
All of our resources are available on a Creative Commons licence.

Collaborative online activities guide
Collaborative online activities guide

Employer engagement: guide to learning design
Employability and employer engagement: guide to learning design


Sustainability resources

A .png image of the sustainability version of the OU Learning Design team logo. The text reads: Learning Design. 'Sustainability in Learning Design at the Open University'.

Sustainability resources

ICEBERG resources

                      Designing for student retention: The ICEBERG model and key design tips                                                                           

 Designing for student retention report (2016)     ICEBERG Health Check  (2024)    Implementing ICEBERG principles (2024)

GenAI resources


Responsible by Design             Critical AI Literacy Skills

Templates and learning activity planning resources

Using the academic skills cards
Academic skills cards

Activity design resources

Activity planner template
Activity planner template

Activity cards
Activity types cards

Open University activity types framework - refreshed 2021
Activity types framework – refreshed 2021

Digital and information literacy (DIL) skills cards
Digital and information literacy (DIL) skills cards

Student profile template

Student profile templates

Employability skills cards

Employability skills cards

Using the OU skills cards
Using the skills cards

Top tips

Top Tips for designing for students in secure environments
Top Tips for designing for Students in Secure Environments