Tag Archives: Northern Ireland Protocol

Article 2 of the Northern Ireland Protocol: More headaches in London

Back when the Withdrawal Agreement was first concluded, I did wonder about whether there was a need for an explainer for each of the provisions contained within it, one graphic at a time, so that everyone could be more on … Continue reading

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Updating graphics on the WA/TCA, Windsor and border controls

Last week’s announcement of a package of measures to support the return of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive might not have produced much substantial change in UK-EU relations, but it has prompted me to update a number of key … Continue reading

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Making Northern Ireland consent work

2024 is going to be a busy year for UK-EU relations. As much as we talk about the 2026 TCA review as a key point, next year will see a full refresh of EU leadership and the European Parliament, plus … Continue reading

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When is a framework actually in operation?

We’re now at a point where it’s possible to say that almost all of the Windsor Framework’s numerous elements are now either fully adopted or (for a handful of pieces of EU legislation) in the process of agreement. That might … Continue reading

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Starting to unpack the Windsor Framework

The unveiling of the Windsor Framework this week was important in many ways. Not only did it provide a set of solutions to the most pushing and tricky problems facing the Northern Ireland Protocol, but it also marked a return … Continue reading

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The structural dilemmas for British PMs over the EU

As Rishi Sunak nears the end of his first month in the job as Prime Minister, we might once again consider how much he might engage with, and progress, the European issue. Like his predecessors before him, Sunak has both … Continue reading

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WA/TCA Tracker: September 2022

After a summer hiatus for the Conservative leadership campaign, there was much expectation of Liz Truss following through on her stated plans for the Northern Ireland Protocol. Recall that she had been the lead minister for the Northern Ireland Protocol … Continue reading

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Why the doctrine of necessity can’t apply for the Northern Ireland Protocol

This week’s second reading of the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill moves the UK one step closer to a significant aggravation of the relationship with the EU. With no Tories voting against the Bill – partly because it was presented as … Continue reading

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Making the Northern Ireland Protocol work

The title of this post feels insanely optimistic, given the events of the past weeks, but if we don’t try then we certainly won’t succeed. Last month I submitted some evidence to the Follow-up inquiry on the impact of the … Continue reading

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Challenging implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol

Since we’re back in a hotter phase of the NIP rhetoric cycle, it’s useful to revisit various points. None of it’s new and I’ve shared all the content below with you before, but apparently that’s not got through to everyone. … Continue reading

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