List of Events

For an overview of what our workshop have entailed and how they have evolved first read our Introduction to OULDI Workshops. You can then explore what happened at the individual workshops and events listed below. We have provided links to dedicated pages on this site or the event Cloudscapes (where available). For other events please refer to our Interim Reports:

September 2008: Project starts

July 2009: First design challenge workshop at Reading University

November 2009: Workshop at Brunel Universityupdate available in our Oct10 Interim Report

February 2010: University of Reading pilot begins PGCAP engagement and Video diary

April 2010: OULDI Partner Meeting

May 2010: Workshop help at LSBU ‘Learning Design Fest’

May 2010: CompendiumLD v1 Launched

May 2010: Fail to confirm a pilot in Arts faculty so alternate pilot identified

June 2010: Cloudworks used to support the International Blended Learning conference and OU’s Open Learning and Teaching Conference

July 2010: Workshop held at the University of Reading: ‘Design Challenge II’

July 2010 Workshop held at Brunel University  also see our Oct10 Interim Report

September 2010: Cloudworks away day

September 2010: Cloudworks Phase 1 and 2 Evaluation Report published

December 2010: Case Study published Using Cloudworks at conferences report:

January 2011: Learning Design Focus Group organised by the team and involving representatives from several key institutional teams/units 

January 2011 OULDI Learning Design Lite workshop delivered for OU staff tutors

February 2011: First OULDI Staff Development Workshop held for OU Library Pilot

February 2011: Partner Pilots meeting

March 2011: OU Library Pilot hold their Second OULDI Staff Development Workshop

March 2011: Cloudworks led a stall at OU’s annual Learn About (Teaching and Learning Technology) Fair

March 2011: Revisiting Learning Design at the HEA workshop

March 2011: Presentation about the OULDI Approach to Using Video Diaries for the JISC Elluminate series

March 2011: Launch of an online Learning Design Suite by Brunel University pilot

March 2011: OULDI research used in workshop on Identifying Opportunities for innovation in Module Design

April 2011: pilot at the University of Cambridge delivers OULDI tools as part of their 13 Things Initiative

April 2011: OU Library pilot publish Phase 1 Report

May 2011: Learning Design Learning and Teaching Guide published

May 2011: Additional micro-pilot sees OULDI team using tools to map an IET postgraduate course

June 2011: Online Cloudworks presentation at JISC Regional Support Centre South West Conference

June 2011: Project Officer an invited panel member at International Blended Learning Conference for symposium session about Sustaining and Embedding Innovation

July 2011: OULDI Co-presented a Curriculum Business Models Workshop for the faculty of Health and Social Care

July 2011: start-up and scoping meetings for our OU LTS-HSC (Learning Teaching Solutions-Health and Social Care) Pilot

July 2011: Workshop held at Reading University focused on Sustainability planning and reporting

September 2011: Meetings with IET visiting fellows to discuss OULDI project accomplishments and tools

September 2011: OULDI invited by CBM project to be a key partner in producing a Module Design box for OU staff

September 2011: Project Officer invited panel member for JISC symposium on Design Representations at ALT-C

September 2011: Fourth internal OU Pilot working with the Bridge to Success (B2S) project begins with initial Learning Design mapping of source modules

September 2011: Cloudworks and CloudEngine presentation for JISC Elluminate Series

September 2011: First workshop for held for the Faculty of Education and Languages (FELS) Pilot. This saw the completion pedagogy profiles and maps for three existing FELS modules

October 2011: Delivered presentation to JISC Experts Meeting in Birmingham

October 2011: Project manager invited panel discussant at Curriculum Design Programme meeting

October 2011: Workshop delivered to LTS-HSC Pilot group

October 2011: Meetings with core module team of the OU FELS Pilot

October 2011: Second Design Challenge workshop delivered to the FELS Pilot

November 2011 Contributed to JISC webinar ‘Curriculum Design – changing the paradigm

November 2011 Presented at, facilitated and moderated pre-conference event for the JISC Online Conference and invited to be on conference theme plenary panel