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Dr Jane Pillinger

Jane Pillinger

Profile summary

Professional biography

Jane Pillinger (Ph.D) has an academic, research and teaching background in social policy, international migration and gender equality. She is a global expert on ending gender-based violence at work and has given policy advice to social partners, trade unions, employers, governments, European and international organisations (including an expert to the ILO and UN), and is the author of several books and numerous articles on the topic, including Stopping Gender-Based Violence in the World of Work (Agenda Publishing, 2022). Jane is a former Specialist Advisor to the UK House of Commons Select Committee on Employment, a former Visiting Professor in Gender Studies at the London School of Economics and is currently a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Social Policy and Criminology at The Open University.


International healthcare worker migration in Asia Pacific: International policy responses (2018-04-17)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 59(1) (pp. 92-106)

International Health Worker Migration and Recruitment: Global Governance, Politics and Policy (2019-05-13)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Governance and Public Policy
ISBN : 9781315678641 | Publisher : Routledge

International Organisations, Care and Migration: The case of migrant health care workers (2021-04)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
In: Martens, Kerstin; Niemann, Dennis and Kaasch, Alex eds. International Organisations in Global Social Governance. Global dynamics of social policy (pp. 83-111)
ISBN : 978-3-030-65438-2 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Impacts of Covid-19 on migrant health workers: a review of evidence and implications for health care provision (2022-09-15)
Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Catherine; Pillinger, Jane; Yeates, Nicola; Gencianos, Genevieve; Ismail, Gihan; Ismail, Nashwa and Montoro, Carlos
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Risks and Responses: what risks did migrant health care workers face during the Covid-19 pandemic? what were the responses of governments and other stakeholders? (2022-09-15)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

What we know about their situation. Migrant health and care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic (2021-12-06)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Trade union response to the challenges faced by migrant health and social care workers. (2021-12-06)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Building the trade union agenda (2021-12-06)
Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola
The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Building Resilience Across Borders: a Policy Brief on health worker migration (2020-12-18)
Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane
Public Services International, Fernay-Voltaire.