Archive for the 'Conferences' Category

Other papers

Published on September 11, 2006

Kirsten Price talked on ‘Narratives in New Zealand schools: a radical experiment’. She introduced an interesting DVD but the links with narratives felt tenuous. Harry Brenton is at Imperial and talked about ‘teaching dynamic medical processes using medical representations’ which was good but out of my field. Did make me think about how we understand […]

St Trinians

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I found it amusing that most of the conference was in the St Trinneans Room at the halls of residence. Turns out it was the real St Trinians on which the cartoons and the films were based!

Towards a narrative pedagogy

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Getting round to blogging more about the NILE conference. Paul Hazel from Swansea asked ‘are we justified in using narrative as a pedagogical tool?’ Paul seemed to be getting at the heart of what the conference was all about. He was one of the few people to define narrative and to consider what that definition […]

Michael Young (no, not the building)

Published on August 22, 2006 ‘Leveraging many models to build interactive learning environments’. Must say I wasn’t too hopeful about this, as the title seemed nonsensical. Seems that leveraging is a word that Americans use far more than Brits, and it seems to mean something like ‘utlilising’ or ’employing’. Can’t find a better definition than that. Anyway, Michael Young, […]

NILE conference

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Narrative and Interactive Learning Environments conference in Edinburgh 8-11 August 2006. Finally, I get round to blogging about my first academic conference as a research student. It must be said that this wasn’t the most obvious choice, even though interactive learning environments are my subject area. Narratives is a bit left field for me, but […]

Exciting ideas

Published on May 17, 2006

The thing about going to conferences is that your mind starts rushing around making connections between all the different things you’re hearing. At the U500 conference, where people are researching everything from the moons of Jupiter to the 15th-century viola, the opportunities for overlap are huge. I’m currently into the applications of gaming software: how […]