Feeling a bit under the weather? Struggling to face the daily grind? Battling an injury or longterm illness? Or simply looking for half an hour of uninterrupted relaxation? Well perhaps you need some spiritual healing…
A touch of instinct…
Anyone who has ever looked after a small child will be familiar with the natural human instinct of laying on of hands to soothe an injury. Whether it’s the distraction of a cool or warm hand placed on the hurting site, or the powerful placebo of love and attention, it’s usually a calming thing to do which has some beneficial impact.
But is there something else going on at a deeper subconscious level behind this natural human act?
The idea that the human touch can heal is something which stretches right back in time, from Bible stories about Jesus to modern day evangelical faith healing. But did you know that spiritual healing isn’t just a religious thing?
Curing with care…
Across the UK a number of NHS hospitals now offer ‘spiritual healing’ to alleviate pain and symptoms for chronically ill patients. It is part and parcel of a progressive approach to managing longterm chronic conditions in an overburdened NHS (healers usually give their services for free!).
The popularity of spiritual healing (and other hands on therapies such as Reiki or crystal healing), not only amongst spiritually minded people but the wider population as well, is testament to the fact that such therapies often involve more time, care and attention being given to the individual than with standard medical appointments. The basic features of personal time, individual attention and a genuine sense of being cared for in themselves have beneficial therapeutic impacts. Things which were once the mainstay of medical care as well, before it moved to a focus on cure (and more recently an overwhelming emphasis on cost!).
Healing Stoke…
But you don’t have to be in a hospital to be healed. You could pop along to your local Spiritualist church. Most Spiritualist Churches will have dedicated healing rooms where you can receive healing for free or for a small donation towards the healer’s travel expenses (usually a pound).
Stoke-on-Trent has three very active Spiritualist churches, in Burslem, Fenton and Longton. All these churches offer healing, but it doesn’t stop at the church door; healing can occur at any time and in any place, so we are bringing healing to the wider community in Stoke-on-Trent by offering free healing sessions at Gladstone Pottery Museum.
Your invitation to relaxation…
Healing can benefit anyone because it is peaceful and non-invasive and demands nothing more of you than sitting comfortably and relaxing. You don’t need to have any particular faith or belief system to benefit from it, and you don’t even have to be ‘ill’ or in need of a ‘cure’.
If you’ve never tried it before why not pop along to see what you’re missing…!
Saturday 10th October
Twyford Room, Gladstone Pottery Museum
1.30 to 3 pm
Free (normal admission applies for the rest of the museum)
You can turn up on the day or book in advance on 01782 237777
We look forward to seeing you there! #SpiritOfGladstone
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