
Tag: low carbon future

  • Designing Intelligent Mobility

    Designing Intelligent Mobility

      This week I received a long-awaited early Christmas present. My Design Group colleagues, Matthew Cook, Miguel Valdez, James Warren and I had written a chapter entitled Towards an Intelligent Mobility Regime in the second edition of the Elsevier book Intelligent Environments.  As often happens for a major internationally co-authored publication, this has been almost […]

  • The impact of the built environment on climate change – and of climate change on the built environment

    The impact of the built environment on climate change – and of climate change on the built environment

    Why is the built environment important to climate change?  We all live and work in buildings, and they provide us with shelter and warmth, belonging and protection. However the built environment is responsible for a huge 39% of all global carbon emissions, far higher than any other individual sector. This 39% can be divided into […]

  • PhD opportunities through the Energy DTA

    PhD opportunities through the Energy DTA

    OU Energy research opportunities through the Alliance DTA3 PhD Fellowship Programme.   The Open University (OU) is a partner on the successful bid for the ‘Extended University Alliance Doctoral Training Alliances (DTA) in Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy called The DTA3 COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship Programme. This is funded under the Horizon […]