Hearing a talk about Mathematical Resilience

On January 16th the Mathematics and Statistics department at the Open University hosted a talk by Dr Clare Lee on mathematical resilience. The construct of mathematical resilience can help teachers to support learners of mathematics to develop the resilience to overcome barriers to mathematics learning such as anxiety about mathematics. It arises from what Bandura describes as self-efficiacy; the belief that one can overcome difficulties and successfully solve problems (such as learning hard things in mathematics).

Clare Lee, along with her colleague, Sue Johnston-Wilder, have developed a diagrammatic representation of three zones which can be used with learners to help them identify their current feelings towards mathematical learning. The comfort zone is an area where learners are probably not learning new mathematics, as this is an area of mathematics they have already mastered. The anxiety zone is an area where learners feel that the mathematics is too difficult and they tend to give up and not try. In between is the growth zone where learning occurs; there is enough challenge that the learner has to develop new skills, but the challenge is not too great as to cause the learner to panic. Using the diagram gives teachers and learners a way to promote staying in the growth zone so that learners can make progress in mathematics and develop the confidence to continue to make progress.

Find out more

Are you interested in finding out more about mathematical resilience?

The literature referred to in this blog post is here:

  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman.
  • Lee, C. & Johnston-Wilder, S. (2013) Learning Mathematics- letting the pupils have their say, Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol 83 (2), 163-180

Clare Lee has also written about developing mathematical resilience in teachers which you find out about here: https://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/per/?author=63.

 Mathematical Resilience Event

On Friday the 9th March, Clare Lee and Charlotte Webb will be hosting a Mathematical Resilience day on the Open University campus in Milton Keynes for year 9 students from the local area. The day is aimed primarily at girls and is targeted at those who feel under confidence with mathematics. During the day the students will use the growth model image shown above and will work on strategies to become resilient learners.

If you are a Teacher of mathematics or Head of department in the MK area and you are interested in bringing some students to this event, please get in touch via email: charlotte.webb@open.ac.uk.

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