Key people
- Professor Anne Adams, Director of Knowledge Exchange
- Dr Alison Fox, Associate Head of School- Research and Knowledge Exchange (WELS)
The Professional and Digital Learning theme examines how people learn for work and the ways digital technologies support their learning. This research is critical in supporting people who now have to work under various levels of uncertainty while dealing with complex, ill-structured problems.
Professional Learning is an element of lifelong learning which has been given only limited attention in terms of how professionals learn new knowledge and skills.
Developments in technologies and in digital networks are stimulating the evolution of new ways of working and learning. In OpenTEL we work with a range of partners in diverse organisations NGOs, multinationals, professional bodies and public organisations – to discover ways in which these technologies offer the potential to alter traditional ways of working.
We have also the opportunity to apply our research findings, methods and know-how around Professional and Digital Learning to support the university in designing and facilitating the type of work-integrated professional development needed to retain our position as the world’s leading distance education provider.