Five top tips for designing an inclusive curriculum

We need to make sure that the learning we create is suitable for everyone. That means we need to think about students’ needs and goals right from the start of the learning design process, and then design learning actitivies that
we know will meet these.

Use our top tips to reflect on your students’ needs and to design learning that will help all students meet their goals.

  1. Use data and evidence to inform student profiles, including students from underrepresented groups.
    Develop student profiles that represent all students. Refer regularly to your student profiles throughout the design process to ensure all needs are
    catered for.
  2. Use what you know about students to plan learning activities.
    When designing activities, talk to students about what they need. Ensure that learning resources and media are accessible and reflect the diversity of learners.
  3. Consider design challenges at the start of the process.
    Use prompt questions to generate discussion on how equality, diversity and inclusion will be addressed.
    Take a collaborative approach: it’s not just one person’s responsibility.
  4. Design collaborative learning activities with the diversity of learners in mind.
    Consider the barriers to taking part in discussion and collaboration.
    Provide appropriate support and encouragement for all voices to be heard.
  5. Ensure that learning tasks build up confidence and skills for assessment over time.
    Consider entry points to study and transitions as well as sticking points for students with particular challenges – where might extra support be needed?
    Clearly identify skills required and integrate them into the subject material so that learners from all backgrounds are equipped for study and life-wide learning.