Monthly Archives: November 2015

Show and TEL: thank you for taking part

Thank you to all who took part in the Show and TEL event. This was a great success with almost 50 attendees and several people joining via livestream. The aim of the event was to bring together researchers with an interest in Technology Enhanced Learning, share interests, and provide opportunities for networking. Doug Clow chaired the event and introduced presentations from IET, MCT, Science, and KMI within four themes: inclusion, innovation, shaping the future, and implementation.

Patrick McAndrew described technology as a driver, changing what people do and encouraging us to be innovative. Patrick noted the OU’s approach to learning is inclusive, accepting students from a diverse background, and helping us to transform organisations. In terms of enhancing, the OU is leading the way by bringing technology and learning together with many exciting opportunities for the future.

Regine Hampel talked about the TEL work being conducted within CREET, and Eileen closed the event with a discussion about ‘the next steps’ and how multi-disciplinary working will facilitate the development of TEL research.

The recording will be edited and made available soon.

Show & TEL – Nov ’15

The Show and TEL event is fast approaching and we are looking forward to hosting a day of networking and presentations. These will be categorized into 4 themes: inclusion, innovation, shaping the future, and implementation. The full agenda and abstracts can be found on the Events page of this blog.

Unfortunately attendance at the event is fully booked, but you can participate via the livestream if you have not booked a place.