Category: Design research

  • The designerly dance of the electric vehicle chargers

    The designerly dance of the electric vehicle chargers

    Just before lockdown, I and my colleagues Matt Cook and Miguel Valdez were involved in a research bid in response to an Innovate UK call to address the problem of on-street charging for electric vehicles. EV take-up had been predominantly by people who could charge their cars in their drive or garage. For others, charging […]

  • Desire-based Design as a Transformative Practice in Humanitarian Design Projects

    Desire-based Design as a Transformative Practice in Humanitarian Design Projects

    In the last few years, I have been working on several action-based research projects in the Global South focused on designing with marginalised communities in low-resource settings. In these contexts, designing frugal innovations is crucial to alleviating big and small problems that affect individuals and groups. However, questions about people’s agency and how to foster […]

  • Designing for possibility and growth: the ‘art of the possible’ meets ‘Jobs-to-be-Done.’

    Designing for possibility and growth: the ‘art of the possible’ meets ‘Jobs-to-be-Done.’

    Designing for possibility and growth: the ‘art of the possible’ meets ‘Jobs-to-be-Done.’ By: Rachel A.Wood. In my work as a designer, I use and talk about ‘the art of the possible’ (AoP) and the ‘Jobs-to-be-Done’ (JTBD) method very often. This is mainly because I have found that they are particularly useful in creating and sustaining a […]

  • Dark foundations for heavenly architecture

    Dark foundations for heavenly architecture

    My research has always focused on the interactions between the arts, design, science and philosophy, particularly in the later 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition to teaching on the level one design module, U101, I am fortunate to teach on A111 where students examine the impact of the arrival in Europe of artefacts from […]

  • The Computer Desk Revolutionised

    The Computer Desk Revolutionised

    Before starting my BDes Design Internship, I was tasked with writing about my favourite design object. The Computer Desk Revolutionised In the world of modern design and creation, one object has always stood out to me. Daily, I find myself amazed at the functionality, form, and utility of an object designed by carpenter Herwig Danzer […]

  • Nigel Cross on Design Thinking

    Nigel Cross on Design Thinking

    A is for Architecture, a podcast series run by Ambrose Gillick of Kent University, invited Nigel Cross, a renowned expert in design thinking, to discuss his research. Cross is an Emeritus Professor at the Open University (OU) and a pioneer in distance design education. He has significantly influenced the field through his work as the […]

  • Decoding Design Psychology

    Decoding Design Psychology

    A journey through the intersections of design and the mind by Rachel A.Wood  There are different estimates of the number of designers who come from a psychology 𝚿 background, but in human centred design – estimates are likely to be around 10-20%. Being as I am passionate about psychology (which much of my past education […]

  • Women’s research @ Engineering & Innovation showcase

    Women’s research @ Engineering & Innovation showcase

    To celebrate the International Women in Engineering Day 2024 (#INWED24), we organised an online event to showcase some of the cutting-edge research carried out by our women researchers at the School of Engineering and Innovation (E&I) at The Open University (OU). In this event, women researchers at different stages of the research career presented their […]

  • Serious Youth Violence & Social Media

    Serious Youth Violence & Social Media

    I am Daniel Chapman a PhD researcher with the OU under the supervision of Nicole Lotz, Katerina Alexiou and Theodore Zamenopoulos. In my research, I interrogate and investigate the intricate and delicate problem that is Serious Youth Violence and social media. I am interested in the ways in which social media platforms generate, manipulate, and […]

  • Food, shelter and re-designing home

    Food, shelter and re-designing home

    As a new resident in Milton Keynes, I’ve brought along my decades-long curiosity about how people live day to day and how they organise themselves in different places and cultures to meet needs for food and shelter. Since neither can be guaranteed for all people anywhere in a world of deepening inequality, designers committed to […]