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Sign up for the CALRG conference

CALRG is holding its 41st Annual Conference online (15-17 June, 2020) for all those who have an interest in researching technologies in education.

Please join us!

The Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG), an Open University research group based in the OU’s Institute of Educational Technology is holding its 41st Annual Conference online on 15-17 June 2020. We welcome all those who have an interest in researching the use of technologies in formal and informal learning.

Over two and a half days there will be an exciting programme of talks, demonstrations, a doctoral consortium and an ethics workshop. This year we’ll be exploring the themes of: Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive Technology Enhanced Learning, Responding to Covid-19 and Citizen Inquiry.

Keynote speakers will be Vanessa Evers (NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and Charles Crook (University of Nottingham, UK). Panel discussants will include Dave Cormier (University of Windsor, Canada), Dave White (University of the Arts, London, UK), Amber Thomas (University of Warwick, UK), Sheila MacNeill (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK) and Roger Emery (Solent University, UK).

Please register on Eventbrite if you would like to attend and we will keep you updated with the final programme.

CALRG Conference Day 3: Ethics in TEL workshop

In the morning of 17th June the CALRG Conference this year will be hosting a special 2-hour long interactive workshop focused on ethics in TEL.The workshop will aim to have participants collaboratively produce a framework for ethics in educational technology.

In preparation for the workshop we are currently requesting people to complete a short questionnaire to help us create an initial version of the framwork. The survey has been approved for distribution by the Open University’s Human Research Ethics Committee and Staff Survey Project Panel and can be accessed here:

41st Annual CALRG Conference

We are delighted to announce this year’s Call for Papers for the OU’s annual CALRG conference.

We invite submissions for the 41st annual conference of the Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG), to be held on 15th-17th June 2020. The conference will be online, and open to everyone free of charge. CALRG is one of the UK‘s leading research groups in the use of technologies in education. CALRG’s annual conference provides a forum for members, as well as other researchers and practitioners in the field, to present their work. We particularly encourage research students to contribute submissions and attend to discuss their project. For research students, there will be an opportunity to present in a doctoral consortium.


The conference will consist of two days of presentations and interactive sessions across a broad range of relevant topics, including:

  • Learning in a time of social distancing
  • AI and education
  • Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
  • Accessible online learning
  • Mobile learning
  • Effective designing for learning and learner experiences
  • Citizen science and public engagement
  • Learning analytics
  • Openness in education
  • Game-based learning
  • Professional learning
  • Widening access and participation in education with technology

The third day of the conference will be a 2-hour interactive workshop focused on producing a framework for ethics in educational technology.

Submission Types


Contributions are invited in the following forms:

  • Full presentations
  • Doctoral Consortium
  • Posters
  • Innovative formats


As the conference will be held in a virtual environment, we encourage any submissions that would like to trial an innovative online-friendly format. We especially welcome presentations that explore the links between different research projects. We would encourage doctoral students in particular to collaborate and produce a shared presentation that explores how concepts, methods, or findings connect together.


For full information, see the Call for Papers. The deadline for submitting to the conference is now midnight on Friday 22nd May 2020. All submissions should be made through the Easychair website.

Please address all correspondence and enquiries about the CALRG 2020 conference to

The Twitter hashtag for the conference is #CALRG2020

Online CALRG

In the past two weeks CALRG has experimented with an online format using Adobe Connect. Following the success of the two trial weeks, all CALRG sessions will now be held online for the forseeable future.

Join us tomorrow for the next in this online series with Dr Victoria Murphy presenting on ‘Beneficial practices and barriers to learning from incidents in the energy sector’. The session can be accessed internally from the OU here.

CALRG sessions in January

CALRG kicks off the year with three great sessions in January:

  • 16th Jan: An informal session with cake and the opportunity to provide requests to the CALRG team on what sessions you’d like to see this year
  • 23rd Jan: Khadija Mohamud talks about her research in ‘Digital technologies for development: A case study of Internet kiosks in Uganda’
  • 30th January: Professor Agenes Kukulska-Hulme joins us to discuss ‘Intelligent assistants in digital learning: How language learners may lead the way (and where are we heading?)