22th March ;  Tuesday 9h45-13h00 GMT
1st Open Schooling Seminar
 CONNECT students  to solve real problems  

Highlighted by the EUROPEAN UNION and congruent with UNESCO’s 2030 Agenda, Open Schooling is a key approach that connects students, teachers,  scientists, and communities to solve real socio-scientific issues.  Its objective is to prepare youth to become responsible citizens and innovative professionals with Responsible Research and Innovation.

This event (in the Portuguese Language) is organised by the Open Schooling  OU-UK and RRI-Brazil network and is part of the EU-Brazil funded project CONNECT – Inclusive open schooling with engaging and future-oriented science.

This seminar will provide significant insights about open schooling and opportunities for everyone to join open schooling research network led by the OU – Rumpus – Colearn network.

Seminar Full Programme access here

CONNECT Seminar 22nd March: Livestream here 


26th March 2022; Saturday 9h45-15h30 GMT
3rd Science Done Right conference
CONNECT Knowledge, Make students smarter

When there’s so much pressure to improve students’ outcomes, us science teachers need to constantly expand and update our expertise. That’s what Science Done Right is for. It’s a place to learn and share strategies that go beyond direct instruction of content and actually make students smarter. That way they will learn faster and close those gaps. It’s what we’re calling exponential learning.

This event  is organised by the Open Schooling  OU UK and Mastery Science Team for Science Educators in the UK and Europe. It  is part of the EU-Brazil funded project CONNECT – Inclusive open schooling with engaging and future-oriented science.

Science Done Right conference will offer loads of powerful, practical strategies, from other teachers, from the Mastery Science team, and our expert guests to support open schooling practices.

Conference Full Programme access here.

CONNECT Conference 26th March: Livestream here