
PhDs in Design

Interested in doing a PhD in Design?

The Open University Design Group has many years of experience of doing interesting and foresightful design research. The group has consistently performed well in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in Design. We explore research methods that fit to design research beyond its discipline edges and often focus on the interdisciplinary interconnections and intersections that permeate contemporary society issues and where design plays a role in framing new opportunities and solutions.

We support both part-time and full-time PhD applicants and have opportunities to explore funded studentships through the AHRC funded Open-Oxford-Cambridge Doctoral Training Partnership as well looking for opportunities to promote industrial partnerships and support self-funded applicants. Details of the process of applying for a PhD at the Open University are provided by our Graduate School

Take a look at our current research interests listed here. You can contact Design academic staff directly to discuss how your own interests link to our research landscape or you can contact our post-graduate research lead who will be able to guide you as to whether we have the research scope to support your project area.