Energy research opportunities at The Open University (OU) through the DTA3 COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship Programme.
The OU is a partner on the successful bid for the ‘Extended University Alliance Doctoral Training Alliances (DTA) in Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy called The DTA3 COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship Programme. This is funded under the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSC) COFUND scheme and coordinated by the University Alliance.
The DTA3 Programme involves a partnership of 15 UK universities participating in the 3 DTAs across Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy, which will provide funding opportunities for up to 83 MSC DTA3 Doctoral Fellows to undertake PhD research. At the OU, the Energy DTA is led by Professor William Nuttall with Dr Sally Caird as the DTA3 OU Partner Lead.
The OU plans to offer 3 PhD Fellowship opportunities through the Energy DTA in the following areas:
- Understanding the impact of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on decisions to reduce embodied energy and carbon from buildings led by Dr Alice Moncaster and Dr Sally Caird (at the OU) and Dr Tove Malmqvist (KTH), Sweden.
- Mathematical modelling of storage and demand-side management in power systems led by Dr Benjamin Mestel, Professor William Nuttall, Dr Katrine Rogers, Dr Toby O’Neil (at the OU) and Professor Etorre Bompard, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
- Socio-technical study of the integration of renewable energy technology in existing domestic buildings led by Dr Sally Caird and Dr Alice Moncaster (at the OU).
Each PhD research project has requirements for the PhD Fellows to spend periods on placement in other countries, institutions or companies.
The DTA3 Programme is advertised on 3rd September 2018 with appointments expected in April 2019 or October 2019.
In addition to standard eligibility requirements for PhD candidates, the Programme is aimed at ‘early-stage researchers’ who have not have been resident and not carried out their main activity in the UK for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to taking up a DTA3 PhD Fellowship opportunity.
Find out more about the DTA Energy PhD Fellowship opportunities and on the University Alliance website.
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