The Open University





The British Brass Band

The Cyfarthfa Project

Military Music in Britain

Brass and woodwind players’ routes into the music profession

The Trombone

The Robert Minter Project

The Tailgate Generation

Music in Words: A Guide to Researching and Writing about Music

Media and other enquiries




Cultures of Brass Instruments

This web site introduces the Cultures of Brass Instruments project; it explains its scope and purpose and provides a range of resources that are freely available for all users. It is based in the Faculty of Arts at the Open University of the United Kingdom. If you want to quote from this site or to use a part of it in a publication in any medium you can do so, but you must acknowledge it in the manner indicated at the foot of this homepage.

Cultures of Brass Instruments is a wide-ranging project that involves several related fields of inquiry. At the centre of each part of the project is an objective to increase understanding of the nature of brass musical instruments and the way they are or have been used – especially:

Repertoires – the music that has been played on brass instruments, whether that music has been written or is unwritten

Performance – the way the instruments have been played at different points in history and in any part of the world

Reception – the way the instruments have been understood and appreciated by those who have heard them

The general project is not restricted to a particular type of music, historical period or geographical region. As the investigation grows, additional material will be placed on this site.

The site also contains links to the two editions of Music in Words: A Guide to Researching and Writing about Music.

The investigators are:

Professor Trevor Herbert, Professor of Music at the Open University
Dr Helen Barlow, Research Fellow, Faculty of Arts, The Open University

You may quote from this site but if you do so you should acknowledge the quotation in the following way:
Herbert, Trevor and Barlow, Helen (2008) The Cultures of Brass Project,, [date of access].

AHRC British Academy