Six ways to gather student feedback in learning design

When students have the chance to share their insights, they feel more engaged in their study and more connected to their institution. And of course, they can offer fresh perspectives that will benefit future students. That’s why it’s vital to gather student feedback on your courses – not just through with end-of-course evaluations but also before you launch new materials and while teaching is in progress.

Before the course
    1. Test new materials and activities before you launch them, using students’ feedback to finesse them.
    2. Evaluate new learning activities as you use them and ask for feedback using short surveys, focus groups or interviews.
    3. Build in opportunities for in-course questionnaires or mini check ins.
During the course
  1. Set up channels for students to share their views easily and in confidence.
  2. Use social media to generate discussion and explore new ideas.
After the course
    1. Allow time to carry out end-of-course surveys and to follow up on your findings.