Tag: co-design

  • Design, Development and Impact of Sustainability Website Resources

    Design, Development and Impact of Sustainability Website Resources

    More than ten years ago, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) funded the design, development and launch of Soil-Net, an innovative, open, online soil education website resource to support school curricula. Soil science has been under-represented in teaching National Curriculum in UK schools, despite recognition of soil as a major global natural […]

  • Designing interactive distance learning in Nigeria

    Designing interactive distance learning in Nigeria

    Dr Nicole Lotz and Dr Kerry Murphy recently led a two-day workshop on designing interactive, practical STEM Open Distance Learning (ODL) resources with the National Open University Nigeria (NOUN). The Dean of Science, Head of Applied Science and Director of Learning Resources from NOUN, as well as a delegation of OU and UK academics, explored opportunities for collaboration […]

  • OpenStudio of the Future

    OpenStudio of the Future

    We had a fantastic workshop today on how to facilitate progression in OpenStudio. We have reported on OpenStudio successes and scholarship before. This time academics and learning designers from the OU were invited to build on findings from our scholarship into OpenStudio to think about developments and improvements to the studio. At the workshop, we reported on […]

  • Citizenship in the smart city

    Citizenship in the smart city

    The suite of smart city standards recently published by the British Standards Institute attempts to legitimise smart city developments by placing citizens at the centre of them. Working with Simon Joss and Youri Dayot from the University of Westminster, I analysed the standards to try to figure out how citizenship might evolve in the smart […]

  • A Tale of Research in Smart Cities

    A Tale of Research in Smart Cities

    The challenge to design the smartest cities has been embraced in most larger UK cities but less is known about how to evaluate and measure the “smartness” of each approach. Smart city programmes are springing up across UK cities, offering solutions for contemporary challenges facing cities associated with population and urbanisation pressures, and bringing opportunities […]

  • Places of worship, design, and communities

    Places of worship, design, and communities

    In the Empowering Design Practices project we have been working with groups of different faiths and denominations who look after historic buildings and who want to develop and ensure the sustainability of those buildings through co-design and community engagement. Places of worship have historically been functioning as centres of community life. But what is the […]