All of our resources are available on a Creative Commons licence.
Collaborative online activities guide
Employability and employer engagement: guide to learning design
Five top tips for designing an inclusive curriculum
Five ways the learning design team focuses on students’ needs
Four types of online quiz and how to use them
Inclusive curriculum – the Open University’s three principles
Managing student workload in distance education
Planning the student journey
Preparing to support students in online meetings
Quick ways to make passive learning active
Six ways to gather student feedback
Skills development poster
Supporting students in collaborative online actitvities
Ten ways to kick off a successful online meeting
Tips for starting out in learning design
Transparent teaching in distance learning
Tips for helping students who have Dyspraxia / Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD)
Sustainability resources

Sustainability resources
ICEBERG resources

Designing for student retention report (2016) ICEBERG Health Check (2024) Implementing ICEBERG principles (2024)
GenAI resources

Responsible by Design Critical AI Literacy Skills
Templates and learning activity planning resources
Academic skills cards

Activity design resources |
Activity planner template
Activity types cards
Activity types framework – refreshed 2021
Digital and information literacy (DIL) skills cards

Student profile templates |
Employability skills cards |
Using the skills cards
Top tips
Top Tips for designing for Students in Secure Environments