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Professor Lesley Hoggart

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Dr. Lesley Hoggart is Associate Head of School (research excellence) in the School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care at the Open University. She specialises in qualitative research, and spent many years working in the qualitative research group at the Policy Studies Institute. Her research interests are focused on reproductive health, abortion policy and politics, teenage pregnancy and sexual health. Her recent publications include: 2017, Hoggart, L. ‘Internalised abortion stigma: young women’s strategies of resistance and rejection’, Feminism and Psychology; 2016, Hoggart, L. ‘Collaboration or collusion? Involving research users in applied social research’, Women’s Studies International Forum; 2015, Hoggart, L. ‘Abortion counselling in Britain: understanding the controversy’, Sociology Compass; 2013. Hoggart, L. and Newton, V. ‘The contraceptive implant: understanding how experiencing side effects may challenge bodily control and lead to removal’, Reproductive Health Matters. Her most recent work on challenging abortion stigma has resulted in the multi-media MyBodyMyLife Travelling Exhibition and website:


  • 2018: ‘Highly Commended’ award for Excellence in Impact in the O2RB Excellence in Impact Awards run by Oxford University.
  • 2016: Best Poster at European Society of Contraception Congress.


Research interests

Lesley's research interests are focused on reproductive health, abortion policy and politics, teenage pregnancy and sexual health. She is currently involved in the following research projects:

  • Principal Investigator. An integrated programme of knowledge exchange activities designed to challenge abortion stigma in the UK. The multi-media MyBodyMyLife Travelling Exhibition and website: has been funded by the ESRC and is a public engagement project based on research on women’s experiences of abortion in England.
  • Principal Investigator: A mixed method investigation into the acceptability of intrauterine contraception, from the perspectives of women, GPs and Practice Nurses. Funded by Bayer Pharmaceutical.
  • Wellcome Sexuality and Health Seed Funding. Exploring intersections of norms of female sexuality and abortion stigma: A feasibility study for using qualitative secondary analysis. Co-Investigator in collaboration with Universities of Glasgow and Ulster. 

Previous research projects include: 

  • Bilateral ESRC research grant, Perpetration of intimate partner violence by males in substance abuse treatment: a cross-cultural research learning alliance. Bilateral ESRC/FAPESP programme. Member of local learning alliance, with Gail Gilchrist , Kings College London, as Project Leader.
  • Principal Investigator: Investigating relationships between post abortion sexual and contraceptive behaviour and unwanted pregnancies among young women (under 25) in England and Wales: a qualitative longitudinal study. Funded by Marie Stopes International. 
  • Principal Applicant: ESRC Seminar Series on Understanding the Young Sexual Body. In collaboration with Kings College London, Institute of Education, Anglia Ruskin University and Cardiff University. 
  • Principal Investigator: Menstruation and Contraception: social and cultural influences on young women's decision-making. British Academy small grant (2011/13). 
  • Principal Investigator: Pan-London research on understanding LARC adherence amongst young women. London Sexual Health Programme. 
  • Principal Investigator: Evaluating sexual health outreach services for socially excluded young people. In collaboration with Kent County Council. 

Teaching interests

Public Health, Social Science Research Methods

Visiting Scholar: University of Ulster October to November 2014

Externally funded projects

Co-funded Studentships - IPPF (for one year 22/23 - continuation of funding)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 202230 Sep 2023IPPF International Planned Parenthood Foundation

Sexual and Reproductive Health Co-funded (IPPF) PhD studentships.

Co-funded studentships - IPPF (for one year 21/22)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 202130 Sep 2022IPPF International Planned Parenthood Foundation

Sexual and Reproductive Health Co-funded (IPPF ESRC) PhD studentship. The PhD will form part of the ACCESS Consortium project. The title is: The Search for Co-Creative Knowledge: Power and Transformation in Community Based Development: a case study of the Approaches in Complex and Challenging Environments for Sustainable SRHR (ACCESS) Programme in Uganda (tbc).

Making Abortion Safe
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead26 Jul 202112 Dec 2021RCOG Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Working with RCOG as research adviser for the making abortion safe project.

Reproductive Bodylore: the role of vernacular knowledge in women’s contraceptive decision making
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 May 202031 Dec 2023AHRC Arts & Humanities Research Council

Unintended pregnancy remains a Public Health concern, yet we still do not know enough about the influences on women's contraceptive choices. Existing research calls for more insight about the influences of women's informal social networks on contraceptive choice. That is - stories, anecdotes, 'friend of a friend' tales, rumour, personal experience narratives and other informal communications. This project is highly significant in that it explores vernacular knowledge about the reproductive body and contraception through drawing together folklore studies and health research. An approach which is uniquely innovative and novel - there is at present no existing study on the topic in the UK and only very limited international focus. The project addresses the question: How does vernacular knowledge influence women's contraceptive choices and mediate their experiences of reproductive control? It has a number of aims: 1) To explore and document the greatest possible range of vernacular knowledge about the reproductive body and contraception 2) To offer an interpretation of this data, analysing and theorising how vernacular knowledge about contraception is transmitted between friendship and kinship groups, and how it may influence attitudes, behaviour, and experience 3) To engage with policy and practice and to enhance practitioner understandings about women's vernacular knowledge of the reproductive body, and to make appropriate suggestions for improving services. In seeking to address these aims a multistrand approach comprising two Work Packages and a dissemination stage will be employed. Work Package 1 will involve re-analysis of project data from a number of previous studies Victoria Newton (PI) and Lesley Hoggart (Co-I) have undertaken on women's contraceptive use and reproductive control (as listed in the case for support). This re-analysis will inform the development of the topic guides for the gathering of new qualitative data in WP2. In this way, the new research will be firmly grounded in research undertaken in the UK since 2010. It will provide a solid platform from which to develop robust and informed research tools (the 'prompt topics') for WP2. Work Package 2 is a placement for the PI (VN) at Public Health England (PHE). This strand involves participatory research and will involve consulting with, including and working together with up to 20 lay researchers, who will be recruited via PHE's networks. Volunteer researchers will undertake interviews and focus groups among their own friendship/kinship and social networks. They will also search for media/social media stories stories. Data from this strand will be made available digitally via the Open University's Open Access Data Archive (ORDO).The placement will also involve sharing findings and implications for practice via 6-8 focus groups with clinicians at clinic sites across the UK. WP2 will culminate in a one-day symposium at The Folklore Society. Dissemination: The project will culminate in a Public Engagement exhibition co-hosted in a public space in London - the geographic location of project partners (Public Health England and The Folklore Society). The exhibition will be designed and curated by The Liminal Space. The Reproductive Bodylore exhibition will be interactive and visitors will be invited to contribute their own thoughts and stories about contraception around the theme of 'I heard that....' The aim of the exhibition will be to demystify stories of contraception and invite engagement. The exhibition will also be showcased at sexual health practitioner conferences - eg, FIAPAC and RCOG to promote debate around informal communication, misinformation and individual contraceptive choice.

FPA Brook Sexual Health Links between Schools and Local Authorities
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Feb 201930 Nov 2019Brook

In 2019 Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) will be mandatory in all UK secondary schools. The focus of the legislation was on safeguarding issues – partly because the RSE legislation was an amendment to a safeguarding bill. There is a danger that issues relating to sexual health and contraception are de-prioritised in the RSE guidance and in school’s RSE priorities. We know that sexual health and prevention of unwanted pregnancy remain high priorities in public health even at a time when funding is being reduced. The ‘gold standard’ for young people is good quality, evidence-based RSE which links young people into good quality, young people-friendly sexual health services. This was recently reiterated in the new Public Health England and Local Government Association Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Framework. Project aim To mobilise and support schools and local authorities to ensure that young people can act on the knowledge they have gained in RSE lessons about STI and pregnancy prevention, contraception and condom use by accessing appropriate sexual health services including C-Card schemes.

ACCESS – Approaches in Complex and Challenging Environments for Sustainable SRHR-CO-CREATION PHASE
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Feb 201931 Oct 2019FCDO Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

The ACCESS project will generate sustainable, scalable, rights-based approaches to deliver comprehensive SRHR to all, ensuring no one is left behind, even in the most complex and challenging settings. It will work in Ethiopia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. Three planned outcome changes: 1) Increased demand for and availability of quality, comprehensive SRH services and agency to claim and enjoy rights by the most marginalised populations in complex and challenging environments. (2) Strengthened SRHR capacity, preparedness and resilience of government, civil society and communities in complex and challenging environments, ensuring no one is left behind. (3) Improved national and global policy environment for an effective, coordinated, and evidence-based SRHR response in complex and challenging environments. There are six interlinked work streams, each led by one consortium partner: 1) Delivering comprehensive, quality sexual and reproductive health services: Led by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) 2) Working with and for the most marginalised and underserved: Led by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance 3) Navigating complex and challenging environments: Led by the Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) 4) Generating high-quality research evidence: Led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) (5) Enhancing capacity-building and learning at scale: Led by the Open University (OU) 6) Influencing through advocacy, engagement and information: Led by Internews

Intra-uterine Contraception Impact Funds
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Jun 201731 Mar 2018Bayer Bayer HealthCare

Developing resources to support IUC consultations and address barriers to uptake in UK General Practice. Design and methods: The research draws on qualitative and quantitative data from practitioners and patients in General Practice in the UK to identify any barriers to uptake of IUC. We conducted semi-structured interviews (n=13) and a survey (n=209) with practitioners. We also interviewed women patients who had never used IUC (n=30), and conducted a survey (n=873 never users). Interviews were analysed utilising thematic analysis and surveys using descriptive statistics. Through our analysis we identified educational and informational needs for both practitioners and women, which are not presently addressed. Results: Lack of knowledge about IUC was cited by practitioners as a barrier to recommending IUC, by those practitioners, (mainly nurses) who were not trained to fit. Patient data indicated that there were concerns about IUC which were not addressed in standard informational leaflets, and some myths and misapprehensions about IUC were common, for example, concerns about the longevity of the device, what happens to the device within the body, and misperceptions about the risks and method of action of the device. In seeking answers to their queries, participants often looked to informal networks as a knowledge source in addition to seeking the opinions of family and friends. In comparing the concerns of our participants with standard patient information literature, we found evidence that information for patients is not sufficiently tailored to concerns expressed by never users. In addition, practitioners report being reluctant to discuss IUC as a method because of their own lack of confidence in their knowledge. Both information for patients, and increased support for practitioners providing this information, is needed to overcome this ‘double barrier’. Conclusions/Outputs To address this issue we have developed a 10 step ‘Aide Memoire’ to support IUC contraceptive consultations, and a short film for women to address the concerns reported by never-users in our study.

Abortion Stories: showing and telling
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 201731 Jan 2018ESRC Economic and Social Research Council;University of Oxford

This project comprises two strands of an integrated programme of knowledge exchange activities designed to challenge abortion stigma in the UK. ‘Abortion Stories: showing and telling’ is a public engagement project based on research on women’s experiences of abortion in England. The project will comprise a multimedia installation that would enable participants to watch/listen to women's stories, and potentially contribute their own story; and the development of an associated on-line website. The installation will be co-designed by the academic and non-academic partners, and the website will be publicised (and linked) by all the partners.

Abortion morality and abortion stigma: developing social media resources
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Nov 201628 Feb 2017ESRC Economic and Social Research Council;University of Oxford

We will facilitate a workshop that will enable Oxford University, The Open University, and other academic and non-academic partners to develop a knowledge exchange project for challenging abortion stigma alongside an ongoing exploration of the moral dimensions of abortion decision-making. This project will be a knowledge exchange and development activity based: firstly, findings from a completed research project on young women’s abortion experiences (The Open University, Hoggart); secondly, YouTube films based on the young women’s abortion narratives that have already been produced. Academics and practitioners will work together to disseminate the films, and develop a proposal for evaluation, and further development.

TRANSFER-IN: A mixed method investigation into the acceptability of intrauterine contraception, from the perspectives of women, GPs and Practice Nurses
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 201431 Dec 2016Bayer Bayer HealthCare

The overall aim of the study is to understand the barriers to uptake of intrauterine contraception (the IUS and the IUD) in General Practice in the UK. The project investigates the acceptability, or otherwise, of these methods to women aged 18-49; and also any barriers that can be identified by two groups of professionals: general practitioners, and practice nurses.

TRANSFER-IN: 'Bilateral ESRC/FAPESP' Perpetration of intimate partner violence by males in substance abuse treatment: a cross-cultural research learning alliance
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead17 Mar 201416 Mar 2016ESRC Economic and Social Research Council

The aim of this research project is to quantitatively and qualitatively examine and compare the prevalence and cultural construction of intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration by males in substance abuse treatment in London and São Paulo. For the purpose of this study, IPV refers to physical, sexual or psychological abuse or controlling behaviour perpetrated by male substance abusers against their current or ex female partner/wife. The findings will inform the development of a cultural theory of IPV perpetration and substance abuse, and a theory based IPV assessment instrument for people engaged in substance abuse treatment. In addition, current strategies, protocols and care pathways for male substance abusing IPV perpetrators in both London and São Paulo will be reviewed, and key stakeholders will be interviewed to identify the barriers and facilitators to working with this client group. The research will inform the development of an evidence and theory based cross-cultural Capacity Framework and training resource for working effectively with male IPV perpetrators in substance abuse treatment. International and local Learning Alliances of expert academics, practitioners, voluntary organisations, charities, policy makers and service users will be established at the initiation of the project; to strengthen and support the exchange and dissemination of information, determine how alcohol and drug services can best respond to IPV perpetration by male clients and enhance translation of findings to policy and practice in England, Brazil, Spain and the US.

Determinants of post abortion sexual and contraceptive behaviour that result in repeat abortion among young women (under 25yrs) in England and Wales: a mixed method study
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jan 201431 Jul 2016MSI Marie Stopes International

This research is an exploratory study that seeks to identify the behavioural, social and service related factors associated with why young women under 25 years continue to practice sexual behaviour that puts them at risk of repeat unintended and unwanted pregnancy and abortion . This study also aims to identify more effective ways of providing young women with information and services that encourage safer sexual health behaviours, such as more effective use of contraception post abortion to reduce the incidence of repeat abortion; and to provide recommendations to policy makers, commissioners and service providers accordingly. The policy objective of reducing abortions and repeat abortions will be informed by the critical examination of different influences on individual behaviour.

TRANSFER IN: Menstruation and contraception: social and cultural influences on young women's decision making
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead22 Oct 201331 Jul 2014BRITAC British Academy

Helping young women to exercise effective reproductive control and avoid unintended pregnancy remains a public health priority. However, hormonal contraceptives (the Pill, contraceptive implant, Depo-Provera injection, Mirena coil) can cause side-effects, the most common being changes to uterine bleeding patterns (French 2009). Altered bleeding patterns have been identified by some studies as the main reason for the discontinuation of hormonal methods. Literature also suggests, however, that reasons behind contraceptive choice are complex and there are many influencing factors in addition to pregnancy avoidance. This study aimed to provide insight into these factors by examining young women’s informal learning and vernacular knowledge about menstruation and contraception, and analysing the impact this had on their contraceptive decision making. Qualitative data was collected by means of 6 focus groups and 12 one-to-one interviews with young women. Emerging themes were shared during 2-3 practitioner interviews, allowing for a service-provider insight into the research findings.


Foregrounding pain in self-managed early medication abortion: A qualitative study (2025-03)
Purcell, Carrie; Newton, Victoria Louise; Bloomer, Fiona and Hoggart, Lesley
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 51 (pp. 3-8)

‘Making abortion safe’: abortion and post-abortion care providers’ experiences of stigma in Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone and Nigeria (2024-12-25)
Bright, Suzanna; Parnham, Emma; Blaylock, Rebecca; Bury, Louise; Okonofua, Friday; Mukwambo, Sunhurai; Nyakanda, Munyaradzi; Sebazungu, Theodomir; Akaba, Godwin and Hoggart, Lesley
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health ((early access))

Exploring provider preference and provision of abortion methods and stigma: Secondary analysis of a United Kingdom provider survey (2024-03)
Footman, Katy; Bury, Louise; Hoggart, Lesley and Parnham, Emma
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 56(1) (pp. 50-59)

‘I have to pretend that I don’t care’: Stigma management among unmarried young mothers in South-Western Nigeria (2024)
Oluseye, Ayomide; Waterhouse, Philippa and Hoggart, Lesley
Global Public Health, 19, Article 2291699(1)

“It is not the end of my life”: positive identity (re)constructions among young mothers in rural South-Western Nigeria (2024)
Oluseye, Ayomide; Waterhouse, Philippa and Hoggart, Lesley
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29, Article 2301579(1)

Patient experiences of undergoing abortion with and without an ultrasound scan in Britain (2024)
Blaylock, Rebecca; Lohr, Patricia A; Hoggart, Lesley and Lowe, Pam
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 50 (pp. 178-184)

"When you provide abortion services, you are looked upon as a bad guy": experiences of abortion stigma by health providers in Nigeria (2024)
Okonofua, Friday; Ntoimo, Lorretta; Bury, Louise; Bright, Suzanna and Hoggart, Lesley
Global health action, 17, Article 2401849(1)

Social connectedness and supported self-management of early medication abortion in the UK: experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic and learning for the future (2023)
Hoggart, Lesley; Purcell, Carrie; Bloomer, Fiona; Newton, Victoria and Oluseye, Ayomide
Culture, Health & Sexuality, 26(7) (pp. 855-870)

A qualitative analysis of medical students’ attitudes to abortion education in UK medical schools (2022-07-12)
Horan, C.; Zadeh, P. G.; Rennison, C.; Hoggart, L. and Kavanagh, J.
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 48 (pp. 205-209)

“I really wanted to abort”: Desire for abortion, failed abortion and forced motherhood in South-Western Nigeria (2022)
Oluseye, Ayomide; Waterhouse, Philippa and Hoggart, Lesley
Global Public Health, 17(8) (pp. 1564-1577)

Making the case for supported self-managed medical abortion as an option for the future (2022)
Hoggart, Lesley and Berer, Marge
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 48 (pp. 146-148)

Difficult data: reflections on making knowledge claims in a turmoil of competing subjectivities, sensibilities and sensitivities (2021)
Hoggart, Lesley
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(5) (pp. 581-587)

[Editorial] The impact of COVID-19 on contraception and abortion care policy and practice: experiences from selected countries. (2020-08)
Bateson, Deborah J.; Lohr, Patricia A.; Norman, Wendy V.; Moreau, Caroline; Gemzell-Danielsson, Kristina; Blumenthal, Paul D.; Hoggart, Lesley; Li, Hang-Wun Raymond; Aiken, Abigail R. A. and Black, Kirsten I.
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 46 (pp. 241-243)

Toward normalising abortion: Findings from a qualitative secondary analysis study (2020)
Purcell, Carrie; Maxwell, Karen; Bloomer, Fiona; Rowlands, Sam and Hoggart, Lesley
Culture, Health and Sexuality, 22(12) (pp. 1349-1364)

Young women’s fertility knowledge: partial knowledge and implications for contraceptive risk-taking (2020)
Newton, Victoria; Dickson, Jane and Hoggart, Lesley
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 46(2)

Normalising abortion: what role can health professionals play? (2020)
Maxwell, Karen J.; Hoggart, Lesley; Bloomer, Fiona; Rowlands, Sam and Purcell, Carrie
BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 47(1) (pp. 32-36)

[Editorial] Progress toward Decriminalization of Abortion and Universal Access to Safe Abortions: National Trends and Strategies (2019-12)
Berer, Marge and Hoggart, Lesley
Health and human rights, 21(2) (pp. 79-83)

Paula Rego: personal and political (2019-08-24)
Hoggart, Lesley
The Lancet, 394(10199) (p 627)

Moral dilemmas and abortion decision-making: Lessons learnt from abortion research in England and Wales (2019)
Hoggart, Lesley
Global Public Health, 14(1) (pp. 1-8)

"I think maybe 10 years seems a bit long." Beliefs and attitudes of women who had never used intrauterine contraception (2018-04-12)
Walker, Susan; Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria and Parker, Michael
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 44(2)

Provider-based barriers to provision of intrauterine contraception in general practice (2018-03-06)
Hoggart, Lesley; Walker, Susan; Newton, Victoria and Parker, Mike
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 44(2) (pp. 82-89)

Editorial: Medical abortion pills have the potential to change everything about abortion (2018-02)
Berer, Marge and Hoggart, Lesley
Contraception, 97(2) (pp. 79-81)

The need to improve fertility awareness (2017-06)
Harper, Joyce; Boivin, Jacky; O'Neill, Helen C.; Brian, Kate; Dhingra, Jennifer; Dugdale, Grace; Edwards, Genevieve; Emmerson, Lucy; Grace, Bola; Hadley, Alison; Hamzic, Laura; Heathcote, Jenny; Hepburn, Jessica; Hoggart, Lesley; Kisby, Fiona; Mann, Sue; Norcross, Sarah; Regan, Lesley; Seenan, Susan; Stephenson, Judith; Walker, Harry and Balen, Adam
Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online, 4 (pp. 18-20)

Abortion embedded and embodied in social relations: Challenges for feminist psychology (2017-05-01)
Marecek, Jeanne; Macleod, Catriona and Hoggart, Lesley
Feminism and Psychology, 27(2) (pp. 133-143)

Collaboration or collusion? Involving research users in applied social research (2017-03-31)
Hoggart, Lesley
Women's Studies International Forum, 61 (pp. 100-107)

Internalised abortion stigma: Young women’s strategies of resistance and rejection (2017-03-01)
Hoggart, Lesley
Feminism and Psychology, 27(2) (pp. 186-202)

Abortion in legal, social, and healthcare contexts (2017-02-01)
Marecek, Jeanne; Macleod, Catriona and Hoggart, Lesley
Feminism and Psychology, 27(1) (pp. 4-14)

‘Repeat abortion’, a phrase to be avoided? Qualitative insights into labelling and stigma (2017-01-01)
Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria and Bury, Louise
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 43(1) (pp. 26-30)

Predictors of non-use of intrauterine contraception among women aged 18-49 years in a general practice setting in the UK (2016-10-21)
Walker, Susan H.; Newton, Victoria L.; Hoggart, Lesley and Parker, Mike J.
Open Access Journal of Contraception, 7 (pp. 155-160)

Hormonal contraception and regulation of menstruation: a study of young women's attitudes towards ‘having a period’ (2015-07-01)
Newton, Victoria Louise and Hoggart, Lesley
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 41(3) (pp. 210-215)

Abortion Counselling in Britain: Understanding the Controversy (2015-04-24)
Hoggart, Lesley
Sociology Compass, 9(5) (pp. 365-378)

Unanticipated bleeding with the etonogestrel implant: advice and therapeutic interventions. (2014-07)
Dickson, Jane; Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria Louise
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 40(3) (pp. 158-160)

'I think it depends on the body, with mine it didn't work': explaining young women's contraceptive implant removal. (2013-11)
Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria Louise and Dickson, Jane
Contraception, 88(5) (pp. 636-640)

Young women's experiences of side-effects from contraceptive implants: a challenge to bodily control (2013-05)
Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria Louise
Reproductive Health Matters, 21(41) (pp. 196-204)

‘I’m pregnant … what am I going to do?’ An examination of value judgements and moral frameworks in teenage pregnancy decision making (2012-09)
Hoggart, Lesley
Health, Risk & Society, 14(6) (pp. 533-549)

Teenage pregnancies that end in abortion: what can they tell us about contraceptive risk-taking? (2011-04)
Hoggart, Lesley and Phillips, Joan
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 37(2) (pp. 97-102)

Rewarding responsibility? Long-term unemployed men and the welfare-to-work agenda (2009-12)
Ray, Kathryn; Hoggart, Lesley; Taylor, Rebecca; Vegeris, Sandra and Campbell-Barr, Verity
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27(6) (pp. 975-990)

Observing the implementation of a social experiment (2008-08)
Walker, Robert; Hoggart, Lesley and Hamilton, Gayle
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 4(3) (pp. 183-203)

Random assignment and informed consent: a case study of multiple perspectives (2008-06)
Walker, Robert; Hoggart, Lesley and Hamilton, Gayle
American Journal of Evaluation, 29(2) (pp. 156-174)

Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain (2003-04)
Hoggart, Lesley
Studies in British History
ISBN : 0-7734-6868-4 | Publisher : The Edwin Mellen Press

Menstruation and contraception: social and cultural issues on young women's decision making (2015-10)
Newton, Victoria and Hoggart, Lesley
In : North American Forum on Family Planning (14-16 Nov 2015, Chicago) (p 403)

UK abortion study: “I didn't think it would happen to me.” Young women's accounts of preabortion contraceptive use (2015-10)
Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria
In : North American Forum on Family Planning 2015 (14-16 Nov 2015, Chicago) (p 399)

Principles in practice. Co-creation of Learning in complex and challenging environments. Discussion Guide and Toolkit. (2021-12)
Charitonos, Koula; Hoggart, Lesley; Jones, Rebecca; Keogh, Peter and Scott, Ellen
The Open University and the ACCESS consortium

Aide Memoire: 10 tips for discussing IUC (2018)
Newton, Victoria and Hoggart, Lesley
The Open University

Young women's experiences of unintended pregnancy and abortion: key findings (2015-10)
Bury, Louise; Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria Louise
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

"How could this happen to me?": Young women's experiences of unintended pregnancies: a qualitative study (2015-10)
Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria Louise and Bury, Louise
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Barriers to intrauterine contraceptive uptake in General Practice: patient and practitioner perspectives - Findings from a mixed-method UK study (2015)
Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria; Walker, Susan and Parker, Mike
Anglia Ruskin University & The Open University

"I thought i was protected" Abortion, contraceptive uptake and use among young women: a quantitative survey (2014-04)
Bury, Louise; Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria Louise
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Young people in London: abortion and repeat abortion (2010-01)
Hoggart, Lesley; Phillips, Joan; Birch, Angela and Koffman, Ofra
Government Office For London, London.

Better Off Working? Work, Poverty And Benefit Cycling (2010)
Ray, Kathryn; Hoggart, Lesley; Vegeris, Sandra and Taylor, Rebecca
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.