Tag Archives: Brexit

“Leaving the ECHR” and other confusions

A mild detour for me before the summer holidays kick in: the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Part of the wider logic of ‘taking back control’ was the need to unshackle the UK from other constraints on its freedom … Continue reading

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What could the review of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement actually be like?

This is an extended version of a blog originally posted with UK in a Changing Europe by Simon Usherwood and David Moloney. The conclusion of the Windsor Framework has rightly been taken as a moment for UK-EU relations to reset. … Continue reading

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What might Labour do on UK-EU relations?

Maybe it’s the sense of the passing of the seasons and the proximity of the next British general election, but recently I’ve been asked a lot about whether a Labour government would make a bold move on EU relations. Mujtaba … Continue reading

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We speak too!

As well as this blog, you’ll be delighted to find that my skills extend to podcasting, to the same high levels of professionality/reading things on the internet. With my return to the UK in a Changing Europe initiative through to … Continue reading

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Into full Windsor implementation

This week’s announcement from the Council on the adoption of three Regulations marks the end of a rapid process of enacting the Windsor Framework. As discussed earlier this month, while the February photoshoot in leafy Surrey [my local news sources … Continue reading

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Even more retained EU law (in every sense)

A few months ago, the government updated its retained EU law (REUL) dashboard, its go-to place for monitoring progress in moving away from this foreign imposition on the UK. As I noted at the time, this wasn’t entirely satisfactory, either … Continue reading

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Thinking and planning ahead in UK-EU relations

As someone who’s just passed the 8th anniversary of his Brexit-related podcast (do sign up, it’s gripping), I feel I’m well-placed to consider the issue in the longer run of UK-EU relations. I also feel broadly justified in summing up … Continue reading

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Implementing the Windsor Framework

The recurring trope of getting Brexit ‘done’ is incredibly hard to escape: the public (including my family, as far as I can tell) would love not to have the matter occupy their minds any more, and those more connected to … Continue reading

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The Stormont Brake

The other evening I had a quick drink in Brussels with a bunch of people who could, by any reasonable definition, be described as experts on the technicalities of Brexit. As I struggled with the whole order-your-beer-via-an-app thing, they discussed … Continue reading

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Starting to unpack the Windsor Framework

The unveiling of the Windsor Framework this week was important in many ways. Not only did it provide a set of solutions to the most pushing and tricky problems facing the Northern Ireland Protocol, but it also marked a return … Continue reading

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