Our steering committee introduced a new activity for the openTEL researchers: bidding activity workshop.
Once a year, bidding activity workshops aimed to be organised and will have around four themed tables where experts in those fields are encouraged to collaborate with TEL colleagues and develop research proposals to submit for funding.
The first of its kind held on 7th December 2016, Jennie Lee Building, Ambient Lab, Ground Floor, 14.30-16.30.
The discussion and ideas exchange around the following areas/topics:
- Professional & Digital Learning
- H2020: Participatory approaches and social innovation in culture
- H2020: Science education outside the classroom
- AHRC: Science in Culture
- Migrant learning
The activities included:
- 1 hour and 20 minutes discussion around possible topics/collaborators/timelines/methods, and
- 40 minutes of an outline presentation and feedback/questions from other groups.