Student Voice Week – Navigating your Journey

Cin is an OU student currently studying some micro-credentials alongside her Access module. She is a Central Committee Representative on the Access Board of Studies and on the Access and Open Academic Committee (Learning, Teaching and Assessment). She is also the 2022-2025 elected Student Officer for the RAISE network (Researching, Advancing, and Inspiring Student Engagement).

As part of Student Voice Week we had a great session focused on Open and Access students entitled Navigating your Journey as an Open and Access student.  We had a solid turn out with students from across many different subjects and from all levels of experience. We saw brand new students getting ready to start Access in February, across all undergrad levels and right through to Open post-grad students joining us.

Lots of new students were in attendance, and hopefully will now feel that bit braver in their studies going forward. Our polls on the night did suggest that there was a quiet confidence in the way we approach our studies. As a random aside, our chat box did also suggest that there was a massive preponderance of Pringles addicts in the room: maybe we need to ask about the best study snacks next time!

Our Access students shared with us a range of reasons for why they decided to start with Access: from testing the water before committing to a full degree, to retraining in a different area, and brushing up on study skills like word counts and academic writing.  Some students felt the need to start at Access due to being out of education for so long.

Our Open students shared their reasoning for choosing the flexibility of the Open qualifications. From not being sure what they wanted to do, to having the opportunity to mix and match across study areas, or in order to avoid exams and choose EMA only modules. We saw the flexibility of the Combined STEM highlighted as a route for those good at science but unsure of their path.

Students across both groups highlighted that the ability to fit in with work hours was a major plus point for choosing the flexibility of the Open University.

The students in the room raised a number of Top Tips throughout the night, some of which are listed below, so check them out and see if some of them might help you:

Top Tips

  • Seek out your module/qualification/subject websites
  • Check out OpenLearn for free learning
  • Make use of student social media spaces
  • Use your Student Support Team (SST)
  • Use the available tools i.e. English Literature toolkit
  • Look up the Students Association – great resources and regular events
  • There are different Facebook groups for different interests
  • Use your tutor group forums
  • Make use of the OU Library
  • Check out Student Hub Live
  • Be organised – write TMA dates in calendar etc.
  • Use your Tutor as your first point of call
  • Watch or volunteer at a graduation ceremony to be inspired
  • Enjoy the journey!

Links to Our Backpack of Resources 

Where to take your learning next

Multidisciplinary study: the value and benefits

Open Blog

Am I ready to be a distance learner?

Open qualifications site UG

Open qualifications site PG

Open qualifications site Combined STEM

OU Students Association