The following documents are available for background material when considering the questions on the work sheet. A small image of the document, or the first page of a multi-page document, is displayed for reference purposes.
- Anonymous sketch of the day-to-day chaos at cattle markets, 1863.
- Extract from a report from the superintendent of 'E' Division to the Commissioner, 1870.
- Protest picture of the Hyde Park disorder, 1 July 1855.
- Cartoon from Fun, 15 Aug. 1868: 'Muzzle Satire' from Pulling scrapbook.
- 'L' Division Confidential Memoranda Book, reports 26 Dec. 1924, (3 pages).
- Cartoon from Fun, 9 Jan. 1864: 'Traffic Satire', Pulling scrapbook.
- Poster bill of Traffic Regulations, 1 Aug. 1924.
- Photograph of three traffic policemen, c. 1900.
- Cartoon from Punch, 31 Aug. 1937, Pulling Scrapbook.
- Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the Year 1895, C. 8199 (1896), p. 27: police injuries on duty.
- Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the Year 1905, Cd. 3180 (1906), p. 32: police injuries on duty.
- 'L' Division Confidential Memoranda Book, report 1 June 1925.
- Extracts from the memoirs of Arthur Battle, pp. 39, 45-6, (3 pages).
- Handbill banning procession, 20 Oct. 1887.
- Letter from Commissioner Warren to Mr Heald, 21 Oct. 1887, (2 pages).
- National Union of the Working Classes advertise meeting at Cold Bath Fields, 13 May 1833.
- Order by the Home Secretary banning the meeting at Cold Bath Fields.
- Photograph of medallion presented to jurors in the Culley cases (2 pages).
- Photograph of the 'Culley Cup'.
- Photographs of the disturbances at the battle of Cable Street (2 pages).
- Extracts from the memoirs of Arthur Battle, pp. 52-3, (2 pages).
- Extracts from Demonstrations Etc., Powers and Duties of Police (1938), pp. 7-10, (7 pages).
- Photograph of Metropolitan Police officers from 'R' (Greenwich) Division sent to deal with trouble at the Tonypandy coal strike in 1910.
- Photograph of workers marching along Cotton Street, Poplar, May Day 1926.
- Photograph taken of troops escorting a food convoy along the East India Dock Road during the General Strike of 1926.
- TNA, MEPO 5/350, Metropolitan Police News Sheet, edn. 10, 10 May 1026 (2 pages).
- Photograph of Sergeant Green and Inspector Pawley.
- Remembrance card for Sergeant Green.
- Photograph of Sergeant Green's grave.
- Presentation card for the police’s conduct during the riot.
- Photographs of Epsom police station following the riot of July 1919 (3 images).
- TNA, MEPO 2/1962, report of Inspector Pawley, 8 July 1919 (2 pages).
Note: TNA - The National Archives, Kew (formerly the Public Record Office)
"Mother, what did policemen do when there weren't any motors?"