All posts by Simon Ball

The Future of Education Will Likely Determine the Future of the Planet

Matyas Baan, safeguarding advisor at Save the Children and 2020 MAODE graduate explains how the critical reflection skills he gained from his Masters study have influenced him in connecting education with the future of our planet.

Photo of Matyas Baan

Matyas writes:

My name is Matyas Baan, I work as a safeguarding advisor at Save the Children, and I run my own company offering social and environmental safeguarding consulting services. I completed the Master of Arts in Online and Distance Education, the predecessor of the MAOT, in 2020. Besides all the subject-specific knowledge I gained, I credit this programme with introducing me to critical reflection and research.

I believe we must rise to the challenge of taking responsibility for shaping our educational future. When I think about technology, I try think of what good it can do for humanity and the Planet, rather than get caught up in a feeling of awe. There is a huge cost to technology, its production has had a devastating environmental impact, so we had better use it wisely. It has recently been estimated that by 2027 the Earth will likely have warmed by 1.5 degrees Celsius. At the same time, we keep flooding our environment with unprecedented levels of chemical pollution. At the same time, we are in the middle of man-made mass extinction event and the loss of biodiversity and natural habitats increases our chances of more, potentially deadlier pandemics. At the same, time our mental health is on the decline. Etc.

What can educational technology and educators do? Firstly, technology enhanced learning can reach people all over the World and content can be created by anyone, from anywhere. Consequently, it is an incredible tool with many possibilities that can help us shape our future. I would like to mention an often overlooked such possibility: decolonising education. Although some of us may believe that we Westerners are the best caretakers of the Earth, the current state of affairs suggests otherwise. There are indigenous civilisations out there that may have more expertise – expertise not only expressed in technological advances – than we do. One such group is the Kogui tribe in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of Colombia. Their environmental expertise has been recognised by the United Nations and they claim to be willing to share it. It is up to us educators savvy in Educational Technology to help the voice of these experts be heard.

Image of a Kogui tribe member standing in a forest.

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials. One of the micro-credentials we will offer from autumn 2023 will be Teacher Development: Addressing the Climate Emergency which focuses squarely on the urgent need for climate emergency-related education and awareness of climate justice and ways to teach climate science and ways of embedding relevant topics in the curricula of other subjects. Keep an eye on the link below for details as they emerge over the coming months.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.

Inspiring new research in social media use in education.

Dr Phillippa Seaward is an Associate Lecturer and Practice Tutor at the Open University, and an Assistant Professor /Senior Lecturer at a large post-92 campus university. She graduated with online teaching modules in an MA and M.Ed in 2015 and this learning inspired her research for the OU Doctorate in Education (EdD), completed in 2020. Here she talks about the impact her studies had on inspiring new research in the use of technology in education.

Photo of Phillippa Seaward


Phillippa writes:

It’s trite to say higher education is fast moving, but it really has been in the last decade. I came from senior management in the car manufacturing industry, and while I had business knowledge to share with my students, I had a lot to learn about education. The Masters in Online and Distance Education inspired my interest in a new role for the internet and the ways online learning could motivate and support learners. I realised there were many aspects of online learning that educationalists needed to understand more, to improve our effectiveness and reach.

The online teaching modules encouraged students to pursue areas of our own interest, and practice that were relevant to our roles and own development. I did an initial, small study looking at how distance learners used social media study groups to support their learning, and I quickly found a gap in a new area of unexplored knowledge. This made it relatively easy to define my area of research for a proposal for the Doctorate in Education (EdD) and I could directly show how this would be relevant for my role as a tutor of undergraduates. I was happy to be accepted on the programme, and was pleased to be studying in a varied cohort of energetic people. Some of these are now lifelong friends.

My research investigated reasons why learners choose to use study groups in social media; the types of learning taking place there; the nature of support there; and types of disruption experienced and its effect on student learning. Much of the doctorate is then about finding answers to your research questions in a scholarly rigorous way and communicating your work to others. My principal findings suggest learner experiences in Facebook module study groups converge around five themes of activity: community and relationships; academic subject learning; learning with others online; managing own learning; and difficulties and conflict. This analysis represented an original and new typology of student activity that extended existing published empirical work, and used the novel research context of student-led Facebook module study groups for distance learners.

Social media study groups provide important relational and community supports to learners, and valued information. While Facebook has the potential to disrupt student learning, diverse views were usually embraced constructively as an opportunity for skill development and critical thinking. As a result, this research helped in my role to improve student experience and qualification completions. I gained and shared new insights in the crucial importance of academic and social integration for online undergraduate learners, and I extended the field of contemporary knowledge about this. You can read more about this work and the findings in the OU research repository online at .


Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in Online Teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.


Headlines, Heel-digging Politics and an Inspiring Community of Practice

Cllr Dr Wendy Maples (BA, MA, PhD, SFHEA) is a Green Party Councillor and Education Consultant who graduated with an MA in Online and Distance Education in 2016. Here she talks about the impact her studies have had on her approach to new technology in education and public services.

Photo of Wendy Maples

Wendy writes:

Changes in education generate a lot of headlines. Hyperbolic stories suggest we are under imminent threat from new technologies. When I first started teaching, Wikipedia was going to destroy higher education; today it’s LLM-generated essays; in between it was online teaching and learning.

I had been a university lecturer and academic author for over 20 years when I took my first MAODE course (the predecessor to the MA in Online Teaching I’d read Vygotsky and Paolo Friere and managed a team of (wonderful) tutors – but I wanted to update my professional practice.

The MAODE made me a more deeply reflective practitioner and gave me the skills and confidence to evaluate the promises of new teaching and learning tools and environments, as well as the variable existing conditions that affect education practice and practitioners. I’ve recently created professional development materials for ‘hybrid’ learning centres where there may be computers but, from one day to another, no electricity to run them, and I’m currently preparing the 6th edition of Good Essay Writing (Redman and Maples, Sage) and considering how ChatGPT can be used to help students improve their essay writing.

I bring my MAODE learning into my education consultancy work of course, but also into my work as a local politician. During the pandemic, I was able to facilitate our town’s very first online and hybrid Council meetings despite some colleagues’ anxieties and heel-digging resistance. More recently, I’ve ensured councillors have had considered discussions about introducing ‘digital’ into the adult social care sector and the importance of carers’ as well as clients’ support needs.

I dip into the Alumni circle from time to time and am always re-invigorated by the variety of inspiring practices of my former fellow learners. I also look forward to the online conference where new MAODE students and invited guests talk about their wide-ranging projects and research.

It is truly exciting to see this community of practice in action and to continue to be a part of it.

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.

Knowledge and skills that keep on giving.

Sam Marks, safeguarding education professional and 2015 MAODE graduate explains how she still uses what she learned in everyday practice.

Photo of Sam Marks

Sam writes:

When I started my studies with the OU in 2011, I hated the e-learning my organisation provided and was determined to do better. I never imagined signing up to the Masters Online and Distance Education that I would still be actively using the skills I developed ten years later, supporting education professionals to deliver safeguarding lessons and training in their organisations.

My career path has always been very practical. I worked as a pub manager and area training co-ordinator, learning and teaching by doing for many years. When I then changed career to the charity youth sector, I applied these skills but needed the theory to help underpin and rationale my approach to training. MAODE gave me this. A core part of learning about what works in technology enabled education, was learning theory, and applying that theory to the context. This is something I still do now, for both online and offline education, and teach others too, so they have a good grounding in why we teach and train adults in the way we do.

It wasn’t just the theory which equipped me over the last ten years though. Through this Masters I got to be, and continue to be a real life networked practitioner, using forums, blogs and creative online tools to bring learning to life, support colleagues across the globe and keep myself up to date. The focus on accessibility and inclusion, has also help me train my colleagues to use in built accessibility features,  and ensure our products provide equity of access.

Having MAODE on my CV has prompted discussions and opened doors for my work, and of course, when the pandemic came in 2020, I was already working online and able to help others to do the same. It really was the best decision I made, and the masters that keeps on giving.

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.


A successful novelist and a career in digital technology

Digital technologist and award-nominated author Dr Michael Flavin writes about his MAODE experience and the developments it has led to in both of his parallel careers.

Photo of Michael Flavin

Dr Michael Flavin writes:

I studied the MA Online and Distance Education, 2007-10. On enrolment, I was an Associate Lecturer at the OU, having done a degree, MA and PhD in English. I was also teaching at a school. Studying for the MAODE undoubtedly made it clear that I was committed to and engaged with the digital environment, and led to me getting a full-time university post in my first year on the MA, at King’s College London, where I still teach.

The MAODE re-ignited my love of learning and, on completion, I went straight on to do a second PhD, this time in technology enhanced learning, leading to two books, Disruptive Technology Enhanced Learning (2017) and Re-imagining Technology Enhanced Learning (2020), both published by Palgrave Macmillan, together with a range of other academic articles (see Google Scholar).

Getting back into the study groove on the MAODE also led to me doing a third MA post-second-PhD, this time the OU’s MA in Creative Writing, by the end of which I had a full first draft of a novel. I kept working at it and my début, One Small Step, was published by Vulpine Press in September 2022. The novel is set in the community I grew up in, the Irish diaspora in Birmingham at the time of the IRA’s mainland bombing campaign. I’ve written about One Small Step for the Irish Post and, and have been interviewed about it on the Irish Left Archive podcast.

Cover of the  bookOne Small Step by Michael Flavin

You can read One Small Step in the gaps between assignments on the Masters in Online Teaching. For me, postgraduate study at the OU was a springboard, one from which I’m still rising.

Editor’s note: Michael’s short story ‘Berthing,’ has been shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowship prize:

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.

Global community led by award-winning MAODE student

Since 2018 The Open University’s Institute of Educational Technology (IET) has hosted Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for citizens of low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries to study IET’s Masters programme, fully funded. Pakistan-based Munir Moosa Sewani was in the first cohort of Commonwealth Scholars, commencing his study of IET’s Masters in Online and Distance Education (MAODE) in 2018. Since then Munir has led numerous initiatives in his home country, and beyond, intended to support social justice and educational equity, drawing on the knowledge and skills he gained from studying the MAODE.

In March 2023 Munir was awarded The British Council’s UK Alumni Award for Pakistan in the Social Action Category as recognition for his socioecoethical model of human rights education in addition to Munir’s leadership of the Global Forum for Teacher Educators (GFTE), which he created and runs voluntarily.

Photo of Munir Moosa

The GFTE now has over 22,000 members from over 65 countries around the globe. As Director of the GFTE Munir brings the community together online for regular knowledge-sharing activities, utilising crowdsourcing and his socioecoethical vision to build capacity and advance techniques that utilise technology in the most effective ways in education settings around the world. The forum also works to enhance access to education for elderly citizens and to increase drug literacy around the globe.

Recently, the GFTE 2023 International Symposium brought together a range of keynote speakers and educator stories to create an event that attracted over 3500 attendees. IET’s own Associate Director (Curriculum) and Qualifications Director Dr Leigh-Anne Perryman, and Associate Lecturer Dr Simon Ball, were both honoured to be invited as keynote speakers, alongside the distinguished guest speaker Jennifer Hancock, founder of Humanist Learning Systems. In addition Rosa Zubizaretta and Dr Patricia Omidian spoke together on “From Conflict to Creative Collaboration: Tips for Teachers”. A range of vignettes from educators around the globe were presented to highlight the passion and commitment of teachers to making their profession better at every turn. The event was extremely well received with many hundreds of positive comments from audience members.

Everyone at IET would like to congratulate Munir on his British Council award, and we wish the Global Forum for Teacher Educators every success as it grows and strengthens.

MAODE: sailing into changed practice and further study!

Language educator Wayne Rimmer, who graduated from The Open University’s (OU) Masters in Online and Distance Education in 2022, tells us about how it impacted both his teaching and his desire for further study with the OU.

Photo of Wayne Rimmer

Wayne Rimmer writes:

I embarked on the MAODE because I felt my teaching was getting stale and I’d always been curious about the Open University experience. In the distant past, I had done a TESOL teaching diploma by correspondence course (how dated does that sound!) so I felt I could cope with asynchronous learning. Plain sailing? Well, two things happened to blow my boat off course. First, the pandemic struck. Second, almost concurrently, I started my new job teaching English for Academic Purposes at the University of Manchester. New course types, all the teaching switched online, I had colleagues and students I’d never physically met, an assignment was on the horizon… Time to bail out?

I can honestly say that the MAODE kept me afloat. The course contained a lot of content which I could adapt to my teaching context. For example, I became much more aware of the affordances of technology and I began to see advantages of online teaching such as interactive documents for collaborative student writing. I also became very interested in Open Educational Resources and their potential for sharing and the co-creation of knowledge. The discussion boards were also a terrific stimulus as students were approaching the course from all sorts of perspectives and I found it refreshing to switch off from my English-teacher persona.

I completed the MAODE in 2022 and immediately signed up for an MA in Classics (OU A863). Things are going swimmingly with Classics, thanks to the springboard of the MAODE. I can’t say land is in sight, there is a dissertation to write next year, but the water is lovely!

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.



Taking teaching online during the pandemic

School teacher Andy Brooks, a graduate of The Open University’s (OU) Masters in Online and Distance Education, tells us about how his MAODE study helped him to successfully move his teaching online.

Photo of Andy Brooks
Andy Brooks, MAODE graduate

Andy Brooks writes:

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to adapt to distance learning, something that I never would have imagined for kids. As a teacher who transitioned from industry to education later in life, I would have found it exceptionally challenging to make the switch to online teaching. However, my experience studying my MAODE provided me with the skills and confidence needed to transition to online teaching during the pandemic.

The course’s focus on effective lesson design helped me create engaging and interactive online lessons, ensuring that my students had access to high-quality education from home. By experimenting with various online tools, I found new ways to make learning fun and engaging for my students.

In addition to enhancing my teaching skills, the MAODE course provided me with the opportunity to extend my research skills and showcase my ideas at an online conference. It was a fantastic experience where I was able to learn from other educators and see how technology was being implemented in education in novel ways.

Looking back, I am grateful for my experience studying the MAODE. It gave me the skills and confidence to adapt to online teaching during the pandemic and provided me with the opportunity to develop my research skills and showcase my ideas at an online conference.

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.

GP was “able to take on a more senior role” after studying Masters programme in online and distance education

GP Dirk Pilat, graduate of The Open University’s (OU) Masters in Online and Distance Education (MAODE), provided by the Institute of Educational Technology (IET), discusses how studying the programme affected their development of academic competencies and their career.

Photo of Dirk Pilat
Dirk Pilat, MAODE alumnus

The Open University’s MA in Online and Distance Education, now replaced with the Masters in Online Teaching, provided students with the opportunity to study the theory and practice of online and blended teaching through modules created by educational experts from IET.

Reflecting on their experience of studying the MAODE programme, and the ways in which the course supported their career progression, Dirk Pilat writes:

I studied for the Master of Arts in Online and Distance Education between 2015 and 2018, and as with all my previous Open University studies, it was a delight. The courses were well thought out, the study material was excellent and close to day to day practice. During my studies I already worked at the Royal College of General Practitioners’ (RCGP) online learning environment, and the ideas and additional knowledge generated from the courses were applicable in my day to day work and helped me improve the RCGPs online content. The academic acumen I developed helped me to expand the scope of my role at the RCGP and I was able to take on a more senior role with a more strategic outlook over the College’s professional development content. I can thoroughly recommend this degree for all educational professionals who want to further their knowledge and experience in remote and distance learning, and ultimately, their career. 

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.

MAODE: Catalyst to my writing tips and online writing courses

Carol Waites, a graduate of The Open University’s (OU) Masters in Online and Distance Education, tells us about her popular newsletters that sprang out of one of her Masters projects.

Photo of Carol Waites
Carol Waites, MAODE alumnus

Carol writes:

Apart from helping me launch my online writing courses for United Nations staff in the field, the MAODE course called “The Networked Practitioner” was also a catalyst for my successful writing tips. A group of human rights lawyers, who had just finished a writing course with me, asked me to give regular refreshers and so the idea was formed. I used it for my MAODE project in 2016 and have continued since.

The current Masters in Online Teaching will offer more opportunities for students to excel in their teaching in today’s rapidly changing world.

I have an audience of over 1,200 people signed up to my newsletter and have produced 267 tips and counting. I produce them on a weekly basis and they are popular with both my students and people from other walks of life than the international organizations. They focus on demystifying topics such as confusing grammar and vocabulary, on how to change your style to suit your audience, and other tips suitable for people writing in government type jobs. My audience also includes teachers worldwide, who are often followers of mine on social media, using it with their academic students.

I post them weekly on my Weebly website, on my WordPress website, on my social media including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and occasionally Instagram. My newsletter is produced using MailChimp. People sign up with the form on the Weebly website.

I regularly sign my writing students up to receive the tips, with their permission, and I encourage them to get their colleagues who are interested to sign up.

Carol Waites, PhD

Carol Waites Consultancy Services

Geneva, Switzerland

Interested in finding out more about The Open University’s Masters in online teaching?

In 2023 we launched the OU’s new Masters in Online Teaching, an innovative postgraduate programme exploring the ways that new media, digital pedagogies and cutting-edge educational technologies can be used effectively and equitably, across multiple sectors, to engage diverse learners and meet their needs. The programme offers flexible study pathways featuring a choice of topics, study intensity and study timing, and the option to include credit from a select postgraduate microcredentials.

Find out more about the OU’s MA In Online Teaching here.