'Austen read especially novels by women, including Mary Brunton, Frances and Sarah Harriet Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Charlotte Lennox, Lady Morgan, Ann Radcliffe, Regina Maria Roche, Charlotte Smith, Jane West, Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins and Hannah More. She also, apparently, read the fiction of the Lady's Magazine, deriving names, Willoughby, Brandon, Knightley, from it, but correcting its "monological" discourse'.
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Jane Austen Print: Book
'happiness is a very common plant...' 'e. smith's fragments' 'greenock'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elisabeth or Eliza Duncan
'the christain life may be compared...' 'e. smith's fragments'. followed by extract ascribed to 'hannah more' 'those who are rendered unhappy by frivolous troubles seek comfort in frivolous enjoyments...'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elisabeth or Eliza Duncan
'the cause of all sin...' 'e.smith's fragments'. signed 'e.d.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elisabeth or Eliza Duncan
'Shakespeare incited his appetite for poetry: Cowper, Pope, Dryden, Goldsmith, Thomson, Byron. Not only were they more interesting than the fifty volumes of Wesley's Christian Library: eventually Barker realised that "the reason why I could not understand them was, that there was nothing to be understood - that the books were made up of words, and commonplace errors and mystical and nonsensical expressions, and that there was no light or truth in them". When his superintendent searched his lodgings and found Shakespeare and Byron there, Barker was hauled before a disciplinary committee'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Barker Print: Book
'While he read little but the Bible and religious periodicals, his son was working his way through the Rhymney Workmen's Institute Library and Cassell's National Library of 3d paperbacks. MacAulay's essays, Goldsmith's History of England, Far from the Madding Crowd, Self-Help, Josephus, Plutarch, Shakespeare, Pepys, Johnson's Lives of the Poets, and The Sorrows of Young Werther were among the books Jones read, often on his employer's time. (He hid them under the ledger at the Rhymney Iron Works, where he worked a thirteen-hour day as a timekeeper for 9s. a week.)'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Jones Print: Book
'The Primitive Methodists may have been the most anti-intellectual of the Wesleyans, yet miners' MP John Johnson... "found their teaching the strongest possible incentive to trying to improve myself, not only morally, but mentally, and towards the latter end I took to serious and systematic study." He read deeply in history and philosophy, as well as such this-worldly tracts as The Wealth of Nations, John Stuart Mill's Principles of Political Economy, and Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Johnson Print: Book
'[Mary Smith] found emancipation in Shakespeare, Dryden, Goldsmith and other standard male authors, whom she extolled for their universality: "These authors wrote from their hearts for humanity, and I could follow them fully and with delight, though but a child. They awakened my young nature, and I found for the first time that my pondering heart was akin to that of the whole human race. And when I read the famous essays of Steele and Addison, I could realize much of their truth and beauty of expression... Pope's stanzas, which I read at school as an eight year old child, showed me how far I felt and shared the sentiment that he wrote, when he says,
Thus let me live unseen, unknown
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world and not a stone
Tell where I lie".'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Smith Print: Book
Henry Mayhew interviews a street author or street poet:
"I was very fond of reading poems in my youth, as soon as I could read and understand almost. Yes, very likely sir; perhaps it was that put it into my head to write them afterwards... I was very fond of Goldsmith's poetry always. I can repeat 'Edwin and Emma' now. No sir; I never read the 'Vicar of Wakefield'. I found 'Edwin and Emma' in a book called the 'Speaker'. I often thought of it in travelling through some parts of the country."
+ recites some of his own poetry to Mayhew
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: anon Print: Book
'On the rear flyleaf of his copy of [Charlotte Smith's] Elegiac Sonnets [5th edn, 1789]... W[ordsworth] copied two more of Smith's compositions, both of which were first published in her novel, Celestina (1791), and reprinted as XLIX and LI in Elegiac Sonnets (6th edn, 1792) ... W[ordsworth]'s copies vary from both texts as published.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: William Wordsworth Manuscript: Unknown
Byron to John Murray, 20 January 1813; 'In "Horace in London" I perceive some stanzas on Ld. E[lgin] - in which ... I heartily concur. - I wish I had the pleasure of Mr. S[mith]'s acquaintance ... What I have read of this work seems admirably done ... '
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Gordon Lord Byron Print: Book
The whole or nearly the whole of the eight months when I was not employed was not lost. I read many volumes in history, voyages, and travels, politics, law and Philosophy. Adam Smith and Locke and especially Humes Essays and Treatises, these latter I read two or three times over, this reading was of great service to me, it caused me to turn in upon myself and examine myself in a way which I should not otherwise have done. It was this which laid the solid foundation of my future prosperity, and completed the desire I had always had to acquire knowledge.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Francis Place Print: Book
[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse himself in Swift, Pope, Fielding, Richardson, Smollett, Goldsmith, Sheridan, Goldsmith, Keats, Byron, Shelley, Dickens and Greek philosophy, as well as the John Dicks edition of Vanity Fair in weekly installments. The common denominator among these authors was that they were all dead. "Volumes by living authors were too high-priced for me", Keating explained. "Our schoolbooks never mentioned living writers; and the impression in my mind was that an author, to be a living author, must be dead and that his work was all the better if he died of neglect and starvation".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Keating Print: Book
Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal, 24 December 1802: 'William is now sitting by me, at 1/2 past 10 o'clock. I have been beside him ever since tea ... My beloved William is turning over the leaves of Charlotte Smith's sonnets ...'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: William Wordsworth Print: Book
The Grecian History has pleased me much you know Mr Trant made a present of the Roman History, what a brave people the Greeks in general were.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Lister Print: Book
I was rather unwell for about an hour, but not very bad when I could go on reading The Vicar of Wakefield
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Lister Print: Book
'[William Robertson] Nicoll's boyhood reading included Scott, Disraeli, the Brontes, Bulwer Lytton, Shelley, Johnson, Addison, Steele, Goldsmith, Emerson, Lowell, Longfellow ...' [Nicoll's father a Scottish clergyman who amassed library of 17,000 volumes.]
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: William Robertson Nicoll Print: Book
My father's large bookcase was stuffed with odd volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine and other miscellaneous matters. Anacharsis' 'travels in Greece', Robertson's 'America', Goldsmith's 'History of England', Adams' 'Rome', Wesley's sermons and Fletcher's controversial volumes. All these had been read by me, either for my own amusement, or aloud to my father, whose sight had been lost for years.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Lutton Print: Book
Letter 8/2/1863 - "For, as far as I remember - my sayings to you have been very nearly limited to Goldsmith's model of a critical sentence on painter's work: "that it was very well - and would have been better if the painter had taken more pains."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin
Letter 8/2/1863 - "I'm afraid to speak like the wicked girl in the fairy tale - who let - not pearls fall from her lips."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin Print: Book
" Finished reading that Emmeline, a Trumpery novel in four volumes. If I can answer for myself I will never again undertake such a tiresome nonsensical piece of business."
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Lady Eleanor Butler Print: Book
"I think that Miss Thackeray and my wife have expressed to you their great pleasure in your article on their father."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Harriet Stephen Print: Serial / periodical
"I think that Miss Thackeray and my wife have expressed to you their great pleasure in your article on their father."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Ann Thackeray Print: Serial / periodical
'The hero seems to me superior to the Rochester or the Louis Moore type, who are all rather lay-figures. Nor do I admire the sister?s work [Wuthering Heights] so much as you do. I see in it more violence than real strength & more rant than genuine passion. However all this is a matter of taste. I will remark, by the way, that I think there is some excuse for the charge of coarseness, as, e.g., the scene where Jane Eyre is half inclined to go to Rochester?s bedroom. I don?t mean coarseness in the sense of prurience; for I fully agree that Miss Bronte writes as a thoroughly pureminded woman; but she is more close to the physical side of passion than young ladies are expected to be?There is also some coarseness in the artistic sense in Jane Eyre. The mad wife is I fancy, unnecessarily bestial? I don?t think justice is generally done to C Bronte now & I shall be glad for that reason to insert your eloquent article.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Leslie Stephen Manuscript: article
?The transition from the vapid sentimentality of the novel of fifty years ago to the goblin horrors of the last twenty is so strong that it almost puzzles us to find a connecting link? Perhaps Charlotte Smith?s novels might have been the connecting link between these different species. ?The Old Manor House has really a great deal to answer for? Her heroines have all the requisites of persecuted innocence? The rage for lumbering ruins, for mildewed manuscripts.?
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles Maturin Print: Book
'[Davies said] "Before I was twelve I had developed an appreciation of good prose, and the Bible created in me a zest for literature", propelling him directly to Lamb, Hazlitt's Essays and Ruskin's The Crown of Wild Olives. Later... he joined the library committee of the Miners' Institute in Maesteg, made friends with the librarian, and advised him on acquisitions. Thus he could read all the books he wanted: Marx, Smith, Ricardo, Mill, Marshall, economic and trade union history, Fabian Essays, Thomas Hardy, Meredith, Kipling and Dickens'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: D.R. Davies Print: Book
?Have you seen Minor Morals by Mrs Smith ? There is in it a beautiful botanical poem called ?Calendar of Flora?.?
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Maria Edgeworth Print: Book
'As a collier [Joseph Keating]... heard a co-worker sigh, "Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate". Keating was stunned: "You are quoting Pope". "Ayh", replied his companion, "me and Pope do agree very well". Keating had himself been reading Pope, Fielding, Smollett, Goldsmith and Richardson in poorly printed paperbacks. Later he was reassigned to a less demanding job at a riverside colliery pumping station, which allowed him time to tackle Swift, Sheridan, Byron, Keats, Shelley and Thackeray'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Keating Print: Book
'Nottinghamshire collier G.A.W. Tomlinson volunteered for repair shifts on weekends, when he could earn time-and-a-half and read on the job. On Sundays, "I sat there on my toolbox, half a mile from the surface, one mile from the nearest church and seemingly hundreds of miles from God, reading the Canterbury Tales, Lamb's Essays, Darwin's Origin of Species, Wilde's Ballad of Reading Gaol, or anything that I could manage to get hold of". That could be hazardous: once, when he should have been minding a set of rail switches, he was so absorbed in Goldsmith's The Deserted Village that he allowed tubs full of coal to crash into empties'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: G.A.W. Tomlinson Print: Book
'For Dunfermline housepainter James Clunie, Das Kapital and the Wealth of Nations both demonstrated that industrialism inevitably increased economic inequality, the exploitation of labour and class conflict. To this The Descent of Man added "the great idea of human freedom... It brought out the idea that whether our children were with or without shoes was due to poverty arising from the administration of society".'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: James Clunie Print: Book
Charlotte Bronte postscript to letter to William Smith Williams, 12 May 1848: 'I find -- on glancing over yours, that I have forgotten to answer a question you ask respecting my next work ...'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Charlotte Bronte Manuscript: Letter
Charlotte Bronte to William Smith Williams, 22 November 1848: 'I put your most friendly letter [recommending homeopathic treatments] into Emily's hands as soon as I had myself perused it ... after reading your letter she said "Mr Williams' intention was kind and good, but he was under a delusion -- Homeopathy was only another form of Quackery."'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Charlotte Bronte Manuscript: Letter
Charlotte Bronte to William Smith Williams, 22 November 1848: 'I put your most friendly letter [recommending homeopathic treatments] into Emily's hands as soon as I had myself perused it ... after reading your letter she said "Mr Williams' intention was kind and good, but he was under a delusion -- Homeopathy was only another form of Quackery."'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Emily Bronte Manuscript: Letter
Charlotte Bronte to Mrs Smith (mother of her publisher George Smith), 17 April 1851: 'Before I received your note, I was nursing a comfortable and complacent conviction that I had quite made up my mind not to go to London this year ... But Pride has its fall. I read your invitation and immediately felt a great wish to descend from my stilts.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Charlotte Bronte Manuscript: Letter
'In 1768, Burney read in rapid succession Elizabeth and Richard Griffith's "A Series of Genuine Letters between Henry and Frances" (1757) ... Oliver Goldsmith's "The Vicar of Wakefield" (1766); and Samuel Johnson's "Rasselas" (1759).'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Frances Burney Print: Book
'. . . her short stories, 'The Little Karoo', all set in the South Africa of her childhood, were widely admired and are still remembered. Bennett must have felt a justified pride in writing an introduction for the collection, in 1925, describing himself as "the earliest wondering admirer of her strange, austere, tender and ruthless talent"'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Arnold Bennett Print: Book
"Forbidden David Copperfield, Bleak House, The Heart of Midlothian, and The Vicar of Wakefield ... [H. M. Swanwick] read them none the less ... When she was lent Dante Gabriel Rosetti's poems by a friend, 'Jenny' ... came as a welcome antidote [to Dickens's and Scott's treatments of fallen women]."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: H. M. Swanwick Print: Book
'It must be labour that makes things valuable Princes & Lords may flourish and may fade But a bold Peasantry, the Country's pride When once destroy'd can never be supplied.' [this is the first of a number of references to Goldsmith's poem]
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Robert Sharp Print: Book
'These drawings were placed on the hands of Mr C J Smith, with whom I had become acquainted through an advertisement.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: John Cole Print: Advertisement
'Robert Collyer grew up in a blacksmith's home with only a few books - "Pilgrim's Progress", "Robinson Crusoe", Goldsmith's histories of England and Rome - but their basic language made them easy to absorb and excellent training for a future clergyman:. "I think it was then I must have found the germ... of my lifelong instinct for the use of simple Saxon words and sentences which has been of some worth to me in the work I was finally called to do".'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Robert Collyer Print: Book
'Robert Collyer grew up in a blacksmith's home with only a few books - "Pilgrim's Progress", "Robinson Crusoe", Goldsmith's histories of England and Rome - but their basic language made them easy to absorb and excellent training for a future clergyman: "I think it was then I must have found the germ... of my lifelong instinct for the use of simple Saxon words and sentences which has been of some worth to me in the work I was finally called to do".'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Robert Collyer Print: Book
'After a miserable Catholic school education...periodic unemployment allowed [Joseph Toole] to study in the Manchester Reference Library. There he discovered, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Herbert Spencer, Huxley, Mill, Emerson, Dickens, Morris, Blatchford, Shaw and Wells, and of course John Ruskin..."Study always left me with a deep feeling that there was so much amiss with the world. It seemed that it had been started at the wrong end, and that it was everybody's business to put the matter right".'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Toole Print: Book
'Lancashire journalist Allen Clarke (b.1863), the son of a Bolton textile worker, avidly read his father's paperback editions of Shakespeare and ploughed through the literature section (Chaucer, Marlowe, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Milton, Pope, Chatterton, Goldsmith, Byron, Shelley, Burns, Wordsworth, Leigh Hunt) of the public library. With that preparation, he was winning prizes for poems in London papers by age thirteen...[he] went on to found and edit several Lancashire journals'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Allen Clarke Print: Book
'She was "surprised into tears" by "The Vicar of Wakefield", although she did not much like it.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Frances Burney Print: Book
'With a fine imagination and command of Language Charlotte Smith cannot write without Interest [.] this is an odd work. She introduces in a prettily wrought novel the more early French troubles in consequence of the Revolution, she is a wild leveller. She defends the revolution, she writes with the enthusiasm of a woman and a poetess. Her story is hurried [,] has faults in the conduct and narrative, yet it interests. Her descriptions are very pleasing and her characteristic conversations are somewhat forced. She writes herself out. yet her genius predominates.' [opinion of "Desmond", entered in diary].
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Anna Larpent Print: Book
'In 1816, left alone in Bath by her husband, Mary Shelley records reading "The Solitary Wanderer", Charlotte Smith's "Letters of a Solitary Wanderer" (1799), a collection of interlocking tales in which a number of suffering women relate their stories. It is the single occasion her comprehensive reading diary mentions this book, which she seems to choose at this point to express a resentful, self-pitying protest against her desertion.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book
'[Pennington] emphasises... that she "highly disapproved" the novels of Charlotte Smith, believing their morality "very defective" if not "positively bad" (Memoirs, p. 299). Carter's letters however show enthusiasm at least for "Emmeline", and deep sympathy for Smith's domestic situation: she tries hard to be fair even to the "democratic" Desmond, suggesting its critics are "perhaps prejudiced against it", while she has found the included poems "very beautiful" (Letters... to Mrs Montagu, vol III, 295-333)'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Carter Print: Book
'[Pennington] emphasises... that she "highly disapproved" the novels of Charlotte Smith, believing their morality "very defective" if not "positively bad" (Memoirs, p. 299). Carter's letters however show enthusiasm at least for "Emmeline", and deep sympathy for Smith's domestic situation: she tries hard to be fair even to the "democratic" Desmond, suggesting its critics are "perhaps prejudiced against it", while she has found the included poems "very beautiful" (Letters... to Mrs Montagu, vol III, 295-333)'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Carter Print: Book
'His plan was to make use of me as a talking dictionary and grammar, confining my teachings exclusively to the answering of such questions as he thought fit to put. Having made this arrangement he produced a copy of the "Vicar of Wakefield", and, commencing at the title-page, read it after me, looking to me for translation as he went along. In this way we got through four or five pages in the course of the first hour.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: anon Print: Book
'I read "The Man in Grey" which is simply glorious. I must ry and get it.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Hilary Spalding Print: Book
[List of books read in 1943, in diary for 1943]:
'The Farthing Spinster; Guy Mannering; Whereas I was Blind; And So to Bath; The Story of San Michele; Attack Alarm; The Murders in Praed Street; Lover's Meeting; The Secret Battle; Witch Wood; MD - Doctor of Murder; Murder at the Keyhole; That Girl Ginger; Ten Minute Alibi; Diary of a District Officer; Tarzan the Untamed; Peter Abelard; Pip; Pied Piper; A Man Lay Dead; Random Harvest; Madame Curie; Stalky and Co; Bellarion; Down the Garden Path; The Three Musketeers vol 1; The House in Cornwall; A Tall Ship; The Two Saplings; Farewell Victoria; Quinneys; House of Terror; Penguin Parade 4; Guy Mannering[presumably a re-reading]; The Man Born to be King; Casterton Papers; Old Saint Paul's; The Moon is Down; 1066 and all That; My Brother Jonathon; Gulliver's Travels; Ensign Knightley; Men Against Death; Fame is the Spur; Gone with the Wind; Mesmer; First Nights; The Hound of the Baskervilles; Little Gidding; Beau Geste; Beau Sabreur; The Amazing Theatre; The Pleasure of Your Company; Dandelion Days; Humour and Fantasy; Juno and the Paycock; The Beautiful Years; Teach Yourself to Think; Salar the Salmon; The Cathedral; The Mysterious Mr I; The Picts and the Martyrs; The Dream of Fair Women; The Star-born; Three Short Stories; A Thatched Roof; The Surgeon's Log; The Healing Knife; Nine Ghosts; While Rome Burns; The Star Spangled Manner; The Day Must Dawn; The Tower of London; Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; The Old Man's Birthday; A little Princess; Ego 5; The Lighter Side of School Life; Kidnapped; The Trail of the Sandhill Stag; Ballet Lover's Notebook; Lorna Doone; The Plays of JM Barrie; Jane Eyre; I'll Leave it to You; Henry Fifth; Longer Poems; Antony and Cleopatra; The Man in Grey; The House in Dormer Forest; The Writing of English; Miss Mapp; The Song of Bernadette; Happy and Glorious; Sixty Poems; The Birth of Romance; The Comedy of Life; Some Little Tales; Dream Days; Royal Flush.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Hilary Spalding Print: Book
[List of books read during 1944]:
'The Specialist; All This and Heaven Too; Antony; Uncle Tom's Cabin; Roper's Row; Tom Brown's Schooldays; Life's a Circus; The Keys of the Kingdom; Two Survived; Hamlet; King's Nurse, Beggar's Nurse; The Snow Goose; Gerald; Early Stages; Cross Creek; Footnotes to the Ballet; The Great Ship; Hungry Hill; Hiawatha; Captain Blood; Scaramouche; Heartbreak House; Fortune's Fool; Fifth Form at St Dominic's; Cold Comfort Farm; The Lost King; The count of Monte Cristo; Diary of a Provincial Lady; Frenchman's Creek; Song of Bernadette; Romeo and Juliet; Rebecca; The Surgeon's Destiny; The Killer and the Slain; Anna; King Solomon's Mines; The Black Moth; Have His Carcase; Peacock Pie; Alice in Wonderland; The Citadel; Good Companions; Our Hearts were Young and Gay; Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man; The Healing Knife; First Year Out; Saint Joan; Stars Look Down; Bridge of San Luis Rey; Rogue Herries; Caesar and Cleopatra; Xmas at Cold Comfort Farm; Dark Lady of the Sonnets; The Velvet Deer; Leaves from a Surgeon's Case Book; A Christmas Carol; Craft of Comedy; As You Like It; Lottie Dundass; Plays of John Galsworthy; Provincial Lady in America; She Shanties; Peter Abelard; Actor, Soldier, Poet; The Best of Lamb; Some Essay of Elia; Poems, Plays etc; The White Cliffs; Three Men in a Boat; Confessions of an Opium Eater; In Search of England; Wuthering Heights; Pericles, Prince of Tyre; Poems of Contemporary Women; Crime at the Club; Quality Street; Villette; Major Barbara; Pygmalion; You Never Can Tell; King John; Doctor's Dilemma'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Hilary Spalding Print: Book
?There were other books which I then read and studied with care, including Adam Smith?s "Wealth of Nations" and Mill?s "Political Economy". This was not a kind of literature to borrow from public libraries, but to have in one?s possessions.?
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Burt Print: Book
'We are reading in the evenings now, Sydney Smith's letters, Boswell, Whewell's History of Inductive Sciences, the Odyssey and occasionally Heine's Reisebilder. I began the second Book of the Iliad in Greek this morning'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: George Eliot and G.H. Lewes Print: BookManuscript: Unknown
?As spring and autumn were our only really busy seasons, I had occasionally , during other parts of the year, considerable leisure, which, if I could procure a book that I considered at all worth the reading, was spent with such a book of my desk, in the little recess of the packing room. Here, therefore, I had opportunities for reading many books of which I had only heard the names before, such as Robertson?s "History of Scotland", Goldsmith?s "History of England", Rollin?s "Ancient History", Hume?s "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", Anachaises? "Travels in Greece"; and many other works on travels, geography, and antiquities.?
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Bamford Print: Book
'I had been made the more anxious to get some spare time, because several books which I had not before seen now fell in my way. This was through the courtesy of my young master whose kindly feelings I have already noticed. He now gave me free access to his little library, in which were Enfield's "Speaker", Goldsmith's "Geography", an abridged "History of Rome", a "History of England", Thomson's "Seasons", "The Citizen of the World", "The Vicar of Wakefield", and some other books the titles of which I do not now remember. These books furnished me with a large amount of amusing and instructive reading.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carter Print: Book
'I had been made the more anxious to get some spare time, because several books which I had not before seen now fell in my way. This was through the courtesy of my young master whose kindly feelings I have already noticed. He now gave me free access to his little library, in which were Enfield's "Speaker", Goldsmith's "Geography", an abridged "History of Rome", a "History of England", Thomson's "Seasons", "The Citizen of the World", "The Vicar of Wakefield", and some other books the titles of which I do not now remember. These books furnished me with a large amount of amusing and instructive reading.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carter Print: Book
'When at home I usually retired to my garret, where I employed myself in either reading or working... In reading I usually sat in the Oriental, or, to use a less pompous word, in the tailor's posture, and thus had no need of either chair or table... The books I read at this time related chiefly to North America. Among the chief of them were Ramsay's "History of the American Revolution", Smith's "Travels in Canada and the United States", and Parkinson's "Travels in North America".'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carter Print: Book
?The day after this being the last of the year, I managed to finish reading Blackstone?s Commentaries and Goldsmith?s History of England, both for the 2d time over & in the evening danced out the year at the Assembly.?
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: John Marsh Print: Book
'Tuesday the 4th being a very wet day we were obliged to keep pretty close to our miserably dull apartments the walls of w'ch were about a yard thick & the windows very small. We however at the library (consisting of about 400 volumes) got Mrs Smiths [sic] novel of "Celestina" & "Humphrey Clinker" to amuse us.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: John Marsh, Elizabeth Marsh and Miss White Print: Book
'Having finish'd my business in this neighbourhood, I on the next day (Friday the 24th) return'd to London in the coach, in w'ch being alone great part of the way I finished the novel of the "Young Philosopher" & in the evening began that of "Ned Evans" which I sat and read at the Bolt and Tunn, where I found the principal topic of conversation in the coffee room was Sheridan's new play of Pizarro, w'ch came out that evening at Drury Lane.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: John Marsh Print: Book
[List of books read in 1945]:
'For Whom the Bell Tolls; Henry Brocken; Doctor Faustus; Life of the Bee; The Screwtape Letters; Modern Short Stories; Letters of People in Love; Men and Women; The Headmistress; The People's Government; The Art of Writing; Speech and Sound; Background to the Life of Christ; The House of Prayer; Eleanor in the Fifth; Adventures of Jig and Co; Rendezvous with Fear; Antony and Cleopatra; Hamlet; The Poetry of James Elroy Flecker; Escape; Hangman's Holiday; The Body Behind the Bar; Strong Poison; The Critic; Magic Lantern; Listening Valley; Emma; Dragon Seed; Crowthers of Bankdam; The Rat Trap; The Vortex; Fallen Angels; The Spanish House; O the Brave Music; The Light that Failed; Ghosts; The Antiquary; The Knightes Tale; Luria; The Best of Hazlitt; Pericles; The Rivals; Hamlet [again]; Antony and Cleopatra [again]; Knightes Tale [again]; Julius Caesar; Merchant of Venice; The Critic; The Rivals; Cymbeline; Adventures of a Young Soldier in Search of a Better World; The Nine Tailors; The Conquered; The Professor; Peter Abelard; Then They Pulled Down the Blind; The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club; Portrait of a Man with Red Hair; Winnie-the-Pooh; The House at Pooh Corner; Mrs Parkinson; Adele and Co; Frossia; Cluny Brown; Four Gardens; The World is Square; Being Met Together; Best Sporting Stories; Selected stories by Q; And Five were Foolish; Campaspe; Endimion [by Lyly]; Midas; Dr Faustus [again]; Twelfth Night; Mrs Warrent's Proffession [sic]; The Spanish Tragedy; The Jew of Malta; Galathea; Tambourlaine; Sun is my Undoing; By Greta Bridge; Utopia; England, their England; The Art of Poetry; Old Wives Tale; The Reader is Warned; Long, Long Ago; Friar Bacon & Friar Bungay; James IV of Scotland; The Handsome Langleys; The Dog Beneath the Skin; Death Comes for the Archbishop; The Island of Youth; I'll Say She Does; The Forsyte Saga; In Youth is Pleasure; On Forsyte Change; Genesis to Nehemiah.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Hilary Spalding Print: Book
[List of books read in 1945]:
'For Whom the Bell Tolls; Henry Brocken; Doctor Faustus; Life of the Bee; The Screwtape Letters; Modern Short Stories; Letters of People in Love; Men and Women; The Headmistress; The People's Government; The Art of Writing; Speech and Sound; Background to the Life of Christ; The House of Prayer; Eleanor in the Fifth; Adventures of Jig and Co; Rendezvous with Fear; Antony and Cleopatra; Hamlet; The Poetry of James Elroy Flecker; Escape; Hangman's Holiday; The Body Behind the Bar; Strong Poison; The Critic; Magic Lantern; Listening Valley; Emma; Dragon Seed; Crowthers of Bankdam; The Rat Trap; The Vortex; Fallen Angels; The Spanish House; O the Brave Music; The Light that Failed; Ghosts; The Antiquary; The Knightes Tale; Luria; The Best of Hazlitt; Pericles; The Rivals; Hamlet [again]; Antony and Cleopatra [again]; Knightes Tale [again]; Julius Caesar; Merchant of Venice; The Critic; The Rivals; Cymbeline; Adventures of a Young Soldier in Search of a Better World; The Nine Tailors; The Conquered; The Professor; Peter Abelard; Then They Pulled Down the Blind; The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club; Portrait of a Man with Red Hair; Winnie-the-Pooh; The House at Pooh Corner; Mrs Parkinson; Adele and Co; Frossia; Cluny Brown; Four Gardens; The World is Square; Being Met Together; Best Sporting Stories; Selected stories by Q; And Five were Foolish; Campaspe; Endimion [by Lyly]; Midas; Dr Faustus [again]; Twelfth Night; Mrs Warrent's Proffession [sic]; The Spanish Tragedy; The Jew of Malta; Galathea; Tambourlaine; Sun is my Undoing; By Greta Bridge; Utopia; England, their England; The Art of Poetry; Old Wives Tale; The Reader is Warned; Long, Long Ago; Friar Bacon & Friar Bungay; James IV of Scotland; The Handsome Langleys; The Dog Beneath the Skin; Death Comes for the Archbishop; The Island of Youth; I'll Say She Does; The Forsyte Saga; In Youth is Pleasure; On Forsyte Change; Genesis to Nehemiah.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Hilary Spalding Print: Book
[List of books read in 1945]:
'For Whom the Bell Tolls; Henry Brocken; Doctor Faustus; Life of the Bee; The Screwtape Letters; Modern Short Stories; Letters of People in Love; Men and Women; The Headmistress; The People's Government; The Art of Writing; Speech and Sound; Background to the Life of Christ; The House of Prayer; Eleanor in the Fifth; Adventures of Jig and Co; Rendezvous with Fear; Antony and Cleopatra; Hamlet; The Poetry of James Elroy Flecker; Escape; Hangman's Holiday; The Body Behind the Bar; Strong Poison; The Critic; Magic Lantern; Listening Valley; Emma; Dragon Seed; Crowthers of Bankdam; The Rat Trap; The Vortex; Fallen Angels; The Spanish House; O the Brave Music; The Light that Failed; Ghosts; The Antiquary; The Knightes Tale; Luria; The Best of Hazlitt; Pericles; The Rivals; Hamlet [again]; Antony and Cleopatra [again]; Knightes Tale [again]; Julius Caesar; Merchant of Venice; The Critic; The Rivals; Cymbeline; Adventures of a Young Soldier in Search of a Better World; The Nine Tailors; The Conquered; The Professor; Peter Abelard; Then They Pulled Down the Blind; The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club; Portrait of a Man with Red Hair; Winnie-the-Pooh; The House at Pooh Corner; Mrs Parkinson; Adele and Co; Frossia; Cluny Brown; Four Gardens; The World is Square; Being Met Together; Best Sporting Stories; Selected stories by Q; And Five were Foolish; Campaspe; Endimion [by Lyly]; Midas; Dr Faustus [again]; Twelfth Night; Mrs Warrent's Proffession [sic]; The Spanish Tragedy; The Jew of Malta; Galathea; Tambourlaine; Sun is my Undoing; By Greta Bridge; Utopia; England, their England; The Art of Poetry; Old Wives Tale; The Reader is Warned; Long, Long Ago; Friar Bacon & Friar Bungay; James IV of Scotland; The Handsome Langleys; The Dog Beneath the Skin; Death Comes for the Archbishop; The Island of Youth; I'll Say She Does; The Forsyte Saga; In Youth is Pleasure; On Forsyte Change; Genesis to Nehemiah.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Hilary Spalding Print: Book
'In the evening read Goldwin Smith's answer to Mansel'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: George Eliot [pseud] Print: Book
Another great source of amusement as well as knowledge, I have met with in reading almost all the best novels (Cervantes, Fielding, Smollet, Richardson, Miss Burney, Voltaire, Sterne, Le Sage, Goldsmith and others).?
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: James Lackington Print: Book
'[B]e not thrown into wild delight because his genius has shone forth--misfortune & rage have occasioned this & whenever he may speak himself [underlined] Lord Byron will succeed--self is the sole inspirer of his genius he cannot like Homer Dante Virgil Milton Dryden Spencer Gray--Goldsmith [underlined] Tasso write on other subjects well[--]but what he feels he can describe extravagantly well--& therefore I never did doubt that he would one day or other write again as at first--but for God sake do not let this circumstance make you forget what a Rogue he is'.
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Lady Caroline Lamb Print: Book
'Read the articles Phoenicia and Carthage in Ancient Geography. Looked into Smith's "Universal History" again for Carthaginian religion. Looked into Sismondi's "Litterature du Midi", for Roman de Rose, and ran through the first chapter, about the formation of the Romance Languages. Read about the Thallogens and Acrogens in "the Vegetable World". Drayton's Nymphidia - a charming poem. A few pages of his Polyolbion. Re-read Grote v-vii on Sicilian affairs down to rise of Dionysius'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: George Eliot [pseud] Print: Book
'It was at this time that I read the remaining seven volumes of the "Spectator"; to which I added the "Rambler", the "Tatler", and some others of the "British Essayists". I also read the poetical works of Milton, Addison, Goldsmith, Gray, Collins, Falconer, Pomfret, Akenside, Mrs. Rowe, with others which I cannot now clearly call to mind. I remember, however, to have read Gay's poems. These gave me more than usual satisfaction. I was much amused with his "Trivia, or the Art of Walking London Streets" but I was especially pleased with his admirably burlesque "pastorals". These just squared with my humour, for I had then, as I have ever had, an utter dislike to the sickening stuff that is called the pastoral poetry...I must not omit to mention the pleasure I derived from reading a poem called "The Village Curate", which, I think, has fallen into unmerited oblivion.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carter Print: Book
[Item transcribed into a commonplace book]: [Title] 'Country and Town [by] H. Smith'; [Text] 'Horrid, in country shades to dwell!/ One positively might as well/ be buried in the quarries/ No earthly object to be seen/ but cows and geese upon the green/ As sung by Captain Morris...' [total = 6 x 6 line verses]
Century: 1800-1849 / 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine Print: Unknown
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Print: Book
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Print: Book
'Bought Mr Smith's "Sermon to the Odd Fellows", Professor Robinson's "Proof of a Conspiracy" seems to have made a deep impression on his mind. Price 6d. Bought also the "Oeconomist" for July; they have raised the price to 2d.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Hunter
'search Blackstone and Goldsmith's "History"; much struck with style of latter; deserving, I think, to be more talked of'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: William Windham Print: Book
'Evening by Charlotte Smith Oh soothing hour, when glowing Day, ...'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Molineux group, including Mrs Molineux
Sir John Hammerton looking back on his early days in Glasgow when he left school and became a correspondence clerk, he said of Cassell's Library "What an Aladdin's cave it proved to me! Addison, Goldsmith, Bacon, Steele, DeQuincey ..., Charles Lamb. Macaulay and many scores of others whom old Professor Morley introduced to me -- what a joy of life I obtained from these, and how greatly they made lifeworth living!"
Century: 1850-1899 / 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Sir John Hammerton Print: Book
24 Oct 1788:
'Smith's version of Longinus on the Sublime, a translation with notes and observations - is a credit to the author and reflects lustre on Longinus himself.
[Long quotation]: "to the unlearned also it may be of use ... an inclination to literature"'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Frances Hamilton Print: Book
13 Dec 1788
Another long quotation from Smith's translation:
'The Sublime is a certain force in discourse... from these three particulars joined together.'
Also listed Longinus's five sources of the sublime.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Frances Hamilton Print: Book
'Upon Mrs Digweed's mentioning that she had sent the Rejected Addresses to Mr Hinton, I began talking to her a little about them & expressed my hope of their having amused her. Her answer was, "Oh! dear, yes, very much; - very droll indeed; - the opening of the House! - & the striking up of the Fiddles!" What she meant, poor woman, who shall say? - I sought no farther.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Jane Austen Print: Book
'Upon Mrs Digweed's mentioning that she had sent the Rejected Addresses to Mr Hinton, I began talking to her a little about them & expressed my hope of their having amused her. Her answer was, "Oh! dear, yes, very much; - very droll indeed; - the opening of the House! - & the striking up of the Fiddles!" What she meant, poor woman, who shall say? - I sought no farther.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mrs Digweed Print: Book
'The Papillons have now got the Book [J & H Smith's "Rejected Addresses"] and like it very much; their niece Eleanor has recommended it most warmly to them. - [italics] She [end italics] looks like a rejected Addresser.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Papillon Family Print: Book
'The Papillons have now got the Book [J & H Smith's "Rejected Addresses"] and like it very much; their niece Eleanor has recommended it most warmly to them. - [italics] She [end italics] looks like a rejected Addresser.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Eleanor Papillon Print: Book
'earley up in the morning to read the "Seamans grammar and dictionary" I lately have got, which doth please me exceedingly well.'
Century: 1600-1699 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Pepys Print: Book
'Oh, I like funny books, like Thorne Smith, you know, nothing too serious. ("For whom the Bell Tolls", Hemingway, was very good).'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: anon Print: Book
'Mr Jaegle makes us read an English book that is called "The Vicar of Wakefield" which is very pretty, interesting, well wrote and where there are some very good characters'.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth (Betsey) Wynne Print: Unknown
'I was re[a]ding lately, Stewart's "life of Robertson", Smith's "wealth of nations", and Kames' "Essays on the principles of morality". The first is a sensible sort of book - unworthy, however, of Stewart. Dr Smith is a man of much research, & appears to understand completely all the bearings of his complicated subject. I have read his first and second volumes with much pleasure. He always writes like a philosopher. With regard to Lord Kames - his works are generally all an awkward compound of ingenuity and absurdity and in this volume the latter quality it appears to me, considerably preponderates. It is Metaphysical; upon Belief, identity, Necessity &c &c and I devoutly wish that no friend of mine may ever come to study it - unless he wish to learn -
To weave fine cobwebs fit for scull
That's empty when the moon is full.
- and in that case he cannot study under a more proper master.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carlyle Print: Book
'Read Adam Smith's "History of Astronomy", in his posthumous tracts, published by Dugald Stewart...'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Green Print: Book
'I have read since I saw you Burke's works, some books of Homer, Suetonius, a great deal of agricultural reading, Godwin's "Enquirer", and a great deal of Adam Smith. As I have scarcely looked at a book for five years, I am rather hungry'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Sydney Smith Print: Book
Letter to Miss Ewing June 10 1774 'Yet I should like none of these climates, where
?Winter lingering chills the lap of May? if I could help it.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Grant [nee MacVicar] Print: Book
Letter to Collector MacVicar, June 20 1773 'In the mean time I hope the best, and endeavour to pursue Oliver Cromwell through all his crooked paths. I have gone but a short way, my attention having been completely engrossed by a book that has bewitched me for the time; ?tis the Vicar of Wakefield, which you must certainly read. Goldsmith puts one in mind of Shakespear [sic]; his narrative is improbable and absurd in many instances, yet all his characters do and say exactly what might be supposed of them ?'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Grant [nee MacVicar] Print: Book
Letter to Miss Ourry March 27 1791 'I am very fond of the lower class of people; they have sentiment, serious habits, and a kind of natural courtesy; in short, they are not mob, an animal which Smollet most emphatically says he detests in its head, midriff, and members; and, in this point, I do not greatly differ with him. You would wonder how many of the genteeler class live here. They are not rich to be sure; so much the better for us; For "Where no contiguous palace rears its head/To shame the meanness of the humble shed" people do very well, and keep each other in countenance."'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Grant [nee MacVicar] Print: Book
'in the evening walk out - read the Solitary wanderer'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Godwin Print: Book
'read Comus. Knight of the swan - 1st Vol of Goldth citizen of the world'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book
'Monday Oct. 24th. Rise at eight [...] M. reads aloud She stoops to [C]onquer -- She sets out to
see Shelley at eleven -- I stay at home & read Political Justice'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Print: Book
'Thursday Jany. 23rd. Do an Italian exercise & read some of Moore's Anacreon [...] Read
Anarcharsis [...] Begin Goldsmith's History of Greece p.40.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont Print: Book
'Thursday March 16th. [...] Read the Life of Adam Smith [makes notes on this] [...] In Smith's
Treatise concerning the Imitative Arts I find the following: "The Minuet, where the Lady passes &
repasses the Gentleman, then gives him one hand and then another, and at last both, is
supposed to be a[...] Moorish dance emblematic of the passion of love." So little did our prudish
grandmother's [sic] know what they were about.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont Print: Book
'Thursday June 15th. [...] Go in a Calesse to Casa Ricci at Livorno. Read Vicar of Wakefield'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont Print: Book
'Return to Este. read Mrs C. Smiths novel of Emmeline'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book
'Finish Emmeline - S. reads Joseph Andrews'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book
'Read Vicar of Wakefield'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book
'Tor Hill, I have read - and was amused to find myself [underlined] en pays de connaissance [end underlining]. Many years ago, I walked with my poor brothers James & Martin, from a little village in Somersetshire called Uphill, to Glastonbury, and thence three miles further, to visit Glastonbury Tor, on the Summit of a high hill. The local descriptions are very accurate, at least as far as I remember - and there are some interesting sketches of character - of personages who attach - but the concluding part of the story is wretchedly huddled together -the attempts at facetiousness beneath contempt - and throughout, there is a hardness of manner which gives to the book what the earliest Masters gave to their paintings, dryness, meagerness, & want of gradual light and shade. [underlined] He [end underlining] cope with the Author of Waverley! - he be hanged!'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Sarah Harriet Burney Print: Book
'I know I shall never be wise enough in a tete a tete with a girl who does not read poetry & novels but Adam Smith, Niall etc. & "has no sense of humour but takes everything literally".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Miss Thompson Print: Book
'I have a present of the poetical Register no 7 as a testimony of respect & therein I find [italics] Horace in London [end italics]. A friend has previously mentioned the work but in high terms that occurred [italics] too [end italics] often as I read, yet there is, (no Question), Ability & music in this Mock-bird, or rather these, for there are two I am told Messrs Smiths, Brothers & Authors of ye rejected Addresses where you & I & Mr Southey & I know not who shine in the eye of the public, & Wordsworth whom I read & laughed at till I caught a touch of his disease & now really like many of the Simplicities'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Crabbe Print: Serial / periodical
'I have a present of the poetical Register no 7 as a testimony of respect & therein I find [italics] Horace in London [end italics]. A friend has previously mentioned the work but in high terms that occurred [italics] too [end italics] often as I read, yet there is, (no Question), Ability & music in this Mock-bird, or rather these, for there are two I am told Messrs Smiths, Brothers & Authors of ye rejected Addresses where you & I & Mr Southey & I know not who shine in the eye of the public, & Wordsworth whom I read & laughed at till I caught a touch of his disease & now really like many of the Simplicities'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Crabbe Print: Unknown
'my dear father told thee that Goldsmith's would now be the [italics] deserted village [end italics]; perhaps thou dost not remember this compliment, but I remember the ingenuous modesty which disclamed it. He admired the Village, the Library, & the Newspaper exceedingly, & the delight with which he read them to his family could not but be acceptable to the Author, had he known the sound judgment & the exquisite taste which that excellent man possessed.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Richard Shackleton Print: Book
'How are you supplied with Books; I have some from Bath, but I begin to be weary of toil & Humour. yet Mr Reynolds was amusing: "not so Gayeties & Gravities" an affected work & here is the journal of a young Officer but not yet read: a pretty good Quarterly Review & John's Gentleman's Magazine'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Crabbe Print: Book
'Goldsmiths description of the Appennines is exact - "Woods over Woods in [italics] gay theatric pride [end italics]". Never was epithet more appropriate to the whole scenery'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Anne Romilly Print: Unknown
Remarks in E. M. Forster's Commonplace Book of 1926 include 'Nearly all novels go off at the end,' with further comments including 'V. of W. gets out of his [depth] 1/2 way through -- after the painting of the family group with Mrs Primrose as Venus all the grace and wit vanishes [...] the happy ending to the tragedy makes all worse than ever.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Edward Morgan Forster Print: Book
'He said of Goldsmith's "Traveller," which had been published in my absence, "There has not been so fine a poem since Pope's time".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Unknown
'He [Dr Johnson] said, "Goldsmith's 'Life of Parnell' is poor; not that it is poorly written, but that he had poor materials; for nobody can write the life of a man but those who have eat and drunk and lived in social intercourse with him".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Book
'On Saturday, April 3, the day after my arrival in London this year, I went to his house late in the evening, and sat with Mrs. Williams till he came home. I found in the "London Chronicle" Dr. Goldsmith's apology to the publick for beating Evans, a bookseller, on account of a paragraph 5 in a newspaper published by him, which Goldsmith thought impertinent to him and to a lady of his acquaintance. The apology was written so much in Dr. Johnson's manner that both Mrs. Williams and I supposed it to be his; but when he came home, he soon undeceived us. When he said to Mrs. Williams, "Well, Dr. Goldsmith's manifesto has got into your paper;" I asked him if Dr. Goldsmith had written it, with an air that made him see I suspected it was his, though subscribed by Goldsmith. Johnson. "Sir, Dr. Goldsmith would no more have asked me to write such a thing as that for him than he would have asked me to feed him with a spoon, or to do any thing else that denoted his imbecility. I as much believe that he wrote it as if I had seen him do it".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson
' [Johnson said of Goldsmith] "Take him as a poet, his 'Traveller' is a very fine performance; ay, and so is his 'Deserted Village,' were it not sometimes too much the echo of his 'Traveller.' Whether, indeed, we take him as a poet,—as a comick writer,—or as an historian, he stands in the first class." Boswell. "An historian! My dear sir, you surely will not rank his compilation of the Roman History with the works of other historians of this age ?" Johnson. "Why, who are before him?" Boswell. "Hume, —Robertson,—Lord Lyttelton." Johnson. (His antipathy to the Scotch beginning to rise). "I have not read Hume; but, doubtless, Goldsmith's 'History' is better than the [italics] verbiage [end italics] of Robertson, or the foppery of Dalrymple." Boswell. "Will you not admit the superiority of Robertson, in whose 'History' we find such penetration—such painting?" Johnson. "Sir, you must consider how that penetration and that painting are employed. It is not history, it is imagination. He who describes what he never saw draws from fancy. Robertson paints minds as Sir Joshua paints faces in a history piece: he imagines an heroick countenance. You must look upon Robertson's work as romance, and try it by that standard. History it is not. Besides, sir, it is the great excellence of a writer to put into his book as much as his book will hold. Goldsmith has done this in his 'History'. Now Robertson might have put twice as much into his book. Robertson is like a man who has packed gold in wool: the wool takes up more room than the gold. No, sir; I always thought Robertson would be crushed by his own weight,—would be buried under his own ornaments. Goldsmith tells you shortly all you want to know: Robertson detains you a great deal too long. No man will read Robertson's cumbrous detail a second time; but Goldsmith's plain narrative will please again and again. I would say to Robertson what an old tutor of a college said to one of his pupils: 'Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.' Goldsmith's abridgement is better than that of Lucius Florus or Eutropius; and I will venture to say, that if you compare him with Vertot, in the same places of the Roman History, you will find that he excels Vertot."'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Book
' [Johnson said of Goldsmith] "Take him as a poet, his 'Traveller' is a very fine performance; ay, and so is his 'Deserted Village,' were it not sometimes too much the echo of his 'Traveller.' Whether, indeed, we take him as a poet,—as a comick writer,—or as an historian, he stands in the first class." Boswell. "An historian! My dear sir, you surely will not rank his compilation of the Roman History with the works of other historians of this age ?" Johnson. "Why, who are before him?" Boswell. "Hume, —Robertson,—Lord Lyttelton." Johnson. (His antipathy to the Scotch beginning to rise). "I have not read Hume; but, doubtless, Goldsmith's 'History' is better than the [italics] verbiage [end italics] of Robertson, or the foppery of Dalrymple." Boswell. "Will you not admit the superiority of Robertson, in whose 'History' we find such penetration—such painting?" Johnson. "Sir, you must consider how that penetration and that painting are employed. It is not history, it is imagination. He who describes what he never saw draws from fancy. Robertson paints minds as Sir Joshua paints faces in a history piece: he imagines an heroick countenance. You must look upon Robertson's work as romance, and try it by that standard. History it is not. Besides, sir, it is the great excellence of a writer to put into his book as much as his book will hold. Goldsmith has done this in his 'History'. Now Robertson might have put twice as much into his book. Robertson is like a man who has packed gold in wool: the wool takes up more room than the gold. No, sir; I always thought Robertson would be crushed by his own weight,—would be buried under his own ornaments. Goldsmith tells you shortly all you want to know: Robertson detains you a great deal too long. No man will read Robertson's cumbrous detail a second time; but Goldsmith's plain narrative will please again and again. I would say to Robertson what an old tutor of a college said to one of his pupils: 'Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.' Goldsmith's abridgement is better than that of Lucius Florus or Eutropius; and I will venture to say, that if you compare him with Vertot, in the same places of the Roman History, you will find that he excels Vertot."'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Book
' [Johnson said of Goldsmith] "Take him as a poet, his 'Traveller' is a very fine performance; ay, and so is his 'Deserted Village,' were it not sometimes too much the echo of his 'Traveller.' Whether, indeed, we take him as a poet,—as a comick writer,—or as an historian, he stands in the first class." Boswell. "An historian! My dear sir, you surely will not rank his compilation of the Roman History with the works of other historians of this age ?" Johnson. "Why, who are before him?" Boswell. "Hume, —Robertson,—Lord Lyttelton." Johnson. (His antipathy to the Scotch beginning to rise). "I have not read Hume; but, doubtless, Goldsmith's 'History' is better than the [italics] verbiage [end italics] of Robertson, or the foppery of Dalrymple." Boswell. "Will you not admit the superiority of Robertson, in whose 'History' we find such penetration—such painting?" Johnson. "Sir, you must consider how that penetration and that painting are employed. It is not history, it is imagination. He who describes what he never saw draws from fancy. Robertson paints minds as Sir Joshua paints faces in a history piece: he imagines an heroick countenance. You must look upon Robertson's work as romance, and try it by that standard. History it is not. Besides, sir, it is the great excellence of a writer to put into his book as much as his book will hold. Goldsmith has done this in his 'History'. Now Robertson might have put twice as much into his book. Robertson is like a man who has packed gold in wool: the wool takes up more room than the gold. No, sir; I always thought Robertson would be crushed by his own weight,—would be buried under his own ornaments. Goldsmith tells you shortly all you want to know: Robertson detains you a great deal too long. No man will read Robertson's cumbrous detail a second time; but Goldsmith's plain narrative will please again and again. I would say to Robertson what an old tutor of a college said to one of his pupils: 'Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.' Goldsmith's abridgement is better than that of Lucius Florus or Eutropius; and I will venture to say, that if you compare him with Vertot, in the same places of the Roman History, you will find that he excels Vertot."'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Book
' [Johnson said of Goldsmith] "Take him as a poet, his 'Traveller' is a very fine performance; ay, and so is his 'Deserted Village,' were it not sometimes too much the echo of his 'Traveller.' Whether, indeed, we take him as a poet,—as a comick writer,—or as an historian, he stands in the first class." Boswell. "An historian! My dear sir, you surely will not rank his compilation of the Roman History with the works of other historians of this age ?" Johnson. "Why, who are before him?" Boswell. "Hume, —Robertson,—Lord Lyttelton." Johnson. (His antipathy to the Scotch beginning to rise). "I have not read Hume; but, doubtless, Goldsmith's 'History' is better than the [italics] verbiage [end italics] of Robertson, or the foppery of Dalrymple." Boswell. "Will you not admit the superiority of Robertson, in whose 'History' we find such penetration—such painting?" Johnson. "Sir, you must consider how that penetration and that painting are employed. It is not history, it is imagination. He who describes what he never saw draws from fancy. Robertson paints minds as Sir Joshua paints faces in a history piece: he imagines an heroick countenance. You must look upon Robertson's work as romance, and try it by that standard. History it is not. Besides, sir, it is the great excellence of a writer to put into his book as much as his book will hold. Goldsmith has done this in his 'History'. Now Robertson might have put twice as much into his book. Robertson is like a man who has packed gold in wool: the wool takes up more room than the gold. No, sir; I always thought Robertson would be crushed by his own weight,—would be buried under his own ornaments. Goldsmith tells you shortly all you want to know: Robertson detains you a great deal too long. No man will read Robertson's cumbrous detail a second time; but Goldsmith's plain narrative will please again and again. I would say to Robertson what an old tutor of a college said to one of his pupils: 'Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.' Goldsmith's abridgement is better than that of Lucius Florus or Eutropius; and I will venture to say, that if you compare him with Vertot, in the same places of the Roman History, you will find that he excels Vertot."'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Book
'The [Tennyson] boys had one great advantage [as home-educated pupils], the run of their father's excellent library. Amongst the authors most read by them were Shakespeare, Milton, Burke, Goldsmith, Rabelais, Sir William Jones, Addison, Swift, Defoe, Cervantes, Bunyan and Buffon.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Tennyson children (boys) Print: Book
'I mentioned Mr. Maclaurin's uneasiness on account of a degree of ridicule carelessly thrown on his deceased father, in Goldsmith's "History of Animated Nature", in which that celebrated mathematician is represented as being subject to fits of yawning so violent as to render him incapable of proceeding in his lecture; a story altogether unfounded, but for the publication of which the law would give no reparation.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Mr Maclaurin Print: Book
'Langton. "There is not one bad line in that poem [Goldsmith's 'The Traveller']— no one of Dryden's careless verses." Sir Joshua. "I was glad to hear Charles Fox say, it was one of the finest poems in the English language." Langton. "Why were you glad? You surely had no doubt of this before." Johnson. "No ; the merit of 'The Traveller' is so well established, that Mr. Fox's praise cannot augment it, nor his censure diminish it." Sir Joshua. "But his friends may suspect they had too great a partiality for him".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Unknown
'Langton. "There is not one bad line in that poem [Goldsmith's 'The Traveller']— no one of Dryden's careless verses." Sir Joshua. "I was glad to hear Charles Fox say, it was one of the finest poems in the English language." Langton. "Why were you glad? You surely had no doubt of this before." Johnson. "No ; the merit of 'The Traveller' is so well established, that Mr. Fox's praise cannot augment it, nor his censure diminish it." Sir Joshua. "But his friends may suspect they had too great a partiality for him".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Joshua Reynolds Print: Unknown
'Langton. "There is not one bad line in that poem [Goldsmith's 'The Traveller']— no one of Dryden's careless verses." Sir Joshua. "I was glad to hear Charles Fox say, it was one of the finest poems in the English language." Langton. "Why were you glad? You surely had no doubt of this before." Johnson. "No ; the merit of 'The Traveller' is so well established, that Mr. Fox's praise cannot augment it, nor his censure diminish it." Sir Joshua. "But his friends may suspect they had too great a partiality for him".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Bennet Langton Print: Unknown
'Langton. "There is not one bad line in that poem [Goldsmith's 'The Traveller']— no one of Dryden's careless verses." Sir Joshua. "I was glad to hear Charles Fox say, it was one of the finest poems in the English language." Langton. "Why were you glad? You surely had no doubt of this before." Johnson. "No ; the merit of 'The Traveller' is so well established, that Mr. Fox's praise cannot augment it, nor his censure diminish it." Sir Joshua. "But his friends may suspect they had too great a partiality for him".'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles Fox Print: Unknown
' [Johnson said] "Sir, you know the notion of confinement may be extended, as in the song, "Every island is a prison." There is, in Dodsley's 'Collection', a copy of verses to the authour of that song".
Smith's Latin verses on Pococke, the great traveller, were mentioned. He repeated some of them, and said they were Smith's best verses.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Unknown
'[Johnson said] "I remember a passage in Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield", which he was afterwards fool enough to expunge: 'I do not love a man who is zealous for nothing'." BOSWELL. "That was a fine passage". JOHNSON. "Yes, Sir: there was another fine passage too, which he struck out: 'When I was a young man, being anxious to distinguish myself, I was perpetually starting new propositions. But I soon gave this over; for, I found that generally what was new was false'."'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Manuscript: Unknown
'Goldsmith talks of cows shedding their Horns, & Thompson makes his Hens and Chicks to be
Fed & defended by the fearless Cock.
whereas the Cock hates the Chickens, & takes all their Meat from them. [Thrale continues to critique Goldsmith's knowledge of natural history] Pennant speaks most rationally about Natural History of any of our Countrymen, and among the Foreigners, Buffon makes amends to [italics] most [end italics] readers by his elegant Style & profound Ratiocination for his frequent Mistakes in the Facts.-
Johnson in his Irene frequently mentions singing Birds though I believe the Birds about Constantinople are nearly mute: Thompson observes that in hot Climates the Birds scarce ever sing'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Hester Lynch Thrale Print: Book
'Yesterday I went to the workhouse to spend the evening with the children; a prospect I have had in view for some time... I took them things for tea: I dreaded going on many accounts, fearing I should not feel at liberty to make any remarks I might wish to the children during their reading which it was my principal object in going to attend. I did not exactly see my way, however, I thought I would (as the Friends say) make my way. I found after tea they did not read till nearly eight, and I could not remain later than a little past seven. I spoke to the governess about it and she was quite willing to alter the hour, and so was the stewardess. I proposed reading a little pamphlet that has lately come out by Frederick Smith to the children. There was a solemnity during reading it; so that Ann Withers was in tears most of the time, and some of the children were disposed that way; afterwards, when we had finished, I endeavoured to weigh up whether I really had any thing to say to them or not; I thought that I had, and therefore took up the book as if to explain it; making my own remarks which appeared to affect the children and the governess so that those who were on the point of tears really wept. Now this event has made me feel rather odd; it is marvellous to me how I got courage to do it before Ann Withers.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Fry Print: Book
'While their [her daughters'] Father's Life preserv'd my Authority entire, I used it [italics] all & only [end italics] for their Improvement; & since it expired with him, & my Influence perished by my Connection with Piozzi - I have read to them what I could not force or perswade them to read for themselves. The English & Roman Histories, the Bible; - not Extracts, but the whole from End to End - Milton, Shakespeare, Pope's Iliad, Odyssey & other Works, some Travels through the well-known Parts of Europe; some elegant Novels as Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, Voltaire's Zadig &c. Young & Addison's works, Plays out of Number, Rollin's Belles Lettres - and hundreds of Things now forgot, have filled our Time up since we left London for Bath.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Hester Lynch Thrale and her daughters Hester, Susanna and Sophia Print: Book
'Played Bezique with Polly in the evening after I had read aloud three Acts of "She stoops to conquer".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Buckley Castieau Print: Book
'In the evening took Polly out for a little walk after I had finished reading [aloud?] "She stoops to conquer".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Buckley Castieau Print: Book
'Began to-night to read again "The Vicar of Wakefield" & was delighted with its quaint easy style, read two or three chapters to Harry who was very attentive & in a sad state when I had to send him away to his lessons.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Buckley Castieau Print: Book
Robert Southey to Charles Collins, 30 October -7 November 1793: 'In this interval however my baggage has arrived & no poor devil at the foot of the gallows was more overjoyd at a reprieve than I was at the recovery. I have begun to transcribe Joan of Arc — read Enfield History of Philosophy, Gillies History of Greece V.2nd & begun Adam Smith since my return so you see Bristol does not make me idle. I may not form a taste here but I can increase a stock of useful knowledge and you know the prettiest nosegays are formed of various flowers.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Robert Southey Print: Book
Robert Southey to Horace Walpole Bedford, 3-4 November 1793: 'I am reading Adam Smith on the Wealth of Nations.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Robert Southey Print: Book
John Wilson Croker to Mr C. Phillips, 3 January 1854:
'As to my novel reading I confess that in my younger days I used to read them all from Charlotte Smith to Maria Edgeworth; Scott I have by heart; but I so far differ from you about Hook's that I date my later indifference to novels from my disappointment at his.'
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: John Wilson Croker Print: Book
From the diary kept by George Grote for his fiancee, Harriet Lewin (September 1818):
'Rose at 7 [...] Sat reading Smith's "Wealth of Nations" until 8.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Grote Print: Book
From the diary kept by George Grote for his fiancee, Harriet Lewin (autumn 1818):
'Rose at 8. Read once again the "Dissertation on Virtue" which is subjoined to Butler's "Analogy" with very great pleasure [...] After breakfast I opened the second volume of the "Wealth of Nations" and read the first chapter on the employment and accumulation of capital stock. With the exception of a few points, chiefly I believe of phraseology, I agree with him in all he says.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Grote Print: Book
From the diary kept by George Grote for his fiancee, Harriet Lewin (autumn 1818):
'Rose at 1/2 past 6 [...] Read Say and Turgot until 12, and put down some remarks on the manner in which accumulation takes place. Neither Say nor Turgot completely satisfy my mind on this subject [...] Dined alone. Read some scenes in Schiller's "Don Carlos." Considered as complete dramas, I think both "Don Carlos" and "Marie Stuart" are very defective. There is too much mixture of paltry and unimportant intrigue in each [...] There are, however, most masterly single scenes to be found in them [...] After reading this, I practised on the bass for about an hour, then drank tea, and read Adam Smith's incomparable chapter on the Mercantile System until 11, when I went to bed.
'Rose at 6. Read some more of A. Smith on the Mercantile System [...] Dined at 1/2 past 5. Read Don Carlos, and played on the bass for the next two hours, when I went and locked up [the family banking house]; drank tea at 1/2 past 8, and began some more of Say; but I found my mind languid, so that I was obliged to change my study, and took up a dissertation of Turgot, "Sur les valeurs et monnoies," which I read with considerable attention. Went to bed soon after 11.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Grote Print: Book
From the diary kept by George Grote for his fiancee, Harriet Lewin (autumn 1818):
'Rose at 1/2 past 6 [...] Read Say and Turgot until 12, and put down some remarks on the manner in which accumulation takes place. Neither Say nor Turgot completely satisfy my mind on this subject [...] Dined alone. Read some scenes in Schiller's "Don Carlos." Considered as complete dramas, I think both "Don Carlos" and "Marie Stuart" are very defective. There is too much mixture of paltry and unimportant intrigue in each [...] There are, however, most masterly single scenes to be found in them [...] After reading this, I practised on the bass for about an hour, then drank tea, and read Adam Smith's incomparable chapter on the Mercantile System until 11, when I went to bed.
'Rose at 6. Read some more of A. Smith on the Mercantile System [...] Dined at 1/2 past 5. Read Don Carlos, and played on the bass for the next two hours, when I went and locked up [the family banking house]; drank tea at 1/2 past 8, and began some more of Say; but I found my mind languid, so that I was obliged to change my study, and took up a dissertation of Turgot, "Sur les valeurs et monnoies," which I read with considerable attention. Went to bed soon after 11.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Grote Print: Book
'The programme on the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayham [sic] was as follows.
Reading of the poem by Mrs Edminson and Mrs Rawlings
Paper on the life of the poet by Mrs Smith
Song from Omar by Mr Goadby
Paper on Fitzgerald's Life and Omar's Philosophy by C.E. Stansfield
Notes on Legalliennes Rhubaiyat [sic] by A Rawlings.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'I finish reading "The Vicar of Wakefield". The world has changed more in the last 30 years than in the previous 150'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Kitching Print: Book
'Mr W. H. Smith then read a paper on the life of John Ruskin'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: William Henry Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Three papers were devoted to aspects of Burns & his works. Mrs Goadby read a biographical sketch. Mrs Smith read a paper prepared conjointly with Mrs [?]on Burns as songwriter & Fred Edminson one devoted to Burns's personality. [various songs were performed] Mrs Stansfield read To a Mouse & To a Mountain Daisy Mrs Rawlings the Cotter's Saturday Night.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
I have a collection of 8 short stories of hers, [Pauline Smith] all, in my opinion, fine. Middleton Murry would have published them in a small volume, but his publishing enterprise has not come to anything. I have been wondering whether you would care to publish them. . . . I ought to mention that Miss Smith is now at work on a novel, which, so far as I have read it, is at least as fine as the best things in the short stories.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Arnold Bennett Manuscript: Unknown
I have a collection of 8 short stories of hers, [Pauline Smith] all, in my opinion, fine. Middleton Murry would have published them in a small volume, but his publishing enterprise has not come to anything. I have been wondering whether you would care to publish them. . . . I ought to mention that Miss Smith is now at work on a novel, which, so far as I have read it, is at least as fine as the best things in the short stories.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Arnold Bennett Manuscript: Unknown
'In the course of the summer of this year [1856] an article appeared in the pages of the
"Quarterly Review," upon Mr. Grote's "History of Greece," taken collectively as a complete
'Among the numerous tributes which flowed in upon the author after the publication of the final
volume, I recollect his being unusually impressed by the perusal of this paper in the
"Quarterly." Not only at the time, but on repeated occasions, would he avow the lively
satisfaction he had derived from perceiving how thoroughly his views and arguments had been
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: George Grote Print: Serial / periodical
'Read a pamphlet by the Revd. George Smith, lent me by Macdonald: "Hints for the times", true and useful, but a painful instance of the weak and conventional writing which does so little honour to its cause.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin
'Read Smith's "Wealth of Nations" in evening: the most naive assumption of Nature that ever was'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin Print: Book
'Read "Vicar of Wakefield" and "Citizen of World" at coffee, and was sick of both.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin Print: Book
'Read "Vicar of Wakefield" and "Citizen of World" at coffee, and was sick of both.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin Print: Book
'A meeting was held at Whinfield [?] on Dec 8 1904 devoted to H.G. Wells's Mankind in the Making. Howard R. Smith gave a good resume of the political and social proposals and C.E. Stansfield of the Educational system suggested by the author. Both papers prompted considerable discussion'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Mrs Smith then read an interesting biography of Keats which was followed by a reading of "I stood tiptoe upon a little hill" by Helen Rawlings. Howard R. Smith read from Endymion & Mrs Ridges the Ode to a Nightingale. Alfred Rawlings read a paper upon the poetry of Keats & Mrs Edminson some of the sonnets & H.M. Wallis a portion of "Isabella".'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Howard R. Smith then read a paper on the history of the House of Lords which was followed by considerablee discussion. Mr Binns then followed with an exhaustive paper which was much appreciated & which also led to free expression of opinion'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'An excellent programme illustrative of R.L. Stevenson's work was then proceeded with. A biographical paper was read by H. R. Smith & a critical appreciation of the works by J. Ridges & selections by several members.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Mr Smith read a paper on Shelley & Mrs Ridges selections from a paper by Dr Scott on the poet's literary characteristics while other members read selections from his works'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: William Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The following was the programme for the evening
Viz a paper by W.S. Rowntree on W.W. Jacobs' works. C.E. Stansfield, C.I. Evans & W.S. Rowntree gave illustrative readings from his works H.R. Smith read a paper on Pett Ridge & his works.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
Thursday, 16 March 1826:
'In the evening after dinner read Mrs. Charlotte Smith's novel Desmond, decidedly the worst of
her compositions.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Walter Scott Print: Book
Tuesday, 1 August 1826:
'Yesterday evening [...] I took to arranging the old plays of which Terry had brought me about
a dozen and dipping into them scrambled through two -- One called Michaelmas Term full of
traits of manners and another a sort of bouncing tragedy called The Hector of Germany or The
Palsgrave. The last, worthless in the extreme, is like many of the plays in the beginning of the
17th. Century written to a good tune [goes on to comment further on language in seventeenth-
century drama].'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Walter Scott Print: Book
Tuesday, 17 October 1826:
'Read over Sir John Chiverton and Brambletye House, novels in what I may surely claim as
the stile [quotes from Jonathan Swift, "On the Death of Dr. Swift," lls. 57-8]
'"Which I was born to introduce
Refined it first and showd its use."
'They are both clever books, one in imitation of the days of chivalry, the other by John Smith
[...] dated in the time of the civil wars and introducing historical characters. I read both with
great interest during the journey [to London].'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Walter Scott Print: Book
'The subject of Occultism was introduced in a general & comprehensive way [by] C. Stansfield. H.R. Smith read a paper on Subliminal Consciousness & W.S Rowntree on Evidence of continued existence after corporeal death.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'J.J. Cooper introduced the subject of the life and Work of Goldwin Smith in an interesting essay. F.J. Edminson dealt with his historical work & his position as an historian & A. Rawlings read some extracts from his Life of Wm Lloyd Garrison'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Alfred Rawlings Print: Book
'J.J. Cooper introduced the subject of the life and Work of Goldwin Smith in an interesting essay. F.J. Edminson dealt with his historical work & his position as an historian & A. Rawlings read some extracts from his Life of Wm Lloyd Garrison'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Frederick J. Edminson Print: Book
'J.J. Cooper introduced the subject of the life and Work of Goldwin Smith in an interesting essay. F.J. Edminson dealt with his historical work & his position as an historian & A. Rawlings read some extracts from his Life of Wm Lloyd Garrison'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: John James Cooper Print: Book
'The subject of this evening's discussion was The Philosophy of Henri Bergson. Interesting papers were given by C.E. Stansfield who introduced the discussion; by Howard R. Smith & Mary Hayward who dwelt particularly on Bergson's views upon Instinct, Intuition & Intelligence.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Some notes on the subject of Christian Science by E.A. Smith were read & C.E. Stansfield described some of the literature on the subject.
The Secretary read a letter of resignation of membership from W. Binns'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: a member of the XII Book Club Manuscript: Unknown
'The Meeting then considered the Life & Works of Alfred Russel Wallace. Walter S. Rowntree gave us an account of Wallace's life from the autobiography reading a number of well chosen extracts. This was followed by a paper from Henry M. Wallis on his scientific work and one from Mrs Smith on his psychical work.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
Wednesday, 26 October 1831:
'Here we are [at Portsmouth] still fixd by the inexorable wind [...] I engaged in a new novel by Mr. Smith calld New Forest. It is written in an old stile calculated to meet the popular ideas, somewhat like Man as He is Not [by Robert Bage] and that class. The author's opinions seem rather to sit loose upon [him] and to be adopted for the nonce and not very well brought out. His idea of a heroe is an American philosopher with all the affected virtues of a republican which no man believes in. This is all very tiresome not to be able to walk abroad for an instant but to be kept in this old house which they call the Fountain [inn], a mansion made of wood in imitation of a ship.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Walter Scott Print: Book
'Child- Study then claimed our attention. Three papers (or contributions) were given first of all by Mrs Smith, Mr Evans & Mr Stansfield so as to give the remaining time to discussion. Mrs Smith in reading the opening paper quoted part of an extremely interesting article from 'The Spectator' - dealing with the child's mind & what the problems were about which the young members of society thought. [the discussion on the subject and Unwin's own opinions are then given at length]
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The meeting then considered the work of H.G. Wells. The chief item of interest was undoubtedly a paper by Henry M. Wallis upon Wells's romances but a better title would be 'A Critique of the Wells Method in Story-writing'. This was certainly one of the ablest papers which H.M.W. has contributed to the Book Club in recent years and gave rise to interesting discussion. R.H. Robson read one of the short stories to illustrate this side of Wells's literary works. Mrs Smith read a paper upon Mankind in the Making and Mary Hayward dealt with the novels, showing by extracts his views upon the English middle class, marriage, social life & religion.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The evening was then devoted to the subject of Psychical Phenomena. The Secretary (Ernest E. Unwin] read a brief introductory paper, giving some indication of the way in which the subject had come under his notice, and one or two general fundamental points which he was prepared to accept. This was followed by a paper dealing with the sub-conscious mind by Mary Hayward. The very great importance of the subconscious - the way in which we can use it to free our minds of worry - the relationship between mind & mind or telepathy were clearly brought out. Then Mrs Smith read a paper which gave a deeper note to the subject. She dealt with communications from the spirit world with living people - giving personal experiences & experiences of her friends'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Essays were then read. The Secretary does not feel able to do more than indicate the general nature of these essays.
1. Read by R.H. Robson. An essay written by H.M.W. about the remains of an altar stone found near Carthage. Vivid & interesting, bloodstained though the stone was, with human sacrifice.
2. Mrs Smith read a very interesting paper dealing with the mind & its training. 'My mind to me a kingdom is'. Considerable discussion followed.
3. Mr Stansfield read a fantasia (written surely by a historian. R.H.R.) relating the musings of Mendax II giving expression to a cynical prophecy of European politics if events evolved or devolved along present lines. We hope that the assassination of Ld. George by a Quaker pacifist & the suppression of L.P.S. will not be fulfilled.
4. E.E. Unwin read a paper entitled 'The Humours of Man' which consisted of a number of humorous stories lightly linked together'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Ann Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The following miscellaneous programme was then gone through. This change in the subject was caused by the imposibility of getting cheap copies of The Dynasts.
1. Pianoforte solo. Selection from Debusy [sic] Miss Bowman Smith
2. Reading. Modern Froissart Chronicles Mrs W.H. Smith
3. Reading. Migrations. Anon. Contrib. from Punch by Alfred Rawlings
4. Recitation. In a Gondola (Browning) Miss Cole
5. Song. 2 French Bergerettes. Mrs Unwin
6. Essay. 'The Pious Atrocity' R.B. Graham
7. Reading. Wedding Presents (Punch) Mrs Reynolds
8. Song. My dear Soul. Mrs Robson
9. Reading 'How the Camel got his Hump' W.H. Smith
10. Song. The Camel's hump. E.E. Unwin
11. Reading. The Man of the Evening (A.A. Milne Punch) Miss R. Wallis
12. Song. Hebrides Galley Song. Miss Bowman Smith
13. Reading. Arms of Wipplecrack S.A. Reynolds
14. Reading. Joints in the Armour. E.V. Lucas. H.M. Wallis
15. Song-Chant Folk Song [ditto]
16. Essay. 'Bad morality & bad art' R.H. Robson
17. Song. Winter. Miss Bowman Smith
18. Essay 'Etaples & the air raids' H.R. Smith
19. Recitation. These new fangled ways. E.E. Unwin
20. Song. Goodnight. Mrs Robson.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The rest of the evening was devoted to John Bunyan. H.R. Smith read a paper dealing with the main episodes of his life. This was a valuable introduction and gave the right historical & religious setting of Bunyan. C.E. Stansfield read an Appreciation of Pilgrim's Progress & of the writing of Bunyan. He referred to Bunyan & Milton as the two writers who expressed most completely the Puritan ideal. He expected Pilgrim's Progress to live as it expressed the universal quest of mankind. There were several readings from Bunyan's works which added greatly to the interest. Mrs Smith read from 'Grace Abounding' the book which is his spiritual autobiography.
R.H. Robson read the Fight with Apollyon
C.I. Evans [ditto] The trial scene in Vanity Fair
Mrs Unwin [ditto] The Interpreter's House.
In the general discussion some doubt was expressed of C.E. Stansfield's opinion that the Pilgrim's progress will live. It was felt by some that the story will always be attractive to children, but that the puritan flavour & crude theology would prevent it becoming anything more than an interesting historical document for older people'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The remainder of the evening was devoted to a play-reading from Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Goodnatured Man'. Although this play was Goldsmith's first experiment in writing for the theatre & contains many obvious faults it succeeded in obtaining a fair hearing at its first production in 1768 & brought the author a sum of £500. It has a rather weak plot & the character of Honeywood is not well brought out. Undoubtedly Croaker saved the piece, with help from Lofts. The reading of the play by members of the club made an interesting & enjoyable evening. The play certainly goes better in dialogue than when read through to oneself, although there is too little action in it for any success for acting. In this respect it is much inferior to 'She Stoops to Conquer'. [a lengthy cast list is given]
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: members of XII Book Club Print: Book
'The remainder of the evening was devoted to a play-reading from Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Goodnatured Man'. Although this play was Goldsmith's first experiment in writing for the theatre & contains many obvious faults it succeeded in obtaining a fair hearing at its first production in 1768 & brought the author a sum of £500. It has a rather weak plot & the character of Honeywood is not well brought out. Undoubtedly Croaker saved the piece, with help from Lofts. The reading of the play by members of the club made an interesting & enjoyable evening. The play certainly goes better in dialogue than when read through to oneself, although there is too little action in it for any success for acting. In this respect it is much inferior to 'She Stoops to Conquer'. [a lengthy cast list is given]
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Ernest E. Unwin Print: Book
'The remainder of the evening was devoted to a play-reading from Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Goodnatured Man'. Although this play was Goldsmith's first experiment in writing for the theatre & contains many obvious faults it succeeded in obtaining a fair hearing at its first production in 1768 & brought the author a sum of £500. It has a rather weak plot & the character of Honeywood is not well brought out. Undoubtedly Croaker saved the piece, with help from Lofts. The reading of the play by members of the club made an interesting & enjoyable evening. The play certainly goes better in dialogue than when read through to oneself, although there is too little action in it for any success for acting. In this respect it is much inferior to 'She Stoops to Conquer'. [a lengthy cast list is given]
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Ernest E. Unwin Print: Book
'The rest of the evening was spent in the company of Samuel Pepys (Peeps)
The Club was much indebted to H.M. Wallis and to H.R. Smith for able essays giving an outline of Pepys' life & an estimate of his character. From H.R. Smith we were introduced to Pepys as the competent official who by keenness made himself master of his job.
Readings from the diary were given by
Rosamund Wallis on "The Great Fire"
Mrs Robson on Mrs Pepys
E.E. Unwin on "The Plague"
& R.H. Robson'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The evening was then devoted to Samuel Johnson as seen through the biography of Boswell. Two papers were contributed.
By Mr Burrow on "a Second Hand Book" which threw an interesting sidelight on Dr Johnson
& By H.R. Smith who gave us an interesting account of the biographer.
Readings from the biography were given by Mr Rawlings, Mr Unwin, Mr Evans & Mr Wallis, Mr Robson'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The Minutes of the last meeting were read & approved'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: book
'The Minutes of last meeting were read & agreed'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: book
'The Financial Statement was read & approved'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'C.I. Evans read a short essay on W.H. Hudsons story Green Mansions H.R. Smith followed on Rates & Taxes & Geo Burrow read a short paper of H.M. Wallis on some points in recent Geology'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'The treasurers report showing a balance in hand of 19/- was read'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Edith Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'After supper the Secretary read the Minutes of the last Meeting'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: book
'The Minutes of last Meeting were read & approved'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard R. Smith Manuscript: book
'The financial statement was read showing a balance in hand of 11/ 3 1/2'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Edith Smith Manuscript: Unknown
[Elizabeth Carter to Elizabeth Vesey, 6 August 1766:]
'Be so good as to tell Mrs Handcock that I do like the "Vicar of Wakefield," and likewise that I do not [...] Indeed it has admirable things in it, though mixt with provoking absurdities, at which one should not be provoked if the book in general had not great merit [comments further].'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Carter Print: Book
[From the diary of Elizabeth Firth, 6 January 1820:]
'Read Goldsmith's History of Rome.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Firth Print: Book
'full of his living wit & wisdom, & not without some of his flippancy on solemn themes, however there is so much of manly justice in the whole argument that I could only wish for the suppression of one or two unnecessary jokes about extreme unction'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: G. W. F. Howard, Lord Morpeth Manuscript: Unknown
[Charlotte Brontë, as Currer Bell, to her publisher, W. S. Williams, 15 June 1848:]
'I duly received Mirabeau from Mr Smith [...] When I have read the book, I will tell you what I think of it — its subject is interesting. One thing a little annoyed me — as I glanced over the pages I fancied I detected a savour of Carlyle's peculiarities of style. Now Carlyle is a great man, but I always wish he would write plain English; and to imitate his Germanisms is, I think, to imitate his faults.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Charlotte Brontë Print: Book
Charlotte Bronte, as Currer Bell, to her publisher W. S. Williams, 22 June 1848:
'I feel a little difficulty in telling you what I think of the "Life of Mirabeau." It has interested me much, and I have derived additional information; in the course of reading it, I have often felt called upon to approve the ability and tact of the writer [...] but I have also been moved frequently to disapprobation. It is not the political principles of the writer with which I find fault, nor is it his talents [...] it is his manner of treating Mirabeau's errors that offends [...] there, I think, he betrays a little of crudeness — a little of presumption — not a little of indiscretion.
Could you with confidence put this work into the hands of your son, secure that its perusal would not harm him — that it would not leave on his mind some vague impression that there is a grandeur in vice committed on a colossal scale? [comments further, at length, on text]'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Charlotte Brontë Print: Book
James Chesterton Bradley to Robert Keating Smith, 3 May 1902:
'A short paper of yours in "The Tatler" of April 2nd brought before me my old friend James W[illiam]. Smith. He and I were fellow curates in Yorkshire, he curate of Haworth, and I of the hill part of Keighley which joined on to Haworth [...] He and I with another of the name of Grant were the three curates in Charlotte Bronte's "Shirley." I need not say how indignant I have often been at the way in which she speaks of him in the novel. He was a thorough gentleman in every sense of the word, and there was not the slightest ground for the insinuation she makes against him [...] We used to read together, walk together, and as often as we could, about once a week, would meet either at his or my lodgings.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: James Chesterton Bradley Print: Serial / periodical
'Thank you for your prettily bound little volume which I feel sure must be interesting to all your mother's friends. There is no doubt something gracious always in the simple record of a blameless life, however far from the march of intellect, the clash of science, and the visions and wonders of art, that life may have been passed. [...] As a daughter's memorial to her mother however there is much that is charming in your little book, much that springs from the tenderest love.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Oscar Wilde Print: BookManuscript: Sheet
'The tent flaps were laced over, the rain had ceased, the guns were silent and Jimmy Harding lay motionless. I ate slowly and dully, staring at my candle. I took my Palgrave from the valise head; it opened at "Barbara" and I read quite coldly and critically until I came to the lines
In vain, in vain, in vain
You will never come again.
There droops upon the dreary hills a mournful fringe
of rain
then with a great gulp I knocked my candle out and buried my face in the valise.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Edwin Stephen Campion Vaughan Print: Book
A Meeting held at Mark Ash Tuesday May 8th 1928
C. J. Evans in the Chair
1 Minutes of last approved
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
A Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue [Oct 19/28]
Miss E. C. Stevens in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
[This apparently refers both to the minutes of the meeting held 8 May 1928, which were signed off by the chair of the current meeting on 19 October, and to the minutes/report of the picnic meeting held on 12 June 1928, which are also signed off by Miss Stevens.]
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
A Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue [Oct 19/28]
Miss E. C. Stevens in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
[This apparently refers both to the minutes of the meeting held 8 May 1928, which were signed off by the chair of the current meeting on 19 October, and to the minutes/report of the picnic meeting held on 12 June 1928, which are also signed off by Miss Stevens.]
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at 9 Denmark Rd 13/11/1928 F. E. Pollard in the chair
1. Minutes of last read and approved
8[.] Essays were read (1) Alfred Rawlings on Beauty (2) R H Robson on The Abolition of the House of Commons'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A meeting held at School House 4/12/28 T. C. Elliott in the chair
1 Minutes of the last read and approved
4 The Most Part of the Tempest was then read the Play being cast as follows.
Alonso King of Naples Mrs Stansfield.
Sebastian, his brother Miss Brain.
Prsopero [sic], the right Duke of Milan Mr Stansfield.
Antonio, his brother, usurping Duke of Milan Mr Elliott.
Ferdinand, son to King of Naples Mr Reynolds.
Gonzalo, honest old Counsellor Mr Rawlings.
Adrian, a Lord Mrs Pollard
Caliban, a savage and deformed slave Mr Pollard.
Trinculo, a Jester Mr Smith.
Stephano, a Drunken Butler Mr Robson
Miranda, daughter to Prospero Miss Bowman Smith
Ariel, an airy Spirit Miss Wallis
Mrs Rawlings read the stage directions
Mrs [or Mr.?] Robson sang some of Ariel’s songs.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown, Notebook
'A Meeting held at Whinfell 21/1/29 Alfred Rawlings in the chair
1. Minutes of last time read and approved
4. The Subject of Plato was then taken F. E. Pollard explained briefly the subject and manner
of "The Republic"
following which Alfred and Janet Rawlings read one of the earlier dialogues. H. B. Lawson then
gave us a most
fascinatingly interesting account of Plato's life and work.
After supper Chas E. Stansfield read from Book 7 of the "Republic" "The Cave" this reading
being illustrated by a
diagram kindly made and explained by F. E. Pollard. F. E. Pollard then outlined for us the main
thoughts of Platos [sic]
Philosophy Ideas the true reality[.] The evening concluded by T. C. Elliott reading the affecting
account of Socrates
death in the Phaedo. Thus came to an end a most interesting evening.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at Oakdene 20/2/1929 S. A. Reynolds in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved
4. The Subject of the evening Victor Hugo was then taken[.] Howard R Smith gave a brief
of his life[.] Thos C. Elliott gave some estimate of Hugos verse & his position in French
following this up by reading in French "Boaz" & Waterloo. after supper Mis Brain read from Les
Miserables which was followed by some general discussion on Hugos work. R. H. Robson read
from Toilers of the sea & H. B. Lawson read from Ninety three'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at Oakdene 20/2/1929 S. A. Reynolds in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved
4. The Subject of the evening Victor Hugo was then taken[.] Howard R Smith gave a brief
of his life[.] Thos C. Elliott gave some estimate of Hugos verse & his position in French
following this up by reading in French "Boaz" & Waterloo. after supper Mis Brain read from Les
Miserables which was followed by some general discussion on Hugos work. R. H. Robson read
from Toilers of the sea & H. B. Lawson read from Ninety three'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'A. Meeting held at Frensham 19/3/1929 H. R. Smith in the chair
Min 1 Minutes of last read and approved
Min 2 The date of the next Meeting was fixed for Friday May 3rd at Grove House by kind
invitation of Mrs Lawson[.] Mr H. B. Lawson was added to the committee
Min 3 Three short Plays of John Galsworthy were then read in parts. The first was "Hall Marked"
not a great success as it depends so much on exit. [illegible word similar to ‘cutranas’] glances &
backs. After supper Came "The Little Man" which was much enjoyed and finally Punch & Go
which also gave much pleasure.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at Grove House May 3rd H. B. Lawson in the chair
Min 1. Minutes of last Read and approved
[Min] 4 The Subject of the evening "Humour" was then introduced by H. B. Lawson who fascinated us by his thoughtful attempts to
define his subject[.] An interesting discussion followed in which the disputants backed their opinions by literary allusion and we
were led to wonder if Humour flowed from F E Pollards heart & wit from R H Robsons head.
After Supper the Club settled down to enjoy the following selections chosen to represent English Humour in literature down the
Prologue of Chaucers Canterbury Tales The Prioress & Wife of Bath read by Howard R. Smith
Shakespeares Henry IV The Men in Buckram read by R. H Robson Fallstaff
[ditto] S. A. Reynolds Poins
[ditto] C. E. Stansfield Prince Hall [sic]
[ditto] Geo Burrow Gadshill
Jane Austin Pride & Prejudice Mr. Collins proposes
[ditto] Mrs Robson
Charles Dickens David Copperfield Mrs Micawber on her husbands career[?] Geo Burrow
Charles Lamb A Letter Alfred Rawlings
Lewis Carrols Alice in Wonderland The Lobster Quadrill Mary Reynolds
Jerome K. Jerome Three Men in a Boat Uncle Podger hangs a picture F. E. Pollard
Hilaire Belloc Cautionary Tales "George" recited by Howard R. Smith'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at Broomfield June 6 1929
Geo H Burrow in the chair
Min 1. Minutes of last time read and approved
5 The Subject of the evening Modern American Literature was then taken F. E. Pollard
introducing us to a number of Authors in a short general Survey. Geo Burrows then read us
several short examples in Verse[.]
Rosamund Wallis read two passages from "the Bridge of St Louis Rey" by Thornton Wilder[.]
Thos C. Elliott read an essay on "War" by George Santiana[.]
Chas E Stansfield read a poem "Renaissance by E. St Vincent Millay[.]
R. H. Robson gave us two readings from Sinclair Lewis’s Babbit'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at 70 Northcourt Avenue 25th September 1929 C. E Stansfield in the
Min 1. Minutes of last time read and approved
2 Mrs T C Elliott was wellcomed to the club in a felicitous speech by the chairman
3 The Secretary read a letter of resignation of Membership from Muriel Bowman Smith he was
directed unanimously to ask her to reconsider the matter.
7 Holiday Essays were read R H Robson a family holiday at Mort[?] Geo Burrow The
Jamboree & thoughts thereon C. E. Stansfield on a Swiss Holiday whilst H M Wallis chatted on
some aspects of Bordighera.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at 70 Northcourt Avenue 25th September 1929 C. E Stansfield in the
Min 1. Minutes of last time read and approved
2 Mrs T C Elliott was wellcomed to the club in a felicitous speech by the chairman
3 The Secretary read a letter of resignation of Membership from Muriel Bowman Smith he was
directed unanimously to ask her to reconsider the matter.
7 Holiday Essays were read R H Robson a family holiday at Mort[?] Geo Burrow The
Jamboree & thoughts thereon C. E. Stansfield on a Swiss Holiday whilst H M Wallis chatted on
some aspects of Bordighera.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Letter
'A Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue 19/10/29 Miss E. C. Stevens in the chair
1. Minutes of last time read and approved
5 F E Pollard then introduced "The Alcestis" of Euripides by reading from Gilbert Murray's
introduction of his translation of the play, Which was read in parts after refreshments the
parts being taken as follows
Apollo S.A. Reynolds
Thanatos C. I. Evans
Elders C. E Stansfield & Miss Brain
Choros T. C. Elliott
Handmaid Mrs Pollard
Admetus F. E. Pollard
Alcestis Mrs Elliott
Little Boy Mrs Pollard
Heracles H. R. Smith
Phaeres [sic] Geo Burrow
Servant S. A. Reynolds'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'A Meeting held at Ashton Lodge 8/11/29
H. M. Wallis in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at School House
T. C. Elliott in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved
5. The subject of the evening Ghost Stories was then taken
H. R. Smith read an account written by Clarkson Wallis of a ghost appearing in Brighton
Geo Burrows read a Newcastle Ghost story
Miss Brain read of the Ghost of Southcote Manor & Mrs Elliott read of Mrs S. The Morton
C. E. Stansfield read an essay on the subject especially with reference to the work of the
Physchical [sic]
Research Society thereafter he and H. R. Smith told a story apiece.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Whinfell 24/1/30
A Rawlings in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
The subject of Arnold Bennett was then taken F.E. Pollard read from the Old Wives Tale the
account of John
Baines Funeral. Mrs Rawlings read from Riceymans Steps the Wedding Ring. Mrs Elliott read
an Essay the
story Tellers Craft. After Refreshments the Play intitled The Title was read with a few cuts The
took part
Mr Culver R H Robson
Mrs Culver Muriel Bowman Smith
Hildegarde Janet Rawlings
John T. C. Elliott
Tranto F. E. Pollard
Miss Starky Dorothy Brain
Sampson Straight H. R. Smith
Parlourmaid F. E. Reynolds'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Reckitt House 27/2/30
R. H. Robson in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
5. The subject of “Medieval Social Life” which by some strange metamorphosis had changed into “Renaissance Social Life” was then taken. Mrs T. C. Elliott read a paper on “Domestic Life in the Fifteenth Century as seen in the Paston Letters”. Alfred Rawlings read a paper on “Medieval Artists and their
Methods”, illustrated by Medici reproductions of Giotto’s fresco St. “Francis: the birds”, Fra Angelico’s fresco “The Annunciation”, and Mantegna’s painting “Madonna and Child with Cherubim”[.] This was followed up by some readings anent the development of painting and the Renaissance.
R. H. Robson read a paper on “Vittorino da Feltre”, a Renaissance Schoolmaster & a “Romance of Federigo, Duke of Urbino”, illustrated by a Medici card reproduction of Piero della Francesca’s portrait of Duke Federigo. Mr Burrow read extracts from Children of the Olden Time [sic] by Eliz[abe]th Godfrey particularly
on the education of Royal Children.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: [Unidentified member of the XII Book Club] Manuscript: Notebook
Meeting held at Ashton Lodge July 10th 1930
H. M. Wallis in the chair
Min 1. Minutes of last meeting approved
5 The subject of John Masefield was then taken
Geo Burrow gave some account of his life
Mrs Burrow read 2 poems "Beauty" & "Posted Missing"
H. M. Wallis read from the novel Sard Harker a thrilling account of an escape from a bog.
Violet Clough read from "Midsummer Night".
After refreshments "Phillip the King" was read in parts & much enjoyed the parts being taken as
King Phillip C. B. Castle
His Daughter the Infanta Mrs Castle
Various Ghosts Mrs Pollard
The Captain H.R. Smith
De Leyva S.A. Reynolds
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Frensham October 1st 1930
H. R. Smith in the chair
1. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
7. The Subject of Mary Webb's work was then taken
Mrs Burrow read 4 short Poems Snowdrop Time
Hawthorn Berry
The Poplar Tree
The Neighbours Children
Mrs R. Wallis read from the House in Dormer Forest
Miss E. C. Stevens read from the Golden Arrow
After refreshments had been taken
H. M. Wallis read from the Golden Arrow
H. R. Smith read Blessed are the Meek
in conclusion H. M. Wallis gave us a slight appreciation of Mary Webbs work which was
followed by discussion in
which Mary Webb was compared with such writers as Sheila Kaye[-]Smith Geo. Elliott &
Thomas Hardy but very
especially the latter.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at 70 Northcourt Avenue 28th October 1930
C.E. Stansfield in the chair
1. Minutes of last time read and approved
3. For the next meeting the Club accepted the kind offer of hospitality made by Mrs Castle when the
meeting would vote in new Books, the following to act as a committee [...] E. B. Castle Miss Brain
and H. R. Smith.
4 For the following meeting it was decided to have a symposium with E. B. Castle R. H. Robson and
V. W. Alexander as a Committee. The Club accepted the kind offer of hospitality made by Miss E. C.
5 The Books were then auctioned by the Secretary as list overleaf.
6 After refreshments the Club settled down with many giggles to a general Knowlege paper attached,
For (the answering of) which 40 minutes was allowed. The correction of the papers caused much
discussion & amusement The total of marks gainable was 85 & Mr Mitchell a visitor[?] came out first
with 43 H.M. Wallis came next with 39 1/2 & E B Castle third with 38 1/2. Mrs Alexander proved
herself the leading lady with a score of 31.
Result of Book Auction 28/10/30
High Wind in Jamaica H. M. Wallis 5/-
Henry the VIIIth V. W. Alexander 8/6
Alice Meynell Miss E. C. Stevens 8/6
Tarka the Otter Geo Burrow 3/6
English Tradition in Education E. B. Castle 8/-
Magellan do 7/3
Studies in Literature Miss D. Brain 6/9
Peep Show of the Port of London S. A. Reynolds 6/-
[?] Around us C. E. Stansfield 10/6
C. E. Montague H. M. Wallis 8/9
Waters of Africa Mrs Alexander 6/6
Good Companion Mrs D. Brain 7/9
[total] 4/7/-
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown, Notebook
'Meeting held at Mark Ash 25/11/30 E. B. Castle in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Mark Ash 25/11/30 E. B. Castle in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Mark Ash 25/11/30 E. B. Castle in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting approved
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Oakdene Jan 23rd 1931
S A Reynolds in the chair
1. Minutes of last approved
6 After supper Bernard Shaw’s “You never Can tell” was read in parts with the exception of
short Act for which there was no time[.] Characters as follows
Fergus Crampton G H Burrow
Bohun K.C. S. A. Reynolds
Finch McComus H. R. Smith
William the Waiter R. H. Robson
Valentine W. Fraser Mitchell
Philip Clandon Miss[?] Mary Reynolds
Parlour Maid Miss Margot Reynolds
Mrs Clandon Miss Janet Rawlings
Dolly Clandon Miss D. Brain
Gloria Clandon Mrs R. H. Robson
Considering that owing to illness many of the parts were taken at the shortest notice the
was very well done'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Oakdene Jan 23rd 1931
S A Reynolds in the chair
1. Minutes of last approved
6 After supper Bernard Shaw’s “You never Can tell” was read in parts with the exception of
short Act for which there was no time[.] Characters as follows
Fergus Crampton G H Burrow
Bohun K.C. S. A. Reynolds
Finch McComus H. R. Smith
William the Waiter R. H. Robson
Valentine W. Fraser Mitchell
Philip Clandon Miss[?] Mary Reynolds
Parlour Maid Miss Margot Reynolds
Mrs Clandon Miss Janet Rawlings
Dolly Clandon Miss D. Brain
Gloria Clandon Mrs R. H. Robson
Considering that owing to illness many of the parts were taken at the shortest notice the
was very well done'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at Reckitt House Feb 27 1931
R. H. Robson in the chair
1. Minutes of last approved
6 The subject of the evening Persian Art was then taken. R. H. Robson gave us a short survey
of Persian History emphasizing the way in which the natural Features of the Country had kept
it in a separate entity throughout the ages[.] Mrs Robson sang us "Myself When Young" and to
Geo Burrow we were indebted for a fascinating description of the Persian Art Exhibition. After
Supper Mrs Burrow read us some short & charming Persian lyrics, C.E. Stansfield read from
Fitzgeralds Omar Kyaham [sic] Mrs Pollard gave us Laurence Binyons impressions of Persian
Art & Miss Brain read the last scene from Flecker’s Hassan.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Print: BookManuscript: Notebook
'Special Meeting held at Frensham 17/3/31
Howard R. Smith in the chair
1 Minutes of last approved
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Special Meeting held at Frensham 17/3/31
Howard R. Smith in the chair
1 Minutes of last approved'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
'Meeting held at 9 Denmark Road 14/4/31
F. E. Pollard in the chair
1. Minutes of last approved
5 The subject of Wordsworth was then taken[.]
Charles E. Stansfield gave us a sketch of his life which provoked some discussion. R H Robson
read from The Prelude both before and after supper.
H. R. Smith read “The Happy Warrior”.
Mrs Robson read “She was a Phantom of Delight”[.]
To Conclude F. E. Pollard gave a most interesting appreciation of Wordsworth’s work which
was followed by some discussion.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Notebook
Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue
Dec 19th 1930
Miss E. C. Stevens in the chair
Min 1 Minutes of last Meeting approved
7 After refreshments a Symposium was opened by Miss D. Brain who took the standpoint of a
Salvationist lass giving a moving description of that outlook & experience, E. B. Castle
with a thoughtful setting out of the Position of the Scientist[.] C. E. Stansfield put before us
viewpoint of a Revolutionary of the masses & R. H. Robson racily endeavoured[?] to convert
us to
the views of a Blue Blooded Aristocrat. There followed a keen & amusing discussion which
centred too much on the Aristocrat & his doings[...].
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown, Notebook
'Whinfell, Upper Redlands Rd., 30. i. 32.
Alfred Rawlings in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read and approved.
3. Howard Smith spoke to us of the social and literary sides of Sheridan's life.[...]
4. Reginald H. Robson followed with an account of Sheridan as Parliamentarian, telling us of
his thirty-two years in opposition to reactionary government, his aversion from bribery in a
corrupt age, and his conduct of the Hastings Impeachment. This last brought into remarkable
combination Sheridan's dramatic and rhetorical gifts; so that we quite fell beneath the spell,
accepting him as a heroic character, and were ready to condone, if not indeed even to
acclaim, his less creditable convivialities with the Prince Regent and Mrs.[or Mr.] Robson's
5. Francis E. Pollard then read a passage from Sheridan's speech on the devastation of
6. We then listend to extracts from "The School for Scandal" starring Mrs. Robson as Lady
Teazle and C. E. Stansfield as Sir Peter. As is not unusual on such occasions the humours of
the play as devised by the author had to compete with other unrehearsed attractions — actors
borrowing books, adjusting their spectacles, turning two pages instead of one, and, perhaps
best of all, the pure milk of the expurgated editions looking a little sour at the strong wine of
the original text.
Be that as it may, ancestral portraits from the brush of Vandyke or Lely, Kneller or Rawlings
changed owners with the accustomed success: Mr. Robson* as Joseph Surface mad love to his
own wife as Lady Teazle[...].
* R.H.R. states that Gio. B. was Jos. Surface [Footnote is in MS]'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at Broomfield: 22.3.1932
George Burrow in the chair
1. The minutes of last were read by Sylvanus Reynolds, who had kindly deputised for the
Secretary in his absence.
7. F. E. Pollard then spoke on the Victorians and their literature.[...] When the paper was
discussed there proved to be a very general measure of consent.[...]
Howard Smith disturbed us a little by accusing the Victorians of complacency[...].
Finally Reginald Robson deplored the disappearance of the Victorian countryside. As it was
foretold by Malthus the Economist, so it had come to pass. Over population had done its work.
There could be no more rural simplicity or village Hampdens, no more nurture of man by
nature any more. The Victorian age can be guaranteed unique: the mould from which it was
cast has been shattered.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at Fairlight, Denmark Rd.: 21.iii.33
Francis E. Pollard in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read & approved.
5. Eight anonymous essays were then read. In some of these the subject treated or the style
of the author made recognition comparatively easy, but others were provocative of much
ingenious speculation. A paper on English Justice proved to be the most discussed during the
interval. Rival tipsters gave in confidence the names of Mrs. Stansfield & Robert Pollard as the
author, one of them purporting to recognize - or coming perilously close to so doing - Mrs.
Stansfield’s opinion of her fellow magistrates, while the other detected just that ingenious
combination of Fascism and Bolshevism that Robert Pollard would enjoy putting up for the
Club’s mystification. Further conflicting theories attributed the authorship to Henry Marriage
Wallis or Howard Smith, & this last proved correct[....]
Another essay which stirred debate told of a medium, a photograph, a Twentieth Century
Officer & a suit of medieval armour. It was told with that precision of detail that marks either
the experienced writer of fiction or the worshipper of truth. And as if to darken counsel there
was an open allusion to Bordighera. Suspicious though we were, & in spite of every
appearance of our being right, we adhered to the view that the author must be H. M. Wallis.
Time & space do not allow adequate record of all the papers, but it must be mentioned that
three of the eight came from the Rawlings family: a thoughtful essay by Alfred Rawlings
needed a second reading if it were to be seriously discussed, some interesting reminiscences
by Helen Rawlings made very good hearing, & Moroccan memories by Janet helped to make a
most varied programme.
Other essays were "Safety First" by Charles E. Stansfield, and "The English - are they modest?
" by Edgar Castle, both of which added some humorous touches to the evening.
A list of essayists, & their readers, follows.
Mrs Castle read a paper by Alfred Rawlings
Janet Rawlings read a paper by Helen Rawlings
Charles Stansfield read a paper by Henry M. Wallis
Reginald Robson read a paper by Howard Smith
George Burrow read a paper by Reginald Robson
Alfred Rawlings read a paper by Edgar Castle
Howard Smith read a paper by Janet Rawlings
Mrs Pollard read a paper by Charles E. Stansfield.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Reginald H. Robson Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at Oakdene, Northcourt Av, 20.3.34.
Sylvanus A. Reynolds in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read and approved, in the teeth of one dissident.
5. We then proceeded to the anonymous essays and members felt on excellent terms with
themselves at the prospect of hearing some attractive reading and of eluding or inflicting a good
hoax or two.
The first essay opened discreetly without title on the theme of “Newcomers to Reading”, going
on to a description of the neighbourhood, its beauties its quaint place names and historical
associations. […]
6. Next came a paper on “Uniforms”. The writer was considered by one or two to show the
observation of the masculine mind and the style of the feminine. […]
7. Then came a letter to "My dear Twelve" written with the unmistakeable touch of the practised
writer. […]
8. We listened, too, with equal interest to a paper called “Canaries”, telling us something of the
progress and perambulations of our latest migrant members. Moreover two or three of our
number were able to follow their doings with particular appreciation, having mad much the same
trip themselves. […]
9. All of us were a good deal non plussed by “Hors d’Oeuvres”, an essay not inappropriately
named, for it contained a perplexing mixture of fare, and certainly stimulated our appetite. […]
10. Hardly less difficult was “Glastonbury”. Many of us had visited it, and so were able to follow
closely the author’s points. But few of us knew enough of its history and legend to be sure
whether or no our one professional historian had set his wits before us. So we gave up
reasoning and just guessed. […]
11. Finally we heard “Spoonbill”. It was a noteworthy paper, combining the love of the naturalist
for the birds he watches with the craft of the writer in the language he uses. […]
12. Here is the complete list. —
“Newcomers to Reading” by H. R. Smith, read by F. E. Pollard
“Uniforms” by Janet Rawlings, read by Elizabeth Alexander
“My dear Twelve” by H. M. Wallis, read by S. A. Reynolds
“Canaries” by C. E. Stansfield, read by Dorothy Brain
“Hors d’Oeuvres” by Dorothy Brain, read by R. H. Robson
“Glastonbury” by Mrs Goadby, read by H. R. Smith
“The Spoonbill” by W. Russell Brain, read by Mrs. Robson
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Francis E. Pollard Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at 9 Denmark Road, 20 IV. 1934
F. E. Pollard in the chair
1. Minutes of last read & approved with one correction, in the absence of the secretary.
4. Howard R. Smith told us of Morris’s life. The meeting gasped with unanimity and
amazement to learn that he (Morris i.e.) had read all the Waverley novels by the age of
seven; we gathered that the background of his life had been a blend of Epping Forest & shares
in a coppermine, and that his appearance accounted for his lifelong nickname of Topsy. Of his
friendships, his labours to restore beauty to Victorian homes, to prevent vandals from
restoring cathedrals & other ancient monuments, his Kelmscott Press, his poems & prose
romances, his turning to Socialism as the only way to a society in which men would find
happiness in sound and beautiful work – of all these things and many more which made up his
extraordinarily full and fruitful life, it is impossible to make a summary.
5. Mary S. W. Pollard read a short extract from Percy Corder’s life of Robert Spence Watson
telling of a visit of Wm Morris to Bensham Grove. Members afterwards inspected his signature
in the Visitors’ book.
6. Ethel C. Stevens read an interesting account of Kelmscott Manor, revealing other sides of
this vigorous and many sided personality.
7. R. H. Robson gathered together the artistic & socialist aspects of Morris’s work, emphasised
the greatness of the man, & read extracts from MacKail’s Biography. It was clear that Morris
would wish to cancel out the last four hundred years & start again on different lines. Time was
wanting to reveal all the varieties of opinion that this might have elicited, & we parted in
united awe at the mans capacity for work, & his important contributions to our life & ideals.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at Hillsborough, Glebe Road: 15. V. 34.
Reginald H. Robson in the chair.
1. Minutes of last read & approved
6. And so we turned, a little wistfully maybe, to Charles Stansfield reading from the “Earthy
Paradise”, & its rather pathetic refrain “The idle singer of an empty day”. The word pictures of the
Greek and Norse myths came vividly before our minds, and their beauty drew us very pleasantly.
7. Frank Pollard then gave us a general survey of Morris and his work, & Mary Pollard read a short
poem. Those who had some familiarity with Morris’s writings compared their impressions & the rest
of us caught something of Morris’s desire to present a different world from the unpleasant one he
lived in, and also of the joy we have in praising great men and how we turn their stories over. The
contribution of Morris, we gathered, was not so much the foregoing of life in order to live in some
deeper sense, but the happier if less heroic creation of a life in some considerable accordance with
his own ideals.
8. Howard Smith then talked to us of William Morris’s Prose Romances and read us extracts from
them. These romances were turned off, we were told, during his leisure evenings in a thoroughly
matter of fact manner reminding us perhaps of Trollope. But they were crammed full of the fanciful
& even the fantastic. Not only did the author draw upon his imagination for quaint names like
Utterhay, Evilshore, Bindalone: he also freely indulged his fancy for archaic expressions — hard by,
whilom, Child (with capital C), dight, gayass[?], hight (for named) are a few examples.
9. Finally we heard from Reginald Robson an extract from “News from Nowhere.” In this ideal world
of the poet’s dreaming there was no meanness and no money, no jarring jangle of train or tram
with rolling smoke or strident screech, nothing more disturbing than the quiet plash of the oar upon
the tranquil surface of the Thames. It may be that the the rowing boat was once itself anathema to
the aesthetes of an earlier age, but for Morris its very antiquity had hallowed its shapely curves. Is
it as well that he did not live to see the vermillion sports car [...]?'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue
19. II. 1935
Ethel Stevens in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read (by F. E. Pollard in the regretted absence of the Secretary), heard with
wonder and admiration, & approved.
4. Edgar B. Castle, passing over the the Garden of Eden owing to a dislike of snakes, the Roman
Empire from an unwillingness to feed the lions, & other intervening ages by reason of other
prejudices, took us to Reading in 2000 A.D. Our eyes opened & our mouths watered as we heard
of the beautiful, free, sober & happy borough to be, its advent due to the efforts of Mr Lloyd
George & the Old Boys of Leighton Park. [...]'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 70 Northcourt Avenue: 18. 6. 35.
Charles E. Stansfield in the Chair
1. Minutes of last read and approved.
2. The Secretary then read a letter from Marjorie C. Cole, expressing her interest in the Book
Club and offering us a book “Gone Rambling” by Cecil Roberts which she had recently read with
enjoyment. [...]
6. The large subject of London was then opened by Howard Smith. He spoke of the extraordinary
insistence of the divergent views as its origin, leaning to the opinion that it owed its beginnings
to to a variety of causes.
7. Extracts from Defoe’s Journal of the Great Plague were then read by Victor Alexander.
8. From Defoe we turned to Pepys, and Reginald Robson described the Great Fire.
9. We next enjoyed a delightful picture of old London which Edith Goadby gave us, making the
acquaintance of Gabriel Bardon the locksmith, his pretty daughter Dolly and Simon the
apprentice. It was all too short, but at least we left them happily seated before their jolly round
of beef, their Yorkshire cake and quaintly shaped jug of ale.
10. A further scene was depicted for us by Ethel Stevens, old Crosby Hall, Chelsea Hospital,
Cheyne walk as it used to be, and Carlyle’s house, where he entertained Tennyson in the
kitchen. We were introduced to John Stuart Mill and his great concern over the loss of his fiend’s
manuscript of the French Revolution, and we took glimpses at William de Morgan + Sir Thomas
11. Finally Charles Stansfield read us Wordsworth’s Sonnet composed on Westminster Bridge,
and Henry Marriage Wallis quoted happily ten lines from William Morris.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at Oakdene 22. II 1937
Sylvanus A. Reynolds in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read (by F.E.P. in regretted absence of the Secretary) & approved.
4. Howard R. Smith introduced Browning with a biographical sketch.
5. F. E. Pollard read The Italian in England.
6. S. A. Reynolds read a paper by H. M. Wallis on ‘The Bishop orders his Tomb’; & Rosamund
Wallis read the poem.
7. F. E. Pollard commented on various aspects of Browning’s works, & at intervals the following
were read:-
‘The Patriot’ by E. B. Castle.
Parts of ‘By the fireside’ & ‘Holy Cross Day’ by R. H. Robson.
Part of ‘Rabbi ben Ezra’, by C. E. Stansfield.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at Cintra Avenue
1. Minutes of last read & approved.
The following essays were read:-
Mrs Stevens His Good Turn – read by Elizabeth Alexander
Miss Stevens Anne Thackeray’s Chapter from Memory read by Muriel Stevens
Mrs Dilks The Gardener [read by] H. R. Smith
H. M. Wallis Some New Thing [read by] F. E. Pollard
H. R. Smith The Cotswolds [read by] A. B. Dilks
R. H. Robson Rupert Brooke [read by] Mary S. W. Pollard
A. B. Dilks The Spacious Firmament [read by] Mary E. Robson
The essays were then successfully identified'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Bruce Dilks Manuscript: Unknown
'He read — Sterne, Sydney Smith's letters, Canning's speeches, and two thrillers: A. E. W. Mason's Konigsmarch and Michael Innes's Lament for a Maker ...'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: John Buchan Print: Book
'His reading in 1938 and 1939 had been mainly of memoirs and biographies: Boswell, Greville, Logan Pearsall Smith's Unforgotten Years, Siegfried Sassoon's The Old Century, Somerset Maugham's The Summing-Up ("a very honest confession of faith").'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: John Buchan Print: Book
'Meeting held at 7, Marlborough Avenue. 15th Jan, 1944
A. G. Joselin in the chair.
2. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed
5. Howard Smith opened the evening on Shelley with a biographical sketch. [...]
6. We adjourned for refreshment[.]
7. F. E. Pollard read “Ode to the West Wind”
8. Margaret Dilks gave brief appreciation of Shelley’s poetry. This started a general
discussion in which nearly all took part — whether he influenced or was influenced by
his contempor[ar]ies , & what effect he had, if any, on future poets. On these
questions opinion varied, but all agreed with F. E. Pollard that Shelley’s verse is
supremely ‘poetical’.
9. To illustrate Shelley’s passion for liberty and reform Bruce Dilks read from “The
Masque of Anarchy” which was inspired by the Peterloo Massacre in 1819.
10. Rosamund Wallis read some stanzas from “Adonais”. F. E. Pollard read a short
poem entitled “A Lament”[.] Thus, our thoughts being with the departed, the meeting
ended on a lighter note. One member quoted a touching little verse from the
Berkshire Chronicle In Memoriam notices, which another capped by some lines written
by a school-boy on the relative merits of perpetual roasting and eternal hymn-singing.
Lines which gained the boy a severe reprimand from his head-master, and a ‘Fiver’
from his father.
[signed as a true record by] S A Reynolds 14/2/44'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at 22 Cintra Avenue, 21st June 1944
F. E. Pollard in the chair.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and signed.
3. Howard Smith introduced G. K. Chesterton by giving us a very full and interesting account of his life. Essayist, critic, novelist and poet;
always interesting, sometimes brilliant; inaccurate in factual detail yet showing quite extraordinary understanding of the great men of
whom he wrote.
4. F. E. Pollard read from Chesterton’s biography of Robert Browning
5. We adjourned for refreshment.
6. Margaret Dilks read from “Orthodoxy”.
7. Rosamund Wallis read an essay “French and English” which was of particular interest in view of the present day political situation, and
the difficulty statesmen of the two countries experience in understanding each other.
8. Isabel Taylor read “The Blue Cross” a thrilling and amusing detective story from “The innocence of Father Brown.”
9. Kenneth Nicholson read some of Chesterton’s poems: The Pessimist, F. E. Smith [i.e. ‘Antichrist, or the Reunion of Christendom: An
Ode’] & King’s Cross [Station].
10. It was too late to hear the readings from Chesterton’s biography of Charles Dickens, and it was suggested that this might well prove
an interesting subject for a future evening.
[signed as a true record by] Howard R. Smith 8/7/44'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Francis E. Pollard Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Margaret Dilks Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Bruce Dilks Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Muriel Stevens Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Dorothea Taylor Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Ruth Beck Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Rosamund Wallis Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Basil Smith Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Sylvanus A. Reynolds Print: Book
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
7. “Love Came In” by Beatrice Saxon-Snell was read with the following cast:-
Thomas Curtis — F. E. Pollard
Anne Curtis — Isabel Taylor
Sandra — Elsie Harrod
Joe Coale — Bruce Dilks
James Naylor — Howard Smith
Before the reading Howard Smith briefly recounted the historical events leading up
to the time at which the action takes place. which explains the very strained
relations between George Fox & James Naylor. It was agreed that when the copies
were returned to Beatrice Saxon-Snell she should be warmly thanked for lending
them to us, & told how very much the club appreciated the play.
8. “The Dear Departed” by Stanley Houghton a play of a much more frivolous
nature, was read with the following cast:-
Henry Slater — Bruce Dilks
Amelia Slater — Muriel Stevens
Ben Jordan — Howard Smith
Elizabeth Jordan — Rosamund Wallis
Victoria Slater — Margaret Dilks
Abel Merryweather — F. E. Pollard
9. It being still quite early we decided to read another short play & chose quite at
random from the books available “The Man who wouldn't go to Heaven” by F.
Sladen-Smith. Read from sight and cast quite haphazardly this proved most
entertaining. F. E. Pollard as the recording angel, Basil Smith as the Free Church
Minister (with a voice pregnant with unxious non-conformity), Rosamund Wallis as
a string minded woman calling loudly for her dog & indeed every character was
most aptly portrayed. The full cast was as follows:
Thariel — F. E. Pollard
Margaret — Margaret Dilks
Richard Alton — Bruce Dilks
Bobbie Nightingale — Howard Smith
Eliza Muggins — Muriel Stevens
Sister Mary Teresa — Dorothea Taylor
Mrs Cuthbert Bagshawe — Ruth Beck
Harriet Rebecca Strenham — Rosamund Wallis
Rev John McNulty — Basil Smith
Timothy Toto Newbiggin — Sylvanus Reynolds
Derrick Bradley — Elsie Harrod
[signed as a true record by] AB Dilks 18/9/44'
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Elsie Harrod Print: Book
'Meeting held at Grove House. 16th October 1944
J. Knox Taylor in the chair.
2. The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.
5. The subject of the evening was Charles Dickens and we were once again indebted to Howard Smith for a biography. In a
skilfully condensed account of the chief events of his life, we heard of the hardships Dickens underwent in childhood, of his
sudden & quite early achievement of success & financial ease. His marriage, his many children & the unhappy atmosphere
of his home life in later years. His visits to America and his sudden death at the age of 58.
6. Muriel Stevens read from David Copperfield the account of his arrival at the house of his Aunt Betsey Trotwood.
Humphrey Hare gave us the benefit of his local knowledge and described Peggotty’s Cottage at Great Yarmouth as seen by
his Father, and also Blundestone Rookery as it is today.
7. F. E. Pollard told us something of Chestertons book on Dickens and read a number of extracts showing his appreciation
of a number some of the lesser characters. Among these were Mrs. Nickleby, Mantalini, Dick Swiveller, Mr.
Stiggins, the Rev. Septimus Crisparkle and Toots.
8. We heard with interest that a recent census of boys’ reading at Leighton Park revealed Dickens even now as the third
most popular author.
9. Arnold Joselin read from Martin Chuzzlewit the chapter where Mrs. Gamp instals herself as night-nurse.
10. Knox Taylor read from The Pickwick Papers the account of the visit to Eatanswill parliamentary election.
[signed as a true record by] Arnold G. Joselin 21 Nov. 1944'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 7 Marlborough Avenue, 21.XI.44
A. G. Joselin in the chair.
2. The minutes of the last meeting were read and after considerable discussion &
some alteration, signed.
5. After adjourning for refreshment we listened with very great interest to some
letters from Ralph Smith and also one from a repatriated Prisoner of War giving
first hand news of him.
6. Knox Taylor opened our evening of controversial subjects by a defence of
‘Vice’. He maintained that drinking and gambling in moderation were
harmless in themselves when dissociated from their social evils. In the discussion
which followed members seemed on the whole to favour a life of virtue, being
unwilling thus to separate cause from effect.
7. Elsie Harrod spoke on the housing question and after putting forward the many
problems which must be considered by those responsible for building the houses
for this generation, she proposed that the only way of meeting all requirements
was to pass a law that no house should be built to last for more than 10 years.
The chief argument which was put forward against this was that if the house was
guaranteed to decay in 10 years what would it be like in the 2 or 3 years
preceding this limit.
8. In a vehement and convincing discourse F. E. Pollard defended Reason against
this Age of Unreason. A lively discussion which followed showed that the speaker
had largely carried his audience with him along the path of Reason, although some
of us were unwilling to part with our sub-conscious minds.
[signed as a true record by] Muriel M. Stevens 16-12-44'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: [unnamed member[s] of the XII Book Club] Manuscript: Letter
'Meeting held at Gower Cottage. 8th May ’43
Muriel Stevens in the Chair
1. Minutes of last meeting read & signed
3. Knox Taylor opened our study of Johnson & his Circle by giving us a most
comprehensive picture of the background of this period.
4. Howard Smith told us of Johnson’s life and publications.
5. Isabel Taylor read Johnson’s famous letter to Lord Chesterfield.
6. Roger Moore read ‘The Wedding Day’ by Boswell & an account of his first
meeting with Johnson.
7. F. E. Pollard described Johnson’s Circle. He spoke of Garrick, Sir Joshua
Reynolds, Burke, Godlsmith, Boswell, Richardson, Fielding, Mrs. Thrale and her
daughter Hester & others and A. B Dilks read from Johnson’s “Vanity of Human
8. Mention must be made of the excellent refreshments provided by our hostess
and the Secretary regrets that owing to lack of time, she has in these minutes
done Scant justice to a most thoughtfully prepared & extremely interesting
[signed as a true record by] Howard R Smith
22/6/43 [at the club meeting held at Frensham: see Minute Book, p. 155: ‘We
adjourned indoors & the minutes of the last meeting were read, corrected and
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Read on furlough. 1917–1918.
A. Medical.
Minor Horrors of present war.
Staying the Plague – Harman
Military Orthopedics – Jones
Medical Hints – Squire
Wounds in War – Power
Injuries to Head – Rawlings
Cerebro-Sp. Fever – Horder
Diagnosis of Nervous D – Purves Stewart
Refraction of eye – Thorington.
Tropical Diseases – Manson.
Diseases of Male Urethra – Kidd
Diagnosis & Treatment of Diseases of Heart – MacKenzie
Surgical After-Treatment – Todd.
Malarial Work in Macedonia. – Willoughby & Cassidy
Shell-Shock – Elliott Smith
War Shock – Eder
Neurasthenia – Hartenberg
Practitioner. July '18 – June '19
Tuberculosis – Jex Blake
Minor Maladies – 1918
Psycho-neuroses of War – L'hermitte
Internal Secretions. Vol. 1.
Internal Secretions. Vol 2.
Brookbank's Treatment & Diagnosis of Heart Diseases
Gerrish's Anatomy'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Albert Ruskin Cook Print: Book
'Read on furlough. 1917–1918.
B. General.
Hist.y of our own Times. '85–11. Gooch
Middlemarch – George Eliot
Felix Holt – [George Eliot]
A Mill on the Floss – [George Eliot]
Men, Women & Guns – Sapper
A Student in Arms – Hankey.
Great Texts of the Bible – Psalms
Battles of the 19th Cent.y – Ency. Brit
The Real Kaiser –
In a German Prince's house
Life of Stanley – Autobiography
Political Hist.y of the World – Innes.
The Practice of Xt.s Presence – Fullerton
Malarial Work in Macedonia. – Willoughby & Cassidy
Bible Prophecies of the present war.
Where are we?
The lost tribes.
The Marne & after
Nelson's Hist.y of the War. XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX.
A strange story. 1 & 2.
The eyes of His glory – Harrington Lees
The Practice of Christ's Presence
I.R.M. Jan — Dec 1917. Jan — July 1918.
Advent Testimony.
The King's Highway
The Vision Splendid
All's Well.
Bunyan's Characters. White. Vols. 1 & 3
Prophetic Outlook — Cachemaile
Rhymes of a Red Cross man
Kipling – 20 poems
In Christ – Gordon
Scenes of Clerical Life. George Eliot
Sense & Sensibility – J. Austen.
Nicholas Nickleby – Dickens.
Dombey & Son "
Silvia's Lovers. Mrs Gaskell.
Emma. Jane Austen
Agnes Grey. Ann Bronte
Thirsting for the Springs. Jowett
Germany at Bay. Major MacFall
Sir Nigel Loring. Conan Doyle'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Albert Ruskin Cook Print: Book
'Meeting held at 22, Cintra Avenue. 17th Sept. 1942
F. E. Pollard in the chair.
1. A card of greetings was read from Janet Rawlings, Beth and Victor
2. The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed.
5. Howard Smith introduced the subject of Coleridge by telling us something of his
life and character. It was a sad story of real genius & ability frustrated &
unfulfilled by an entire lack of the powers of application and concentration, of a
brilliant conversationalist, a nature generous & affectionate, and a man extremely
fortunate in his friends.
F. E Pollard spoke briefly of Coleridge’s poetical importance & of some of the
sources of his ideas and images – sources not always acknowledge[d]. And
readings from his poetry were then given as follows:-
Parts of The Ancient Mariner read by AB. Dilks
Part I of Christabel [read by] J. K. Taylor
Kubla Khan [read by] Margaret Dilks
The Devils Thoughts [read by] Isabel Taylor
Hymn before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouny [read by] S. A. Reynolds
[signed at the meeting held 17 September 1942 by] L Dorothea Taylor'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 22, Cintra Avenue, 16th December 1941
F. E. Pollard in the Chair.
Before beginning our meeting the Chairman referred to the loss the Club has
sustained through the death of Henry Marriage Wallis. [...]
1. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
2. The Treasurer reported on the Club’s financial position showing a balance in
hand of 16s. 8d. After a searching enquirey [sic] into the payment of
subscriptions, Janet Rawlings was revealed as the sole defaulter, and with the
extraction from her of a promise to make good, the accounts were passed as
5. After an interval for refreshment, Howard Smith read us a most interesting
account of how a section of the Friends Ambulance Unit came to be left behind in
Greece and what happened to them there. Also some letters from Ralph Smith
written from Salonika, and also from a prison camp in Germany to which he was
later transferred.
[signed as a correct record:] J. Knox Taylor
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 22, Cintra Avenue, 16th December 1941
F. E. Pollard in the Chair.
Before beginning our meeting the Chairman referred to the loss the Club has
sustained through the death of Henry Marriage Wallis. [...]
1. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
2. The Treasurer reported on the Club’s financial position showing a balance in
hand of 16s. 8d. After a searching enquirey [sic] into the payment of
subscriptions, Janet Rawlings was revealed as the sole defaulter, and with the
extraction from her of a promise to make good, the accounts were passed as
5. After an interval for refreshment, Howard Smith read us a most interesting
account of how a section of the Friends Ambulance Unit came to be left behind in
Greece and what happened to them there. Also some letters from Ralph Smith
written from Salonika, and also from a prison camp in Germany to which he was
later transferred.
[signed as a correct record:] J. Knox Taylor
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Letter
'Meeting held at 22, Cintra Avenue, 16th December 1941
F. E. Pollard in the Chair.
Before beginning our meeting the Chairman referred to the loss the Club has
sustained through the death of Henry Marriage Wallis. [...]
1. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
2. The Treasurer reported on the Club’s financial position showing a balance in
hand of 16s. 8d. After a searching enquirey [sic] into the payment of
subscriptions, Janet Rawlings was revealed as the sole defaulter, and with the
extraction from her of a promise to make good, the accounts were passed as
5. After an interval for refreshment, Howard Smith read us a most interesting
account of how a section of the Friends Ambulance Unit came to be left behind in
Greece and what happened to them there. Also some letters from Ralph Smith
written from Salonika, and also from a prison camp in Germany to which he was
later transferred.
[signed as a correct record:] J. Knox Taylor
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Letter
'Meeting held at 22 Cintra Avenue: 17. IV 40.
F. E. Pollard in the chair
1. Minutes of last read & approved.
5. As an introduction to our subject of Modern English Humourists, R. H. Robson
read a passage analysing the nature of Humour. Discussion followed on the
distinction, if any, between wit & humour, & various alleged examples were
6. A. B. Dilks read from Grossmith’s Diary of a Nobody; many entries appealed to
members as characteristic of themselves or their friends.
7. In the regretted absence of C. E. Stansfield, F. E. Pollard read T. Thompson’s
Blitzkrieg, from the Manchester Guardian, in what purported to be the Lancashire
8 Howard R. Smith read from A. A. Milne: the reader shared fully in the mirth of
the hearers.
9. M. Dilks gave us a passage from Macdonnell’s ‘England, their England’, which
must have been salutary for any suffering from insular complacency.
10. Rosamund Wallis’ contribution was from P. G. Wodehouse’s ‘Carry on, Jeeves’;
certain methods of being off with the old love & on with the new were
characteristically indicated by the writer, effectively rendered by the reader, &
clearly appreciated by the company.
11. R. H. Robson’s Saki story supplied further satire on English standards – in this
case of music, & the services likely to secure a title.
12. The chapter from Barrie’s ‘Window in Thrums’, read by F. E. Pollard, told how
Gavin Birse did his best to be off with the old love, but failed.
13. The idea of a Barrie evening was mooted.
[signed as a true record:] M. Stevens
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Bruce Dilks Print: Book
'Meeting held at Gower Cottage, Elm Road.
M Stevens in the chair.
1. Minutes of last were read and signed.
3. The Treasurer (V. W. Alexander) gave a statement of accounts up to the end of
1939, which showed the astonishingly large balance of £4/10/2. The statement was
4. The Secretary (also V. W. Alexander) reported having received a letter of
resignation from Howard and Elsie Sikes who are no longer able to attend our
meetings. We are sorry to lose them.
5. Mary S. W. Pollard read a letter of resignation from Victor W. and Elizabeth
Alexander, who are leaving Reading. A telegram had been received from Elizabeth
Alexander during the day, wishing the Club “goodbye & good luck, with thanks for
many merry meetings.” Howard Smith expressed our gratitude for the very
valuable services of V. W. Alexander & his wife as Secretary and Treasurer, &
afterwards drafted a letter of thanks & good wishes to Elizabeth Alexander, which
was signed by all present.
6. As his last duty for us, V. W. Alexander wrote a letter of affectionate greeting
to Charles Stansfield who has been ill for many weeks. This was signed by all.
7. M. Stevens was asked to write minutes for this time.
[signed as a true record by] A. B. Dilks
20 Aug 40.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Members of the XII Book Club Manuscript: Letter
'Meeting held at Gower Cottage, 20.II.’39
R. D. L. Moore, & subsequently H. Stevens in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read & approved.
5. R. H. Robson told of The Stately Homes of Thames, + we heard of Bisham
Abbey, Mapledurham, Ufton Court, of Jesuits hunted by Walsingham, of the
incident of The Rape of the Lock, of Lovelace, Lady Place, Hurley, and Soames
6. H. R. Smith, dealing with the Story of the River, + passing lightly over the
Danish incursions upstream, spoke of the thousand years in which the Thames had
been in bounds. Weirs had been made by millers, navigation had been slow and
perilous, the modern lock was a matter of the last hundred + fifty years. Twenty-
six mills were named in Domesday Book[.] The Thames Conservancy had brought
order out of chaos.
8. S. A. Reynolds read from Mortimer Menpes of warehouses + houseboats, the
boat race + Henley Regatta, Kingfishers + quick backwaters, fishing + the
vagaries of the towpath.
9. R. D. L. Moore gave us Literary Gleanings, touching on Spenser and Shelley,
quoting from The Scholar Gypsy + Thyrsis, + reading Soames Forsyte’s thoughts
in the early morning on the river, Kipling’s The River’s Tale, + Virginia Woolf’s
astonishing account in Orlando of the great frost, when a girl dissolved into
powder + fish were frozen twenty fathoms deep!
11. Muriel Stevens read a friend’s notes on Deptford + its river scenes.
12. A. B. Dilkes from Three Men in a Boat.
[Signed] S A Reynolds
27/3/93 [i.e. 27/3/39]'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith Manuscript: Unknown
'I have been reading and enjoying Sydney Smith's 'Moral Philosophy', which Mrs Smith sent me this winter, and I find it a delightful book.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Fanny Allen Print: Book
'Mrs Sydney Smith is affectionate and kind as it is possible to be. She gives me all her husband's papers and correspondence to look over and read...'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Fanny Allen
'... I have been idle, but rather too busy to write, our leisure hours being taken up with reading Sydney's "Memoirs".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Fanny Allen Print: Book