Inclusive curriculum: The Open University’s three principles

The Open University’s mission is to be open to people, places, methods and ideas. We have a similar role as learning designers: we’re committed to meeting the needs of all students.

Inclusive curriculum is at the heart of this. Here are the three principles developed by the OU’s Access, Participation and Success team to guide curriculum development.

  1. Ensure all students can access the curriculum by:
    Checking that all material uses inclusive language, and that new and complex terms are clearly explained. A glossary is useful.
  2. Ensure that all students see themselves reflected by:
    Drawing from sources that reflect a wide range of diversity
    Allowing students to bring in their diverse experiences and backgrounds to contribute to the learning and assessment activities.
  3. Ensure students are equipped to participate in a diverse world by:
    Exposing them to a range of culturally challenging opinions and contexts
    Providing structured opportunities to build understanding of and respect
    for diversity and the contribution diversity makes in an international context.