Author Archives: admin

CALRG 40th Anniversary

As one of the UK’s leading and longest running research groups in this area, we are looking forward to celebrating our 40th year with an event at the Open University on 19th October 2018 at which we will be welcoming back former members and friends. We have planned an exciting day of talks looking back at the group’s history, tracing the trends in our research over the years to help us look forward to the future of learning with computers.

Tickets are available on EventBrite. We have sold out of tickets to attend in person, but you can still register for the livestream, and we have had the odd cancellation, so it’s worth a look.

We are also working on a book to mark the event – look out for more information!

CALRG conference 18-19 June 2018 – Call for Papers

We are delighted to announce this year’s Call for Papers for the OU’s annual CALRG conference.

The 39th Annual Conference of the Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG) will be held on 18th-19th June 2018 in the Open University’s Jennie Lee Building, Milton Keynes, UK. CALRG is one of the UK‘s leading research groups in the use of technologies in education. CALRG’s annual conference provides a forum for members, as well as other researchers and practitioners at the OU, to present their work. We particularly encourage research students to contribute submissions and attend to discuss their project.

The conference will consist of two days of presentations and interactive sessions across a broad range of relevant topics, including:

  • Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
  • Accessible online learning
  • Mobile learning
  • Effective designing for learning and learner experiences
  • Citizen science and public engagement
  • Learning analytics
  • Openness in education
  • Game-based learning
  • Professional learning
  • Widening access and participation in education with technology

Submission Types
Contributions are invited in the following forms:
(1) Full presentations
(2) Lightning presentations
(3) Posters

For full information, see the Call for Papers. The deadline for submitting to the conference is now midnight on Friday 11th May 2018. All submissions should be made through the Easychair website.

Please address all correspondence and enquiries about the CALRG 2018 conference to

The Twitter hashtag for the conference is #CALRG2018

CALRG 2017-2018 academic year starts soon!

All of us in CALRG HQ are currently busy putting together the schedule for the new academic year and we are very excited! 😀

We are changing things slightly so that our second Thursdays will now be about ‘Communicating research’ more broadly (rather than just a reading/discussion group). Our third Thursdays will now focus on ‘sharing engaged research’, talking about our own research experiences and giving advice about how engagement with various stakeholders happens before, during and after the research process.

We will also be hearing from some fantastic external and internal speakers on the first Thursday of every month, and enjoying a chance for a hot drink and catch-up over FREE CAKE on the fourth Thursday of every month.

2018 is our 40th anniversary year of CALRG, and we will be celebrating this with a special event in Autumn 2018 (more details to follow in due course). Oh, and did we mention the free cake? 😉

CALRG2017 conference programme and keynotes now available!

The full CALRG2017 conference programme and details of keynote speakers are now available.

Please see the main conference page for details of the programme and keynote abstracts and biographies.

For the first time this year, we are asking people to register if they are intending to come along, so we will have an idea of numbers, particularly for catering. For Weds/Thurs, there is a registration form. For the Friday (FLAN day), you will need to email Michelle Stannard directly. See the conference page for full details and hope to see lots of you there!

CALRG 2017 Conference

The 38th annual CALRG conference will be held on the 14th – 16th June 2017 in the Open University’s Jennie Lee Building.

CALRG’s annual conference provides a forum for CALRG members, including staff and research students at the Open University, to present and discuss their research and projects.

This year, the third and final day of the conference will be a FutureLearn Academic Network (FLAN) Day, focussing on MOOCs and research resulting from the FutureLearn platform. More information about the FLAN day and how to present at it will be distributed by Tuesday 4th April 2017.

For more information, see the Call for Papers. The deadline for submitting to the conference is now midnight on Friday 7th April. All submissions should be made through the Easychair website.

Please address all correspondence and enquiries about the CALRG 2017 conference to

The Twitter hashtag for the conference is #CALRG2017