Tag Archives: Giora Alexandron

openAIED SIG Meeting: 25th May

What does your digital footprint say about you?
(Machine Learning to understand Human Learning)

Giora Alexandron
Weizmann Institute of Science

Join us for the next openAIED Special Interest Group meeting on Wednesday 25th May, 13.30-15.00 British Summer Time, for a presentation from Giora Alexandron. Chaired by Carmel Kent.

For an invite please contact openTEL@open.ac.uk

Abstract and Bio

Presenter: Giora Alexandron

Title: What does your digital footprint say about you?
(Machine Learning to understand Human Learning)

Abstract: The high-resolution learner activity data that modern online learning environments collect provide a unique opportunity to study the behavior of online learners and to develop tools and mechanisms for personalized teaching and learning. Applications include adaptive learning algorithms that provide timely feedback and recommend activities to individual students, teacher dashboards that provide actionable insights to teachers, early warning systems that identify students at risk, and more. My research centers on these directions in MOOCs and K12 blended learning environments.  In the talk, I will present results Continue reading openAIED SIG Meeting: 25th May