Category Archives: Conference Presentations

Research Conference Presentation

The ‘ARC’ model of coaching practice

Dr Jim Lusted, Senior Lecturer in Sport & Fitness recently presented at the UK Sport Development Network (UKSDN) annual conference at Nottingham Trent University. The conference is designed to bring academic researchers and people working in sport together to learn from each other. Jim’s presentation, in collaboration with Dr Daniel Kilvington (Leeds Beckett University), introduced the ‘ARC’ model of anti-racist coaching practice and included recommendations for sport coaches and organisations to effectively support players and athletes from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

The ARC model was created by Jim and Dan out of a research project funded by The Premier League, who were keen to develop some good practice for football coaches at professional club youth academies. The research team conducted over 30 interviews with football coaches working across professional and grassroots boys football to explore their conceptions of anti-racist coaching practice and elicit good practice in coaching young people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. From these findings, six core principles were established to form the ARC model, which include:

  1. Create an ARC environment
  2. Build culturally aware relationships
  3. Adapt practice to need diverse cultural needs
  4. Develop the person as well as the player
  5. Be culturally self-aware and reflective
  6. Be an ARC ‘influencer’

A number of recommendations to help coaches and organisations embed these ARC principles were also outlined. These include the importance of coaches seeking regular feedback on their practice from players, parents and other coaches and to develop a curiosity to learn more about their players and their specific cultural needs. Organisations should seek to prioritise and support the adoption of ARC principles, including using them for coach recruitment and appraisal processes and offer the time and space for coaches to get to know their players beyond just their football ability.

As part of the project, a 3-hour ARC training workshop was designed and has already been delivered to coaches at two premier league club academies. More workshops at a number of clubs are planned for the 24/25 season. In addition, an Open Learn course is currently in production titled ‘Anti-racist sport coaching practice’ which should be available to learners in the summer of 2025.

Congratulations to Jim for sharing his research with the sport academic and practitioner community!

Research Conference – Presentation Accepted

On 6th July 2022 AL Sport and Fitness Staff Tutor Jane Dorrian will be delivering an ‘Ignite’ presentation at the Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference being held at Northumbria University in Newcastle.

Woman Writing on a Notebook Beside Teacup and Tablet Computer · Free Stock Photo (

The focus of the conference is ‘Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success?’ and Jane will be presenting her PRAXIS funded scholarship project titled

‘What is a tutorial? An exploration of ‘learning event literacy’ on student experience’.

The project is looking at issues connected to the fact that all learning events in the School of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport are currently labelled as tutorials on timetables even though their content, organisation and delivery differ widely. Jane is working with the Student Support Team to look at how students find information about what to expect when they attend a tutorial and she is undertaking analysis of a series of tutorials to identify different characteristics that could be used to distinguish them into different categories such as seminars, workshops or lectures. She is also trialling delivery of a different type of learning event, labelled as an assignment surgery on the timetable, to see how students respond to having an alternative type of session.

More information about the conference is available here: Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success? | Advance HE (

Congratulations on the presentation acceptance, Jane!

Research conference presentation

In November 2021, Sport and Fitness AL and Staff Tutor Steph Doehler presented findings from her publication on the media framing of Colin Kaepernick at the European Communication Research and Education Association’s Media, Sport, and Diversity conference. The online event hosted by Aarhus University in Denmark was attended by scholars from across Europe and included several presentations on sports communication and journalism. Steph’s research centred on how the American press responded to Kaepernick’s sustained activism during the 2016 NFL season, and compared this with their response to him in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020.


Conference Presentation

Back on 12th July, Dr Nichola Kentzer presented a round table discussion at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Special Interest Group conference on ‘Mental health and wellbeing in education’. Nichola presented her research on the importance of this area to doctoral students on their PhD journey. The research was well received and a number of exciting projects, related to this area, are in the pipeline. Nichola also has a book chapter on ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing’ in education coming out this year – watch this space!

Annual British Psychological Society Conference 2017

On 3-5 May 2017, Dr Helen Owton was invited to present in a symposium at the Annual British Psychological Society  at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, UK. She presented in the symposium “Using film in critical arts-based psychological research” with her paper “The video space in sensitive research: Using arts based methods” drawing from her collection of work on employing creative analytical practices investigating sexual abuse in sport.

  • Owton, H. and Sparkes, A. (2017). Sexual abuse and the grooming process in sport: Bella’s story. Sport, Education and SocietyClick here.
  • Owton, H. (2016) A qualitative case study of Sexual Abuse in Sport, Basingstoke, Palgrave Publishers, pp. 109 IBSN 978-3319467955


Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference 2016

Dr Karen Howells presented “Qualitative exploration of Adversarial Growth in Elite Swimmers” at the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (DSEP) Conference 2016 in Mecure Cardiff Holland House Hotel and Spa. The Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology (DSEP) promotes the professional interests of sport and exercise psychologists and is part of the British Psychological Society. Karen presented her work as the PhD award winner and received great feedback about her research.

DSEP Karen

Annual BASES Conference 2016


Dr Caroline Heaney presented “Bringing sport psychology into physiotherapy” at the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Annual Conference 2016 at Nottingham’s East Midland Conference Centre. BASES  is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK  leading excellence in sport and exercise sciences through evidence-based practice. Caroline’s presentation was extremely well received and this was a great opportunity for her to share her knowledge with other sport and exercise professionals, engage in the latest research in sport and exercise science, and publicise the research and teaching qualifications going on at the open University.

World Golf Fitness Summit 2016

world golf summit

Dr Ben Langdown, Lecturer in Sport and Fitness, attended the World Golf Fitness Summit in New Orleans in October 2016. This is an event which attracts over 600 international coaches, trainers and golf researchers. He presented research from the final experimental chapter of his PhD which assessed the relationship between the overhead squat screening test and movements made in the golf swing. He also suggested how coaches could adapt practice sessions to allow the development of increasingly creative golfers and allow more efficient transfer of strength and conditioning gains into the golf swing.


5th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise

QRSE logo  On 1-3 September 2016, Dr Helen Owton attended and presented the 5th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise (QRSE) at the University of Chichester, UK. She presented in the Creative Arts symposium on “Representing Taboos in Sport and Video Representation as Literature Review” drawing from the following paper:

  • Owton, H. and Sparkes, A. (2016). Sexual abuse and the grooming process in sport: Bella’s story. Sport, Education and Society. Click here.

Dr Owton presented a poster entitled “The Coolness of dance and masculinity” with colleagues (Dr Helen Clegg and Professor Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson).  Also, Helen was invited to run a Visual Methods workshop which was well received and attended.

QRSE workshop 1

The next QRSE conference is due to be held in June 2018 at The University of Toronto in Canada.