
The following documents are available for background material when considering the questions on the work sheet. A small image of the document, or the first page of a multi-page document, is displayed for reference purposes.







Workers march along Cotton Street, Poplar, May Day 1926
  1. Anonymous sketch of the day-to-day chaos at cattle markets, 1863.
  2. Extract from a report from the superintendent of 'E' Division to the Commissioner, 1870.
  3. Protest picture of the Hyde Park disorder, 1 July 1855.
  4. Cartoon from Fun, 15 Aug. 1868: 'Muzzle Satire' from Pulling scrapbook.
  5. 'L' Division Confidential Memoranda Book, reports 26 Dec. 1924, (3 pages).
  6. Cartoon from Fun, 9 Jan. 1864: 'Traffic Satire', Pulling scrapbook.
  7. Poster bill of Traffic Regulations, 1 Aug. 1924.
  8. Photograph of three traffic policemen, c. 1900.
  9. Cartoon from Punch, 31 Aug. 1937, Pulling Scrapbook.
  10. Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the Year 1895, C. 8199 (1896), p. 27: police injuries on duty.
  11. Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the Year 1905, Cd. 3180 (1906), p. 32: police injuries on duty.
  12. 'L' Division Confidential Memoranda Book, report 1 June 1925.
  13. Extracts from the memoirs of Arthur Battle, pp. 39, 45-6, (3 pages).
  14. Handbill banning procession, 20 Oct. 1887.
  15. Letter from Commissioner Warren to Mr Heald, 21 Oct. 1887, (2 pages).
  16. National Union of the Working Classes advertise meeting at Cold Bath Fields, 13 May 1833.
  17. Order by the Home Secretary banning the meeting at Cold Bath Fields.
  18. Photograph of medallion presented to jurors in the Culley cases (2 pages).
  19. Photograph of the 'Culley Cup'.
  20. Photographs of the disturbances at the battle of Cable Street (2 pages).
  21. Extracts from the memoirs of Arthur Battle, pp. 52-3, (2 pages).
  22. Extracts from Demonstrations Etc., Powers and Duties of Police (1938), pp. 7-10, (7 pages).
  23. Photograph of Metropolitan Police officers from 'R' (Greenwich) Division sent to deal with trouble at the Tonypandy coal strike in 1910.
  24. Photograph of workers marching along Cotton Street, Poplar, May Day 1926.
  25. Photograph taken of troops escorting a food convoy along the East India Dock Road during the General Strike of 1926.
  26. TNA, MEPO 5/350, Metropolitan Police News Sheet, edn. 10, 10 May 1026 (2 pages).
  27. Photograph of Sergeant Green and Inspector Pawley.
  28. Remembrance card for Sergeant Green.
  29. Photograph of Sergeant Green's grave.
  30. Presentation card for the police’s conduct during the riot.
  31. Photographs of Epsom police station following the riot of July 1919 (3 images).
  32. TNA, MEPO 2/1962, report of Inspector Pawley, 8 July 1919 (2 pages).

Note: TNA - The National Archives, Kew (formerly the Public Record Office)


Cartoon from Punch of a policeman on traffic duty "Mother, what did policemen do when there weren't any motors?"