Knowledge Exchange event: Financing for scale
Monday 31st October (14:00 – 15:30 BST)
We are excited to announce that our next CLCC / UNHCR / OU Knowledge Exchange event will be held in collaboration with the Humanitarian Education Accelerator’s Community of Practice. This session will focus on Financing for Scale and will be at 3pm CET on Monday 31st October (please note the from Sunday 27th October the clocks will go back in Denmark which may cause some confusion in calendars).
The session will explore the options for funding of innovative education initiatives and will be based on a Financing Scale Learning Paper by Kate Dodgson, who will be one of the presenters. We will also have a presenter from Kepler, who have recently managed to scale out into Ethiopia, and who will share some of the learnings from this process. We will also hear from a donor on their perspective of this scaling process and who will share some insights from their side.
For more information about this series of events please get in touch with Dr Koula Charitonos, Institute of Educational Technology, Open University at koula.charitonos at or Francis Randle, Division of Resilience and Solutions, UNHCR at RANDLE at
If you would like to be sent a meeting request for these events please contact openTEL.