the top five most in-demand skills by UK employers, with communication the most sought-after skill.”

“9 out of 10 (92%) UK business leaders believe soft skills are more important than ever.”

It’s clear that soft skills are very important when applying for a job, not only the right qualifications and technical skills. Our employability skills audit will help you assess what skills you’ve gained from life and work experience, as well as the new ones you’re gaining from OU study. In my volunteer role, supporting people on their career journey, the one thing people find hardest is to understand what is meant by “soft skill” and how they can demonstrate their “soft skills” when applying for a job.

Soft skills enable workplace interactions
You’ll develop your employability profile whilst studying at the OU, including hard skills such as numeracy and digital literacy, as well as soft skills. Soft skills are the personal attributes and interpersonal skills that enable you to interact effectively with others and navigate the workplace. Examples include communication, collaboration , self-management and resilience, problem solving, creativity, leadership, flexibility, initiative, global citizenship, emotional intelligence, and empathy. These highly-valued skills are transferable across different roles and industries.

Highlighting soft skills in a job application
When applying for a job, it’s crucial to showcase your soft skills throughout the application process. Start by carefully reviewing the job description and identifying the key soft skills required for the role.
Include examples in your CV and cover letter to show how your personal, life and study experiences have helped you develop these skills. For example, if you are a carer, you are using time management and communication skills all the time. Having a hobby or activity can show leadership and collaboration skills. If a role calls for problem-solving abilities, you might have specific examples of creative solutions you’ve developed from the modules you’ve studied.

Highlighting soft skills in an interview
The interview is your chance to bring your soft skills to life. Prepare and be ready to discuss examples of how you’ve applied your soft skills in the past.
For instance, you could describe how you have adapted to use new software. Describe how you implemented the change, remained calm, communicated effectively if any issues arose and found a way to successfully navigate the change.

Ideas for ways to keep your soft skills up to date
Developing your soft skills is an ongoing process. Seek out opportunities to practice and improve your skills, such as volunteering, or internships, or participating in our employer panel events or careers skills workshops. By continuously investing in your soft skill development, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the job market and stand out as a well-rounded candidate. Demonstrating your soft skills will help you land your dream job.

The basis for this article was created using Perplexity.ai. Using AI is a good way to begin thinking about what you could write or say but is often only a starting point. We’ve tried it, perhaps you can too.

Find out what Careers and Employability Services can do to help you plan and build your future.

    • Sue Robertson is a Development Coordinator in the OU’s Careers and Employability Services. She supports careers-related activity both within the service and across the University, helping students to achieve their ambitions and fulfil their potential. Explore the rest of our blog for more articles from your careers team.