
Welcome to our blog. ‘Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective’ is the broad research theme of the Religious Studies department at The Open University.

As a department we seek to apply a range of approaches and methods to a wide array of religious and other-than-religious phenomena. We are interested in contemporary religion, and its interactions with culture, society and politics. However, we are also fascinated by issues of continuity and change, and seek to inform our study and understanding of religion with historical perspective. Last year we ran an international conference on this theme, and this blog will encourage further reflection on the various themes and issues explored.

Contributors to this blog will include department members, Associate Lecturers from the Open University’s regions and nations, and our various Ph.D students. We’ll talk about ourselves and our work and interests, we’ll comment or contribute to news-worthy discussions, and we’ll celebrate developments in the study of religions.

Dr Graham Harvey (Head of Department) and Dr John Maiden (Director of Teaching)