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Dr Hannah Marston

Profile summary

Professional biography

A versatile, creative and interdisciplinary researcher with an international background, and who conducts interdisciplinary research nationally and internationally, with a track record of publications within health and well-being, gerontology, digital technologies, and video games, who is organized, a planner, and a listener with additional expertise in writing, presentations, leadership, and collaboration. 

PhD Students:

Currently accepting doctoral students.


COVID-19 Related Research

#COVID19 is a worldwide pandemic and crises for all governments and citizens. Technology will and is playing an important role within our respective communities to maintain work, communication, sharing information and more importantly reduce isolation and loneliness for all!

Study 1 - COVID19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness, & Leisure Activities [ongoing]

  • Comprises of 11 study sites which have rolled out an online survey (translated) into respective languages. More information can be found here
  • Marston, H.R., Ivan, L., Fernández-Ardèvol, M., Rosales Climent, A., Gómez-León, M., Blanche, D., Earle, S., Ko, P.C., Colas, S., Bilir, B., Öztürk Çalıkoğl., Arslan, H., Kanozia, R., Kriebernegg, U.,  Großschädl, F., Reer, F., Quandt, T., Buttigieg, S.C., Alexandra Silva, P., Gallistl, V., & Rohner, R. (2020). COVID-19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure Activities: An International Study Protocol. Front. Sociol. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2020.574811
  • Marston, H.R., Ko, P-C., Prabhu, V.G., Freeman, S., Ross, C., Sharaievska, I., Browning, MHEM., Earle, S., Ivan, L., Kanozia, R., Çalıkoğlu, H.Ö., Arslan, H., Bilir-Koca, B., Silva, P.A., Buttigieg, S.C., Großschädl, F., & Schüttengruber, G. (2023). Digital Practices by Citizens During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From an International Multisite Study. JMIR Ment Health 2023;10:e41304 doi: 10.2196/41304
  • Chidiac, M., Ross, C., Marston, H.R., & Freeman, S. (2022). Age and Gender Perspectives on Social Media and Technology Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic. IJERP; 19(21), 13969;

Study 2 - Vulnerable Young People Living With Life-Limiting/Life-Threatening Conditions and Their Families. 

  • For more information about this study can be found here
  • Earle S, Blackburn M, Chambers L, Downing J, Flemming K, Hale J, Marston, H.R, et al. ‘Whose life are They Going to Save? It’s Probably Not Going to be Mine!’ Living With a Life-Shortening Condition During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Grounded Theory Study of Embodied Precarity. Qualitative Health Research. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1177/10497323221131692
  • Sinason, V., Blackburn, M.C., & Dennison, P.H. (2020) ‘COVID-19: Addressing the wellbeing of residents living in an apartment block in the UK’. European Society of Trauma and Dissociation, 10 (2), August 2020, 23-26. 
  • Earle, S., et al. (2021). “I Could Almost Just Disappear, And Would Anyone Really Notice?” Precariousness And Precarity When Living With A Life-Limiting Or Life-Threatening Condition During The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic In The UK”. Presented at the European Sociological Association Conference

Study 3 - Dating Apps, Social Connections, Loneliness & Mental Health in a Pandemic. 

  • For more information about this study can be found here
  • Marston, H.R.,  Earle, S., Morgan, J., & Hadley, R.A. (forthcoming). Ethical Concerns and Risks Surrounding Dating Apps: Findings from a UK Covid-19 Study. In: Ethics and Aging: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach. Niles-Yokum, K., & Marston, H.R. (Eds). 

  • Marston, H.R., Morgan, D.J., Earle, S., & Hadley, R.A. (2023). Shiver Me Tinders and Ring a Ding for a Fling—Sex Tech Use during COVID-19: Findings from a UK Study. Healthcare; 11(6), 897;

  • Podcast: Marston, H.R., & Morgan, D.J. (2021). Has Covid-19 changed the dating world? Podcast interview: Catch yerself on. 24 June 2021.


Peer-reviewed journal papers:

  1. Marston, H.R., & Morgan, D.J. (2020) Technology & Social Media during COVID-19 Pandemic. Special Issue: COVID-19 & Geriatric Mental Health Worldwide. IPA Bulletin; 3(2). Available from
  2. Marston, H.R., & Kowert, R. (2020). What role can videogames play in the COVID-19 pandemic?. Emerald Open Res, 2:34.​
  3. White, P.J., Marston, H.R., Shore, L., and Turner, R. (2020). Learning from COVID-19: Design, Age-friendly Technology, Hacking and Mental Models [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Emerald Open Res, 2:21
  4. Sheerman, L., Marston H.R., Musselwhite, C., & Morgan, D. (2020). COVID-19 and the secret virtual assistants: the social weapons for a state of emergency [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Emerald Open Res, 2:19


  • Marston, H.R., Shore, L., Stoops, L., & Turner, R.S. (2022). Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives. Emerald. ISBN: 9781839826399. 

Special Journal Issues:

Blog pieces:

  1. Marston, H.R., Morgan, D.J., Wilson, G., & Gates, J. (2021). You Can Only Pass Go With A Digital Pass. Ageing Issues Blog, 14th June 2021.
  2. Marston, H.,R & Morgan, D.J. (2021). Happy New Year, 3rd Wave, Lockdown 3.0 & Easter. Ageing Issues Blog, The British Society of Gerontology, 22nd January 2021.
  3. Marston, H.R., & Morgan, D.J. (2021). Freedom is coming Dating Apps, Social Connections, Cheeky Snogs & Nooky. Ageing Issues Blog, 14th June 2021. 
  4. Marston, H.R., & van Hoof, J. (2021). Age-friendly cities and communities of the 21st Century. Ageing Issues Blog, 9th February 2021.
  5. Marston, H.,R & Morgan, D.J. (2020). Lockdown 2.0: Gunpowder Plot, Digital Christmas, Sex and Relationships. Ageing Issues Blog, The British Society of Gerontology, 2nd November 2020
  6. Marston, H.R., Musselwhite, C., & Hadley, R.A. (2020). COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens. Ageing Issues, The British Society of Gerontology.

Written Evidence:

  1. Marston, H.R., et al., (2020) – Research Evidence#1 LBCO224 – Life beyond COVID. Submitted 30th August, published 18th September 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence
  2. Morgan, D.J., Marston, H.R., & Hadley, R. (2020) – Research Evidence#2 LBCO135 – Life beyond COVID. Submitted 27th August, published 18th September 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence
  3. Marston, H.R., Wilson, G., Morgan, D.J., & Gates, J. (2020) – Research Evidence#3 LOL0017 – Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing. Submitted, 4th December 2020, published 15th December 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence

****See 'Impact and engagement' section below for more written evidence and pathways to impact

Research interests

  • Digital practices and engagement, digital health, videogames and Intergenerational gaming
  • Gerontology, life course/span, Active, Healthy Ageing, & Wellbeing
  • Age-friendly Cities and Communities (AFCC)
  • Game design, Flow/Immersion, Gamification
  • Geographic locations (e.g., City/Urban; Blue Zones), Age, Ageing Without Children (AWOC), Sex, Gender

Impact and engagement

All-Party Parliamentary Group

  • Hannah was invited to attend a round table discussion as part of the Assistive Technology All-Party Parliamentary Group (@AT_APPG) and she is also a member of the Smart Homes Commission.

Pathways to Impact:

  1. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. (2023). The future of ageing: ethical considerations for research and innovation. Published 25.04.23. [evidence submission & research projects cited]
  2. Gilbert, C. (2022). Smarter Homes for Independent Living: Putting People In Control Of Their Lives. Policy Connect. [Research cited]
  3. Age-friendly World, World Health Organization (2022). Cardiff. Icon booklets – created via the Adjust Tech, Accessible Technology (ATAT) project.
  4. Research contribution & engagement (Steering group member): Policy Connect publish the ‘Smarter Homes For Independent Living’, 28th April 2022.
  5. Age-friendly World, World Health Organization (2021). The Hague. 10 Questions concerning age-friendly cities and communities and the built environment published.
  6. The full citation of this paper is: van Hoof, J., Marston, H.R., Kazak, J.K., & Buffel, T. (2021). Ten Questions Concerning Age-Friendly Cities and Communities and the Built Environment. Building and Environment; 107922.
  7. ‘Beyond Digital: Planning for a Hybrid World’ report: House of Lords Covid-19 Committee (2021). Beyond Digital: Planning for a Hybrid World. 1st Report of Session 2019-21. Published 21st April 2021. Output c is cited in this document.

Research evidence submitted to the UK COVID-19 Committee. All evidence is available via here.

  1. Marston, H.R., et al., (2020) – Research Evidence#1 LBCO224 – Life beyond COVID. Submitted 30th August, published 18th September 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence
  2. Morgan, D.J., Marston, H.R., & Hadley, R. (2020) – Research Evidence#2 LBCO135 – Life beyond COVID. Submitted 27th August, published 18th September 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence 
  3. Marston, H.R., Wilson, G., Morgan, D.J., & Gates, J. (2020) – Research Evidence#3 LOL0017 – Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing. Submitted, 4th December 2020, published 15th December 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence 
  1. The “A Health Impact Assessment of ‘Staying at Home and Social Distancing Policy’ in Wales in response to the COVID-19 pandemic” (2020) published by Public Health Wales cites the ‘COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have Communities, Social Connections and Citizens‘ Ageing Issues Blog.
  2. Written evidence, to the Science and Technology Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living Committee (Lords), 22nd October 2019. Science and Technology Committee (Lords).
  3. Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS), Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, Belfast, UK.

Marston, H.R., Freeman, S., Genoe, R., Kulcyzki, C., & Musselwhite, C. (2018). The Cohesiveness of Technology In Later Life: Findings from the Technology In Later Life (TILL) Project. Policy Briefing, Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS), Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, Belfast, UK.

  1. E-Sport und Serious Games: Videospiele im Sportkontext. Eine Bibliogrphie. Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft. Streppelhoff, R.W. (2018). E-Sport und Serious Games: Videospiele im Sportkontext. Eine Bibliogrphie. Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft. Politics and the German Olympic Sport Confederation are evaluating the phenomenon of E-Sports and a bibliography was compiled by Streppelhoff on behalf of the German Federal Institute of Sport Science. This publication is the first step for politicians and sport federations to better understand the different types of videogames and their role in different parts of economy and society The report is in German and is available here

Public Engagement & Knowledge Exchange:

  1. Panel member. Session 1.3: From disconnection to empowerment in the digital age: exploring age-friendly environments and technological solutions. (2023). World Health Organization European Region Symposium on the Future of Health Systems in a Digital Era. 5-7 September 2023, Porto, Portugal. 
  2. #TheArchitectureOfAgeing – Interview series, September 2022. de Architekten Cie, Amsterdam, NL.
  3. AgeTech Innovation Week – Panel session ‘What is the pandemic’s long-term impact on AgeTech?’ Panel members: Professor Andrew Sixsmith, Dr Hannah R. Marston, Sara Aghvami and Professor Joseph Coughlin (Moderator). The full panel session is available via the AGE-WELL NCE YouTube Channel
  4. Marston, H.R., & Morgan, D.J. (2021). Has Covid-19 changed the dating world? Podcast interview: Catch yerself on. 
  5. Kelly, H. (2021). They laughed, they cried, they killed monsters: How friendships thrived in video games during the pandemic. The Washington Post, 20th March 2021. Retrieved from Accessed 24th May 2021
  6. Marston, H.R. (2019). A review of Age Friendly Virtual Assistive Technologies and their Effect on Daily Living for Carers and Dependent Adults. Ageing Bites, The British Society of Gerontology
  7. Marston, H.R. (2019). From Arcade to World Wide Web - how intergenerational gaming can help you pick up an extra life. Massive Entertainment, Malmo, Sweden
  8. Marston, H.R. (2018). Assistive Technologies for an Ageing Society. 1st November 2018 MediLink/H&W PRA Assistive Technologies ACTIS Project Event
  9. Marston, H.R. (2018). Too Old for the 21st Century? Presented at the Quaker’s Ackworth School, Ackworth, West Yorkshire, 19th March, 2018.
  10. Marston, H.R. (2018). Intergenerational Gaming. Interview between Dr H.R. Marston and NETLab. at the International Child and Information Safety Congress "Digital Games". Ankara, Turkey. Interview available here
  11. Marston, H.R. (2017). Using Gamification to Support Active & Assistive Living in the Elderly. 8th
  12. Marston, H.R. (2011). Video Game Technology Supporting the Elderly. Radio Interview, 16th October, 2011. Interviewer: Professor J. Gackenbach, Department of Psychology at Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta. The focus of the interview was based upon the effects of video games within an ageing society. Radio Interview - 15th October 2012 – available via here:

Keynote & Guest Speaker Presentations, & Lectures:

  1. Marston, H.R. (2023). Digitalising the built environment for all generations: A new paradigm for equity and inclusive age-friendly cities and communities. Korean Association of Products and Services for Senior Citizens (KAPASS). Seoul Republic of Korea. 14th December 2023. Online presentation. 
  2. Morgan, D.J., Marston, H.R., Maddock, C., Williams, A., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Jones, E., & Gates, J. (2023). Adjusting Technology for an Ageing Population: Co-Producing Technological Solutions With Older Adults. Abstract Citation: Innovation in Aging, 7; Issue Supplement 1: 1170-1171.
  3. Marston, H.R. (2023). Why Are Digital GAmes Important for the Future? Keynote. Animex Research & Innovation Conference. Teesside University, April. 
  4. Marston, H.R. & Morgan, D.J. (2021). OK Cupid do your best, while I Bumble around Tindering for my love, a hook-up or a FWB...! Online webinar for CADR, Swansea University, 16th Februrary 2021.
  5. Marston, H.R. (2018). Assistive Technologies for an Ageing Society. 1st November 2018 MediLink/H&W PRA Assistive Technologies ACTIS Project Event
  6. Marston, H.R. (2018). Multi-disciplinary work in the 21st century. 26th April, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland.
  7. Marston, H.R. (April, 2018). Digital Games, & ICT For All in the 21st Century! What do we know so far? To be presented at the International Child and Information Safety Congress "Digital Games". Ankara, Turkey. 11-13 April 2018.
  8. Marston, H.R. (2018). Too Old for the 21st Century? 19th March, 2018. Ackworth School, Pontefract West Yorkshire.
  9. Marston, H.R. (2017). Using Gamification to Support Active & Assistive Living in the Elderly. 8th November 2017. MediLink/H&W PRA Gamification Special Interest Group, ACTIS Project Event.
  10. Marston, H.R. (2017). Health & Wellbeing in the Digital Age. Workshop on Organization development. Centre for Policing Research & Learning. The Open University, 3 August 2017.
  11. Marston, H.R. (2016). Technology use for adults 70+ years & life-logging of one's life in the 21st Century. Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland. Thursday 11th February 2016, Adobe Connect.
  12. Marston, H.R. (2015). What's it all about? Technology & Ageing in the 21st Century. April 16, 2015. Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland.
  13. Marston, H.R. (2012). Technology & Ageing. Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University, Wales. This guest lecture was conducted via Skype due to the geographic locations of the guest speaker (Cologne, Germany) and the Masters students (Swansea, Wales, UK).
  14. Marston, H.R. (2010). Understanding Gaming Technology & Older Adults. Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3.
  15. Marston, H.R. (2010). Let Older Adults Decide: Wii vs PS-2. The University of Guelph-Humber, 207 Humber College Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 5L7.
  16. Marston, H.R. (2006). Developing Digital Diversity Conference, Thames Valley University, London, Invited Panel Speaker.
  17. Marston, H.R. (2006). CODEWORKS ATL Project. Urban Learning Space, Glasgow, Scotland, Invited Speaker, One hour presentation, Q&A

External collaborations

I have a wide breadth of networks and external collaborations from academia (national/international), Third Sector, Policy, and Industry. 

  • I am a member of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and I am currently undertaking work with Technical Officers from the World Health Organization. 

  • Previously I have held a position on the National Executive Board for the British Society of Gerontology.

  • Between 2017 and 2019 I was a member of the Research Committee at The Open University and previously I was an elected member to the position of Technology Chair for the Emerging Scholar & Professional Organisation (ESPO). This is the student arm of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA). 


It's bittersweet, it's uncomfortable, yes, but it's necessary. Methodological reflections on the experiences of young adults with life-shortening conditions on being involved in inclusive qualitative research (2024)
Earle, Sarah; Blackburn, Maddie; Chambers, Lizzie; Downing, Julia; Flemming, Kate; Hale, Jamie; Marston, Hannah; O'Dell, Lindsay and Sinason, Valerie
Progress in Palliative Care ((Early access))

Editorial: Post-pandemic digital realities of older adults (2023-08-28)
Marston, Hannah R; Ivan, Loredana; Rosenberg, Dennis and Ratzenboeck, Barbara
Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1275257

Digital Practices by Citizens during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from an International, Multi-site Study (2023-03-06)
Marston, Hannah; Ko, Pei-Chun; Girishan Prabhu, Vishnunarayan; Freeman, Shannon; Ross, Christopher; Sharaievska, Iryna; Browning, Matthew H.E.; Earle, Sarah; Ivan, Loredana; Kanozia, Rubal; Öztürk Çalıkoğlu, Halime; Arslan, Hasan; Bilir-Koca, Burcu; Alexandra Silva, Paula; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Großschädl, Franziska and Schüttengruber, Gerhilde
JMIR Mental Health, 10, Article e41304

Shiver Me Tinders, & Ring a Ding for a Fling - Sex Tech Use During COVID-19: Findings from a UK Study (2023-03)
Marston, Hannah; Morgan, Deborah.J; Earle, Sarah and Hadley, Robin A.
Healthcare, 11, Article 897(6)

Digitalising the built environment for all generations: A new paradigm for equity and inclusive age-friendly cities and communities (2023)
Marston, Hannah; van Hoof, Joost and Yon, Yongjie
Indoor and Built Environment, 33(2) (pp. 213-217)

Adjusting technology for an ageing population: co-producing technological solutions with older adults (2023)
Morgan, Deborah; Marston, Hannah R.; Maddock, Carol; Williams, Aelwyn; Wilson-Menzfeld, Gemma; Jones, Elizabeth and Gates, Jessica
Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement) (pp. 1170-1171)

Age and Gender Perspectives on Social Media and Technology Practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2022-10-27)
Chidiac, Mary; Ross, Christopher; Marston, Hannah and Freeman, Shannon
International journal of environmental research and public health, 19, Article 13969(21)

Progress towards enhanced access and use of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic: A need to be mindful of the continued digital divide for many rural and northern communities (2022-09)
Freeman, Shannon; Marston, Hannah; Ross, Christopher; Morgan, Deborah; Wilson, Gemma; Gates, Jessica; Kolochuk, Stefani and McAloney, Richard
Healthcare Management Forum, 35(5) (pp. 286-290)

Leisure innovation and the transition to retirement (2022)
Genoe, M. Rebecca; Liechty, Toni and Marston, Hannah R.
Leisure Sciences, 44(4) (pp. 440-458)

'Whose life are they going to save? It's probably not going to be mine!' Living with a Life-shortening Condition during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: A grounded theory study of embodied precarity (2022)
Earle, Sarah; Blackburn, Maddie; Chambers, Lizzie; Downing, Julia; Fleming, Kate; Hale, Jamie; Marston, Hannah R.; O'Dell, Lindsay; Sinason, Valerie; Watts, Lucy and Whitney, Sally
Qualitative Health Research, 32(14) (pp. 2055-2065)

Games for health & mHealth apps for police & blue light personnel: A research review (2021-09-01)
Marston, Hannah; Hadley, Robin; Pike, Graham and Hesketh, Ian
The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 94(3) (pp. 372-387)

Ten questions concerning age-friendly cities and communities and the built environment (2021-07-15)
van Hoof, J.; Marston, H. R.; Kazak, J.K. and Buffel, T.
Building and Environment, 199, Article 107922

Use of menstruation and fertility app trackers: a scoping review of the evidence (2021-04-13)
Earle, Sarah; Marston, Hannah; Hadley, Robin and Banks, Duncan
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 47(2) (pp. 90-101)

[Editorial] Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives (2021-02-09)
van Hoof, Joost and Marston, Hannah R.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, Article 1644(4)

A Commentary on Blue Zones®: A Critical Review of Age-Friendly Environments in the 21st Century and Beyond (2021)
Marston, Hannah R.; Niles-Yokum, Kelly and Alexandra Silva, Paula
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2)

Improving Older People’s Lives Through Digital Technology and Practices (2021)
Marston, Hannah and Musselwhite, Charles
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 7 (pp. 1-4)

COVID-19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure Activities: An International Study Protocol (2020-11)
Marston, Hannah; Ivan, Loredana; Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia; Rosales Climent, Andrea; Gómez-León, Madlin; Blanche, Daniel; Earle, Sarah; Ko, Pei-Chun; Colas, Sophie; Bilir, Burcu; Öztürk Çalıkoğlu, Halime; Arslan, Hasan; Kanozia, Rubal; Kriebernegg, Ulla; Großschädl, Franziska; Reer, Felix; Quandt, Thorsten; Sandra C, Buttigieg; Paula, Alexandra Silva; Vera, Gallistl and Rebekka, Rohner
Frontiers in Sociology, 5, Article 574811

Intergenerational Effects on the Impacts of Technology Use in Later Life: Insights from an International, Multi-Site Study (2020-08-07)
Freeman, S.; Marston, H.; Olynick, J.; Musselwhite, C.; Kulczycki, C.; Genoe, R. and Xiong, B.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, Article 5711(16)

Technology & Social Media during COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-06-11)
Marston, Hannah and Morgan, Deborah J.
International Psychogeriatric Association, 37(2)

Revisiting the Twentieth Century Through the Lens of Generation X and Digital Games: A Scoping Review (2020-06)
Marston, Hannah and Miranda Duro, María del Carmen
The Computer Games Journal, 9 (pp. 127-161)

Age-friendly cities in the Netherlands: An explorative study of facilitators and hindrances in the built environment and ageism in design (2020-03-01)
van Hoof, Joost; Dikken, Jeroen; Buttigieg, Sandra C.; van den Hoven, Rudy F.M; Kroon, Esther and Marston, Hannah
Indoor and Built Environment, 29(3) (pp. 417-437)

OK Cupid, Stop Bumbling around and Match Me Tinder: Using Dating Apps Across the Life Course (2020-01-01)
Marston, Hannah; Niles-Yokum, Kelly; Earle, Sarah; Gomez, Barbara and Lee, David
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 6 (pp. 1-20)

Defeating the Boss Level … Exploring Inter-and-Multigenerational Gaming Experiences (2020)
Marston, Hannah and Azadvar, Ahmad
Computer Games Journal, 9 (pp. 121-126)

COVID-19 and the secret virtual assistants: the social weapons for a state of emergency (2020)
Sheerman, Laura; Marston, Hannah R.; Musselwhite, Charles and Morgan, Deborah J.
Emerald Open Research, 2(19)

Learning from COVID-19: Design, Age-friendly Technology, Hacking and Mental Models (2020)
White, P.J.; Marston, Hannah; Shore, Linda and Turner, Robert
Emerald Open Research, 2(21)

What role can videogames play in the COVID-19 pandemic? (2020)
Marston, Hannah and Kowert, Rachel
Emerald Open Research, 2, Article 34

How does a (Smart) Age-friendly Ecosystem look in a Post-Pandemic Society? (2020)
Ramsden Marston, Hannah; Shore, Linda and White, P.J.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 17, Article 8276(21)

Intergenerational connections through technology: Insights from the Technology Use in Later Life multi-site study (2020)
Freeman, Shannon; Marston, Hannah R; Musselwhite, Charles; Olynick, Janna; Genoe, Rebecca; Kulczycki, Cory and Xiong, Beibei
Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement) (pp. 928-929)

Creating Age-Friendly Communities: Housing and Technology (2019-11-03)
van Hoof, Joost; Marston, Hannah R.; Brittain, Katie R. and Barrie, Helen R.
Healthcare, 7(4)

“Who doesn’t think about technology when designing urban environments for older people?” A case study approach to a proposed extension of the WHO’s age-friendly cities model (2019-10-01)
Marston, Hannah and van Hoof, Joost
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, Article 3525(19)

Older Adults Perceptions of ICT: main findings from the Technology In Later Life (TILL) an initial study (2019-09)
Marston, Hannah; Genoe, Rebecca; Freeman, Shannon; Kulczycki, Cory and Musselwhite, Charles
Healthcare, 7, Article 86(3)

Mobile Self-monitoring ECG Devices to Diagnose Arrhythmia (AR) that coincide with Palpitations: A Scoping Review (2019-09)
Marston, Hannah R; Hadley, Robin; Banks, Duncan and del Carmen Miranda Duro, María
Healthcare, 7, Article 96(3)

A Review of Age Friendly Virtual Assistive Technologies and their Effect on Daily Living for Carers and Dependent Adults (2019-03-21)
Marston, Hannah Ramsden and Samuels, Julie
Healthcare, 7, Article 49(1)

Millennials and ICT—Findings from the Technology 4 Young Adults (T4YA) project: An Exploratory Study (2019)
Marston, Hannah
Societies, 9(80)

Retirement Transitions among Baby Boomers: Findings from an Online Qualitative Study (2018-12)
Genoe, M. Rebecca; Liechty, Toni and Marston, Hannah R.
Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 37(4) (pp. 450-463)

Guest editorial (2018-06-18)
van Hoof, Joost; Marston, Hannah R.; Wong, Johnny K.-W.; Soebarto, Veronica I. and Kazak, Jan K.
Journal of Enabling Technologies, 12(2) (pp. 33-34)

E-Leisure and Older Adults: Findings from an International Exploratory Study (2018-02-28)
Genoe, Rebecca; Kulczycki, Cory; Marston, Hannah; Freeman, Shannon; Musselwhite, Charles and Rutherford, Haley
Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(1) (pp. 1-18)

Physically Active Leisure and the Transition to Retirement: The Value of Context (2017)
Liechty, Toni; Genoe, M. Rebecca and Marston, Hannah R.
Annals of Leisure Research, 20(1) (pp. 23-38)

A Scoping Review of Digital Gaming Research Involving Older Adults Aged 85 and Older (2016-06-16)
Marston, Hannah R.; Freeman, Shannon; Bishop, Kristen A. and Beech, Christian L.
Games for Health Journal, 5(3) (pp. 157-174)

Exploring user experience and technology acceptance for a fall prevention system: results from a randomized clinical trial and a living lab (2016-06-10)
Vaziri, Daryoush D.; Aal, Konstantin; Ogonowski, Corinna; Von Rekowski, Thomas; Kroll, Michael; Marston, Hannah R.; Poveda, Rakel; Gschwind, Yves J.; Delbaere, Kim; Wieching, Rainer and Wulf, Volker
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 13(6)

The design of a purpose-built exergame for fall prediction and prevention for older people (2016-06-10)
Marston, Hannah R.; Woodbury, Ashley; Gschwind, Yves J.; Kroll, Michael; Fink, Dennis; Eichberg, Sabine; Kreiner, Karl; Ejupi, Andreas; Janneke, Annegarn; de Rosario, Helios; Wienholtz, Arno; Wieching, Rainer and Delbaere, Kim
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 12, Article 13

Flow experience of older adults using the iStoppFalls exergames (2016-01-01)
Marston, Hannah R.; Kroll, Michael; Fink, Dennis and Gschwind, Yves J.
Games and Culture, 11(1-2) (pp. 201-222)

The Importance of Personal Possessions for the Development of a Sense of Home of Nursing Home Residents (2016)
Van Hoof, J.; Janssen, M. L; Heesakkers, C. M. C; Van Kersbergen, W.; Severijns, L. E. J; Willems, L. A. G; Marston, H. R.; Janssen, B. M. and Nieboer, M. E.
Journal of Housing For the Elderly, 30(1) (pp. 34-50)

Technology use, adoption and behaviour in older adults: results from the iStoppFalls Project (2016)
Marston, Hannah R.; Kroll, Michael; Fink, Dennis; de Rosario, Helios and Gschwind, Yves J.
Educational Gerontology, 42(6) (pp. 371-387)

Editorial: From Needy and Dependent to Independent Homo Ludens: Exploring Digital Gaming and Older People (2016)
Musselwhite, Charles; Marston, Hannah R. and Freeman, Shannon
Games and Culture, 11(1-2) (pp. 3-6)

Blogging into Retirement: Using Online Research Methods to Understand Leisure among Baby Boomers (2016)
Genoe, M. Rebecca; Liechty, Toni; Marston, Hannah R. and Sutherland, Victoria
Journal of Leisure Research, 48(1) (pp. 15-34)

ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): results from an international multicenter randomized controlled trial (2015-11-27)
Gschwind, Yves J.; Eichberg, Sabine; Ejupi, Andreas; de Rosario, Helios; Kroll, Michael; Marston, Hannah R.; Drobics, Mario; Annegarn, Janneke; Wieching, Rainer; Lord, Stephen R.; Aal, Konstantin; Vaziri, Daryoush; Woodbury, Ashley; Fink, Dennis and Delbaere, Kim
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 12, Article 10

Picture your nursing home: Exploring the sense of home of older residents through photography (2015-08-05)
van Hoof, J.; Verhagen, M. M; Wouters, E. J. M.; Marston, H. R.; Rijnaard, M. D. and Janssen, B. M.
Journal of Aging Research, 2015, Article 312931

Extracare: does it promote resident satisfaction compared to residential and home care? (2015-04)
Philips, Judith E.; Dobbs, Christine; Burholt, Vanessa and Marston, Hannah
British Journal of Social Work, 43(3) (pp. 949-967)

ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): study protocol for an international multicenter randomized controlled trial (2014)
Gschwind, Yves J.; Eichberg, Sabine; Marston, Hannah R.; Ejupi, Andreas; de Rosario, Helios; Kroll, Michael; Drobics, Mario; Annegam, Janneke; Wieching, Rainer; Lord, Stephen R.; Aal, Konstantin and Delbaere, Kim
BMC Geriatrics, 14, Article 91

Design recommendations for digital game design within an ageing society (2013)
Marston, Hannah R.
Educational Gerontology, 39(2) (pp. 103-118)

Digital gaming perspectives of older adults: content vs interaction (2013)
Marston, Hannah R.
Educational Gerontology, 39(3) (pp. 194-208)

Understanding the Nintendo Wii console in long-term care facilities (2013)
Marston, H.; Greenlay, S and van Hoof, J
Technology and Disability, 25(2) (pp. 77-85)

Centenarian self-perceptions of factors responsible for attainment of extended health and longevity (2013)
Freeman, Shannon; Garcia, John and Marston, Hannah R.
Educational Gerontology, 39(10) (pp. 717-728)

Breaking down barriers: hospice palliative care as a human right in Canada (2013)
Freeman, Shannon; Heckman, George; Naus, Peter J. and Marston, Hannah R.
Educational Gerontology, 39(4) (pp. 241-249)

Older adults as 21st century game designers (2012)
Marston, Hannah R.
Computer Games Journal, 1(1) (pp. 90-102)

Ambient assisted living and care in The Netherlands: the voice of the user (2011-10)
van Hoof, J; Wouters, E. J. M; Marston, H. R.; Vanrumste, B. and Overdiep, R. A
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 3(4) (pp. 25-40)

Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives (2022-10-25)
Marston, Hannah R.; Shore, Linda; Stoops, Laura and Turner, Robbie S.
ISBN : 9781839826399 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited

Employing citizen science to understand the contemporary needs of older adults accessing and using technology in a pandemic (2024)
Marston, Hannah; Morgan, Deborah Jane; Wilson-Menzfeld, Gemma; Gates, Jessica; Maddock, Carol Ann; Philips, Jenny; J., Elisabeth; Bailey, Gavin and Nicholson, Julie
In: Urbaniak, Anna and Wanka, Anna eds. Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Approaches in Ageing Research (pp. 390-401)
ISBN : 9781003254829 | Publisher : Routledge

'I could cry all day, every day, about my losses': Caring for young adults with life-shortening conditions — families' experiences of disruption and loss (2024)
Earle, Sarah; Blackburn, Maddie; Chambers, Lizzie; Downing, Julia; Flemming, Kate; Hale, Jamie; Marston, Hannah R.; O'Dell, Lindsay; Sinason, Valerie and Whitney, Sally
In: Jones, Kerry and Horne, Joanna eds. Understanding the Grief and Loss Experiences of Carers: Research, Practitioner and Personal Perspectives. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Safety (pp. 27-40)
ISBN : 9781003435365 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Environmental Design For An Ageing Population (2020-04-24)
van Hoof, Joost; Boerenfijn, Peter; Beneken Gennamd Kolmer, Deidre M.; Marston, Hannah R.; Kazak, Jan K. and Verbeek, Hilde
In: Phelan, Amanda and O'Shea, Diarmuid eds. Changing Horizons in the 21st Century: Perspectives on Ageing (pp. 268-290)
ISBN : 978-1-5275-4284-6 | Publisher : Cambridge Scholars Publishing | Published : Newcastle upon Tyne

Digital Game Technology and Older Adults. (2017)
Marston, Hannah R.; Kroll, Michael; Fink, Dennis; Poveda, Rakel and Gschwind, Yves J.
In: Marston, Hannah; Freeman, Shannon and Musselwhite, Charles eds. Mobile e-Health. Human–Computer Interaction Series (pp. 149-171)
ISBN : 978-3-319-60672-9 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham

Gamification: Applications for Health Promotion and Health Information Technology Engagement (2016)
Marston, Hannah R. and Hall, Amanda K.
In: Novák, Daniel; Tulu, Bengisu and Brendryen, Håvar eds. Handbook of research on holistic perspectives in gamification for clinical practice. Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice (pp. 78-104)
ISBN : 9781466695221 | Publisher : IGI Global | Published : Hershey

Older women on the game: understanding digital game perspectives from an ageing cohort (2015-09)
Marston, Hannah R. and Graner Ray, Sheri
In: Domínguez-Rué, Emma and Nierling, Linda eds. Ageing and Technology: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
ISBN : 9783837629576 | Publisher : Transcript-Verlag

Digital Game Aesthetics of the iStoppFalls Exergame (2014-10-29)
Marston, Hannah; Kroll, Michael; Fink, Dennis and Eichberg, Sabine
In: Schouten, B.; Fedtke, S.; Vosmeer, M. and Gekker, A. eds. Games for Health 2014 (pp. 89-100)
ISBN : 9783658071400 | Publisher : Springer Vieweg | Published : Wiesbaden

Ageing in digital places (2014)
Marston, Hannah R.
In: van Hoof, Joost; Demiris, George and Wouters, Eveline J. M. eds. Handbook of Smart Homes, Health Care and Well-Being
ISBN : 978-3-319-01904-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham

Games for health in the home: gaming and older adults in the digital age of healthcare (2014)
Hall, Amanda K and Marston, Hannah R.
In: van Hoof, Joost; Demiris, George and Wouters, Eveline J. M. eds. Handbook of Smart Homes, Health Care and Well-Being
ISBN : 978-3-319-01904-8 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham

Play yourself fit: exercise + videogames = exergames (2013)
Marston, H.R and McClenaghan, P.A
In: Bredl, Klaus and Bösche, Wolfgang eds. Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare (pp. 241-257)
ISBN : 9781466636736 | Publisher : IGI Global | Published : Hershey, PA

Mobile e-Health (2017-11-11)
Marston, Hannah; Freeman, Shannon and Musselwhite, Charles eds.
Human–Computer Interaction Series
ISBN : 978-3-319-60671-2 | Publisher : Springer

Bearing witness at a time of crisis: Methodological reflections on interviewing young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in inclusive research (2022-11)
Earle, Sarah; Blackburn, Maddie; Lizzie, Chambers; Downing, Julia; Flemming, Kate; Hale, Jamie; Marston, Hannah; O'Dell, Lindsay; Sinason, Valerie; Watts, Lucy and Whitney, Sally
In : Hospice UK National Conference: Finding a Way Forward (22-24 Nov 2022, Glasgow, UK)

‘Exhausted, emotional, at breaking point’: The mental wellbeing of young adults with shortened lives (2021-11)
Earle, Sarah; Blackburn, Maddie; Lizzie, Chambers; Downing, Julia; Flemming, Kate; Hale, Jamie; Marston, Hannah; O'Dell, Lindsay; Sinason, Valerie; Watts, Lucy and Whitney, Sally
In : Hospice UK National Conference: A New World (3-5 Nov 2021, Liverpool, UK)

'I could almost just disappear, and would anyone really notice?' Precariousness and precarity when living with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition during the coronovirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the UK (2021-08)
Earle, Sarah; Blackburn, Maddie; Lizzie, Chambers; Downing, Julia; Flemming, Kate; Hale, Jamie; Marston, Hannah; O'Dell, Lindsay; Sinason, Valerie; Watts, Lucy and Whitney, Sally
In : European Sociological Association Conference: Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures (31 Aug - 3 Sep 2021, Barcelona, Spain)

Gen X and Digital Games: Looking back to look forward (2018-01)
Brown, Julie A. and Marston, Hannah R.
In : 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (15-20 Jul 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA) (pp. 485-500)

“If I want to know anything I just Google it”: Older adults’ functional and social leisure activities and technology. (2017)
Kulczycki, Cory; Genoe, Rebecca; Marston, Hannah; Freeman, Shannon and Musselwhite, Charles
In : Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 15: Engaging legacies (CCLR15) (23-26 May 2017, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada)

The relevance of Innovation Theory of Successful Aging for baby boomers transitioning to retirement (2017)
Genoe, Rebecca; Liechty, Toni and Marston, Hannah
In : Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 15: Engaging legacies (CCLR15) (23-26 May 2017, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada)

Understanding the digital game classification system: a review of the current classification system and its implications for use within games for health (2013)
Marston, Hannah Ramsden and Smith, Stuart T.
In : First International Conference, SouthCHI 2013 (1-4 Jul 2013, Maribor, Slovenia) (pp. 314-331)

UK, US and NATO Written Evidence [UNA0004] (2021-10-27)
Turner, R.S; Harrison, C; Gavin, R and Marston, Hannah
UK Government

Written evidence [PTC0018] (2021-07-06)
Marston, Hannah; Morgan, D.J; Wilson-Menzfeld, G; Gates, J.R and Turner, R
UK Government

Beyond Digital: Planning for a Hybrid World (2021-04-21)
Marston, Hannah; Wilson, Gemma; Morgan, D. J. and Gates, Jessica
House of Lords

The reliance and impact of digital technologies on the social and emotional wellbeing of citizens during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-12-04)
Marston, Hannah; Wilson, Gemma; Morgan, Deborah J. and Gates, Jessica
UK Government

Written evidence [LOL0017] (2020-12-04)
Marston, Hannah; Wilson, G; Morgan, D.J and Gates, J.R.
UK Government Covid-19 Committee

Evidence to the COVID-19 Committee (LBC0224) (2020-09-18)
Marston, Hannah; Ko, PC; Leon Gomez, M; Silva, A; Buttigieg, S.C. and Ivan, L
UK Government

Written evidence [LBC0135] (2020-09-18)
Morgan, D.J; Marston, Hannah and Hadley, R.A
UK Government Covid-19 Committee

Evidence to the COVID-19 Committee (LBC0135) (2020)
Morgan, Deborah J.; Marston, Hannah and Hadley, Robin
UK Government

Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living (2019-09-22)
Marston, Hannah and Musselwhite, Charles
Written Evidence (INQ0010) to the Science and Technology Select Committee (Lords), UK Government

Intergenerational Influences on the Understanding and Use of Technology in Later Life (2016-11-08)
Olynick, J; Freeman, S; Marston, Hannah; Musselwhite, C; Kulczycki, C and Genoe, R
British Columbia, Canada