Transcripts: Warren's letter to Heald regarding a torchlight procession

This document comprises two pages:

4 Whitehall Place, SW

21st October 1887

I beg to report that at 11.30pm, 17th June 1919, about 400 Canadian soldiers from Woodcote Park Camp, Epsom, marched to Epsom Police The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis presents his compliments to Mr C.J. Heald and forwards a copy of the Police Order prohibiting a torch-light procession on the 24th Inst.

As it appears from the newspapers that Mr C.J. Heald is co-operating in the Demonstration, the Commissioner earnestly requests that he will use his best endeavours to assist the Police in preventing the use of torches, the carrying of which would endanger the safety of the Metropolis.

C.J. Heald Esqre


[page 2]

The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis presents his compliments to [ blank ] and forwards a copy of the Police Order prohibiting torch light processions on [ blank ]. As it appears from the newspapers that [ blank ] is co-operating in the Demonstration, the Commissioner earnestly requests that he will use his best endeavours to assist the Police in preventing the use of torches, the carrying of which would endanger the safety of the Metropolis.


4 Whitehall Place

Cartoon from Punch of a policeman on traffic duty "Mother, what did policemen do when there weren't any motors?"