Category Archives: Uncategorised

A note on public opinion and Brexit

This week saw UK in a Changing Europe drop a report on public opinion and Brexit. It’s notable partly because there’s less and less in-depth exploration of this question with the passage of time: even if Brexit isn’t actually ‘done’ … Continue reading

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Pausing, stalling or stuck? Thinking about the next steps of the EU-UK relationship

We’re at a bit of a junction in EU-UK relations right now. Having bumped back from the questions of good faith with February’s Windsor Framework, the two sides got to work on the next obvious target: Horizon membership. Seven months … Continue reading

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Goodwin’s ’10 reasons why Britain will not rejoin the EU’: some thoughts

The sight of more heavy rain outside the window tells me it’s high summer. This means all the important people have gone on holiday to somewhere sunnier, leaving us hoi polloi to discuss politics. As a result, I’m at my desk … Continue reading

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“Leaving the ECHR” and other confusions

A mild detour for me before the summer holidays kick in: the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Part of the wider logic of ‘taking back control’ was the need to unshackle the UK from other constraints on its freedom … Continue reading

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What could the review of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement actually be like?

This is an extended version of a blog originally posted with UK in a Changing Europe by Simon Usherwood and David Moloney. The conclusion of the Windsor Framework has rightly been taken as a moment for UK-EU relations to reset. … Continue reading

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What might Labour do on UK-EU relations?

Maybe it’s the sense of the passing of the seasons and the proximity of the next British general election, but recently I’ve been asked a lot about whether a Labour government would make a bold move on EU relations. Mujtaba … Continue reading

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We speak too!

As well as this blog, you’ll be delighted to find that my skills extend to podcasting, to the same high levels of professionality/reading things on the internet. With my return to the UK in a Changing Europe initiative through to … Continue reading

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Into full Windsor implementation

This week’s announcement from the Council on the adoption of three Regulations marks the end of a rapid process of enacting the Windsor Framework. As discussed earlier this month, while the February photoshoot in leafy Surrey [my local news sources … Continue reading

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Even more retained EU law (in every sense)

A few months ago, the government updated its retained EU law (REUL) dashboard, its go-to place for monitoring progress in moving away from this foreign imposition on the UK. As I noted at the time, this wasn’t entirely satisfactory, either … Continue reading

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Thinking and planning ahead in UK-EU relations

As someone who’s just passed the 8th anniversary of his Brexit-related podcast (do sign up, it’s gripping), I feel I’m well-placed to consider the issue in the longer run of UK-EU relations. I also feel broadly justified in summing up … Continue reading

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