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Grosz (2001) Architecture from the outside. Essays on Virtual and Real Space

Grosz, Elizabeth (2001) Architecture from the outside. Essays on Virtual and Real Space (Minnesota: Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Elizabeth Grosz does not simply receive the well-worn pages of Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, or Henri Bergsonon the subject of duration. Rather her attempt is to open up a central thematic of modernist architecture — utopia — to a new consideration. Grosz, like Tafuri, suggests that utopia is the good place that is no place. She says that utopia might be the way for architecture to find its own place in the political by reconceptualizing itself as that movement of time which is duration: a concept of time as a perpetual becoming.

Collier (2007) The Collaboratory Form in Contemporary Anthropology

Collier, Stephen (2007), 'The Collaboratory Form in Contemporary Anthropology', available from

This paper relates to a collaborative enterprise I have undertaken with Andrew Lakoff and Paul Rabinow that we have decided to call the Anthropology of the Contemporary Research Collaboratory (ARC). In what follows I would like to say something about the collaboratory form as it relates to problems of method and anthropology.

Grimshaw and Ravetz (2005) Visualizing anthropology

Grimshaw, Anna and Ravetz, Amanda eds. (2005), Visualizing Anthropology (Bristol: Intellect Books). 

Questions of vision and knowledge are central to debates about the world in which we live. Developing new analytical approaches toward ways of seeing is a key challenge facing those working across a wide range of disciplines. How can visuality be understood on its own terms rather than by means of established textual frameworks? Visualizing Anthropology takes up this challenge. Bringing together a range of perspectives anchored in practice, the book maps experiments in the forms and techniques of visual enquiry.

Barthes (1977) Image, Music, Exit

This book contains both the 'rhetoric of the image' and 'the photographic message' through which you can understand the main points of  Barthesian semiotics and thereby also the visuality paper.

Kiersey and Stokes (2011) Foucault and International Relations

Kiersey, Nicholas J./Stokes, Doug (Hrsg.) 2011: Foucault and international relations. New critical engagements, London, New York: Routledge.

The book provides an overview of current debates in International Relations theory concerning the applicability of the research and methods of Michel Foucault to contemporary world order.

Rancière (2011) The Emancipated Spectator

Rancière, Jacques (2011): The Emancipated Spectator. London: Verso.

The emancipated spectator is a sequel to Rancière's The Future of the Image and presents a critique of leftist melancoly in regard to the spectacle and the spectator. Rancière criticises the tendency of theorists of both art and film to portray audiences passive. Moves against this can be seen in forms of art, like new theatre and performance art. Yet, the spectator has not been passive to begin with: like a reader, the spectator makes unique connections, selects, and frames the performance.

Nöth (1990) Handbook of Semiotics

Nöth, Winfried (1990): The Handbook of Semiotics. Indiana University Press.

The Handbook of Semiotics is widely accepted as THE handbook of semiotics. Nöth's handbook maps the many facets of the field of semiotics up to 1990.

Herschinger (2011) Constructing Global Enemies

Herschinger, Eva. Constructing Global Enemies. Hegemony and Identity in International Discourses on Terrorism and Drug Prohibition. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 2011.

Constructing Global Enemies asks how and why specific interpretations of international terrorism and drug abuse have become hegemonic at the global level. The book analyses the international discourses on terrorism and drug prohibition and compares efforts to counter both, not only from a contemporary but also from a historical perspective.

"Security Practices" in Robert A DENEMARK (ed.) International Studies Encyclopedia Online. Blackwell Publishing, 2010. Blackwell Reference Online. 18 March 2010

A large part of the international relations (IR) literature, which claims to be pragmatist, positivist, and realist, in fact ignores the diversity of practices labeled as security and is highly idealist in the neo-platonic sense of the word. They believe in capturing the essence of the world through words. Their search for a definition of security (as good) opposed to insecurity (as bad) is always normative and often accepts the position of the dominant speaker. The study of security is done in the interest of someone. The confusion between security, state national interest, and reason of state repeatedly structures the narrative. The contribution of scholars coming from sociology, criminology, and history is largely ignored. Security is reduced to an international relations problem disconnected from other bodies of knowledge. This is an error that we try to correct in this essay

Bussolini (2010) 'What is a dipositive?'

This article investigates Foucault's use of the term 'dipositif' and argues that the distinction between 'appareil' and 'dispositif' is in fact an important one that has been obscured by the use of the term 'apparatus' in english translations and discussions.

The distinct French and Italian concepts of appareil/apparato and dispositif/ dispositivo have frequently been rendered the same way as ‚apparatus‛ in English. This pre- sents a double problem since it collapses distinct conceptual lineages from the home languages and produces a false identity in English.