
Category: Design education

  • U101 – A Triumphant Return to Face-Face Tutorials

    U101 – A Triumphant Return to Face-Face Tutorials

    Module U101: Design Thinking in the 21st Century, has always had, since its launch in 2010, a tradition of running face to face tutorials (day schools) to augment the online module delivery and tutorials. While the student attendance at these events had seen a gradual decline in recent years, nevertheless, from those that did regularly […]

  • Digital education for sustainable teachings in the future.

    Digital education for sustainable teachings in the future.

    By Dr. Gil Dekel. To achieve sustainable education for the future we need to adopt new ways of teaching that move away from segregating people to uniting people. Divisions in societies are created by such values as individual success of one over the other, or the belief in international competition. On the other hand, teachings […]

  • Presence in distance education – spaces to belong

    Presence in distance education – spaces to belong

    I promise this is not going to be a philosophical discussion, but a rather practical view on the topic. In a discussion of a new design degree at the OU (we call it ‘BDes’), a group of academics mused about how you are present (or what of you is present) when you are studying at […]

  • Design Education: Teaching in Crisis

    Design Education: Teaching in Crisis

    At the end of 2021 we published the special issue Design Education: Teaching in Crisis in the Journal of Design and Technology Education (DATE). This brought together 16 articles from academics around the world to present articles, case studies and opinion pieces based on their experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020/21, Over the next […]

  • Christian Nold: Mapping, Generative Coding, Science and Technology Studies and Systemic design

    Christian Nold: Mapping, Generative Coding, Science and Technology Studies and Systemic design

    Hi, my name is Christian Nold and I started at the OU in September 2021 as a Lecturer in Design. In this text I want to introduce myself and offer a few themes from my work that might be relevant to both design teaching and research such as mapping, generative coding, Science and Technology Studies […]

  • Design Education: Teaching in Crisis

    Design Education: Teaching in Crisis

    Last year we (Nicole and Derek) opened a call for papers to capture some of the experiences and lessons from design educators during the Covid-19 global pandemic. We are delighted to announce the publication of a Special Issue of the Journal of Design and Technology Education (DATE): Design Education: Teaching in Crisis The Special Issue […]

  • 50 years of design teaching

    50 years of design teaching

        Recently we held the first event in a series to celebrate 50 years of design teaching and research at the Open University. The event was a discussion between Emeritus Professors Nigel Cross and Robin Roy, both of whom played key roles in developing design teaching from its inception, and myself, who as an […]

  • LEARN x DESIGN Conference on Design Education

    LEARN x DESIGN Conference on Design Education

    The 6th International DRS EdSIG Conference on Design Education, LEARN x DESIGN 2021 was held in September 2021, hosted by Shandong university of Art & Design, China. The 2021 Conference was a great success, particularly considering the challenges facing the organisers. Shortly after the announcement was made that Shandong would host the conference, the COVID-19 […]

  • Working towards gender equality at the School of Engineering and Innovation

    Working towards gender equality at the School of Engineering and Innovation

    I am very proud to say that the School of Engineering and Innovation, which Design is part of, has received an Athena SWAN Silver Award following its recent submission to AdvanceHE. Athena SWAN is an internationally-recognised gender equality initiative, acting as a catalyst for change and cultural transformation, which enables staff and students to achieve […]

  • Working with Design students and tutors to understand how mental health can have a major impact on students’ studies and their wellbeing.

    Working with Design students and tutors to understand how mental health can have a major impact on students’ studies and their wellbeing.   “OfS head Nicola Dandridge said more must be done to look after students. This year’s annual National Student Survey, run by the OfS, found only 42% felt enough was done to help them.” Student watchdog concerned about mental health help – BBC News 16/07/2021   As educators of distance design students, how […]