LTI Series – AI & the OU: the opportunity, the reality & the risks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be never out of the news – with Google’s Deep Mind diagnosing diabetic eye disease better than ophthalmologists, self-driving vehicles avoiding or causing accidents, and automation threatening to take over everyone’s jobs.Artificial Intelligence has also quietly entered the Open University.

We need to be aware that ‘intelligent’, ‘adaptive’ and ‘personalised’ AI in Education (AIED) systems are increasingly being deployed in universities around the world. In fact, companies as influential as Amazon, Facebook, and Google are currently investing millions of dollars developing AIED products, and, by 2020, AIED is predicted to become a market worth almost £1 billion. Meanwhile, at the OU, there are at least six AIED projects currently in development.

In this LTI Series seminar, Wayne Holmes, will introduce Artificial Intelligence in education, what it is and how it works. He will also consider, from a critical perspective, the social and ethical implications, and what AI means for teaching and learning at the OU.

Get more info and register: here.