Tag: engineering design

  • The Design Group at TEDx – Part 2: Imagine what’s next… the future of aircraft manufacturing is additive

    The Design Group at TEDx – Part 2: Imagine what’s next… the future of aircraft manufacturing is additive

    On 8th November 2019 I participated in TEDx Open University. When I sent off my audition video last summer, I had no idea how much time and effort it would take to develop a 10 minute talk! I applied to speak at TEDx because I was keen to share my research on sustainable manufacturing with […]

  • Additive Manufacturing – helping to reduce waste in aircraft production

    Additive Manufacturing – helping to reduce waste in aircraft production

    If you’ve read all the hype about 3D printing in recent years, you would be forgiven for thinking that we should all be driving around in 3D printed cars and 3D printing our own furniture by now.  Of course, in reality any new manufacturing process takes time to move into production, and after the hype […]

  • What’s new in aircraft design?

    What’s new in aircraft design?

    This week I attended the Royal Aeronautical Society 6th Aircraft Structural Design conference (https://www.aerosociety.com/events-calendar/6th-aircraft-structural-design-conference/) hosted at ‘We the Curious’ in Bristol. The conference aimed to address the challenges faced by designers of next generation aircraft, including environmental constraints, advanced manufacturing and materials as well as new design approaches. Smart and efficient mobility with reduced environmental impact […]

  • Smart & Green Building Expo Milton Keynes 2018

    Smart & Green Building Expo Milton Keynes 2018

    Where else to host the inaugural Smart and Green Building Expo than Milton Keynes, one of the UK’s smart cities? Milton Keynes is famous for its many smart city initiatives, such as MK:Smart, which developed innovative smart projects including, the MK IoT network demonstrator, the MotionMap city-wide transport information service, the Our:MK platform for community engagement, the […]

  • Learning about design and technology

    Learning about design and technology

    Learning about design and technology:  It is not true – there is such a thing as a free course! Design and technology are increasingly ubiquitous concepts.  This is reflected in several recently launched free OpenLearn Courses in areas relevant to engineering, software and industrial design. ——-Find out more TT284 An introduction to web applications architecture An introduction […]

  • Reflecting on a hundred years of engineering design education

    Reflecting on a hundred years of engineering design education

    I have always known that my grandfather Thomas Clinch was a railway engineer, but I was only recently given some reports from his engineering degree at Imperial College (1921 – 1923). The first thing I noticed about the reports is how beautifully presented they were  – everything written in longhand script, with accurate hand-drawn figures […]

  • Creativity and collaboration as a means to engage women in engineering?

    Creativity and collaboration as a means to engage women in engineering?

    Last week I attended Inside Government’s “Promoting Women in STEM” forum in Manchester. It was great to spend a day with like-minded people, discussing the challenges associated with achieving greater gender diversity in STEM related jobs and education. Helen Wollaston, Chief Executive of the Women in Science and Engineering campaign (https://www.wisecampaign.org.uk/ ) highlighted the leaky […]

  • There is more to methods than a good idea

    There is more to methods than a good idea

    Designers have mixed feelings about methods. Christopher Alexander, the architect and design theoretician said “If you call it, ‘It’s a Good Idea To Do’, I like it very much; if you call it a ‘Method’, I like it but I’m beginning to get turned off; if you call it a ‘Methodology’, I just don`t want […]