Research-informed practices
In recent years Open University researchers have been funded to conduct research that delivers change in how researchers engage with stakeholders, user communities and members of the public. In gaining funding for these projects Research Councils UK (RCUK) asked us to consolidate and share the learning from our investigations and interventions.
The sub-pages that connect with this resource page provide links to some of the key resources that, in our experience, Open University researchers have found to be useful.
Alternatively, select from the links below:
Digital practices of engaged researchers
Snakes and Ladders of Social Media
Designing public-centric forms of public engagement with research
Evidencing impacts from engaged research
School-University Engagement: Lectures, Dialogues, Inquiry and Creativity
Teaching-informed practices
Over the years several members of Open University staff have also taught qualifications that explore aspects of the relationship between the sciences.
As above, the sub-pages that connect with this resource page provide links to some of the key resources that, in our experience, Open University students and teachers have found to be useful.
Alternatively, select from the links below:
Researching and Practicising Science Communication
Postgraduate Science Communication and Engagement Resources: Open Learn