Here are a few things I have written. Please visit my Open University Homepage for a fuller list:
MacKian (2012) Everyday Spirituality: Social and Spatial Worlds of Enchantment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Paterson, Dodge and MacKian (2012) Introduction: placing touch within social theory and empirical study. In: Paterson, Mark and Dodge, Martin eds. Touching Space, Placing Touch. Ashgate.
MacKian (2011) Me and ME: therapeutic landscapes in an unfamiliar world. In: Lloyd, Cathy and Heller, Tom eds. Long-term Conditions: challenges in health and social care. London: Sage.
MacKian (2011) Crossing spiritual boundaries: encountering, articulating and representing otherworlds. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(3), pp. 61–74.
MacKian S (2011) A place of your own. Om Yoga Magazine. December 2011. 66-67
MacKian S (2010) In possession of my senses? Reflections from social science on engaging with the otherworldly Parananthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal 2(1). 27-29
MacKian and Goldring (2010) ‘What’s he looking at me for?’ Implications of age and generation for gay men’s health promotion. In: Jones, Rebecca L. and Ward, Richard eds. LGBT Issues: Looking Beyond Catagories. Policy & Practice in Health and Social Care (10). Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 16–29.
Edge and MacKian (2010) Ethnicity and mental health encounters in primary care: help-seeking and help-giving for perinatal depression among Black Caribbean women in the UK. Ethnicity and Health, 15(1), pp. 93–111.
MacKian (2009) The art of geographic interpretation: Making sense of qualitative data. In: DeLyser, Dydia; Aitken, Stuart; Crang, Mike; Herbert, Steve and McDowell, Linda eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Human Geography. UK: Sage.
MacKian (2008) Complex cultures: rereading the story about health and social capital. In: Gupta, K. R.; Svendsen, Gunnar Lind Haase and Maiti, Prasenjit eds. Social Capital (Vol. 2). New Delhi: Atlantic, pp. 110–134.
MacKian (2008) What the papers say: Reading therapeutic landscapes of women’s health and empowerment in Uganda. Health & Place, 14(1), pp. 106–115.
MacKian (2004) Mapping reflexive communities: visualising the geographies of emotion. Social and Cultural Geography, 5(4), pp. 615–631.
MacKian, Bedri and Lovel (2004) Up the garden path and over the edge: where might health-seeking behaviour take us? Health Policy and Planning, 19(3), pp. 137–146.
MacKian, Elliott, Busby and Popay (2003) ‘Everywhere and nowhere’: locating and understanding the ‘new’ public health. Health and Place, 9(3), pp. 219–229.
MacKian (2002) Complex Cultures: rereading the story about health and social capital. Critical Social Policy, 22(2), pp. 203–225.
Banks and MacKian (2000) Jump in! The water’s warm: a comment on Peck’s ‘grey geography’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 25(3), pp. 249–254
MacKian (2000) Contours of coping: mapping the subject world of long-term illness. Health and Place, 6(2), pp. 95–104.