A considerable proportion of my work is collaborative, and I am fortunate to have worked with some outstanding people in the past. Here is a list of my current collaborators, loosely organised by country, together with a couple of notes here and there:
Prof. Washington Mio (Mathematics, Florida State University, USA)
Dr Martin Bauer (Mathematics, Florida State University, USA)
Prof. Francisca Oboh–Ikuenobe (Geology and Geophysics, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA)
Dr Surangi W. Punyasena (Plant Biology, University of Illinois, USA). I was a postdoc in Surangi's lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (https://publish.illinois.edu/punyasena/). I undertook research as part of her NSF grant "Biological Shape Spaces, Transforming Shape into Knowledge", which also included Washington Mio.
Dr Andrew Leslie (Stanford University, USA)
Dr Carlos Jaramillo (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama)
Dr Barry Lomax (Plant Science, Nottingham University, UK)
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Oct 2024 | 30 Sep 2028 | NERC Natural Environment Research Council |
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA), is a consortium of research intensive Universities (Open, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Warwick and Cranfield) and research institutes who together to provide excellence in doctoral research training. CENTA encompasses research activities within three broad themes: Climate and Environmental Sustainability; Organisms and Ecosystems; and Dynamic Earth. The Open University STEM Faculty has match-funded 3 studentships per year throughout the project. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Oct 2021 | 30 Sep 2025 | NERC Natural Environment Research Council |
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA), is a consortium of research intensive Universities (Open, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Warwick and Cranfield) and research institutes who together to provide excellence in doctoral research training. CENTA encompasses research activities within three broad themes: Climate and Environmental Sustainability; Organisms and Ecosystems; and Dynamic Earth. The Open University STEM Faculty has match-funded 3 studentships per year throughout the project. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Oct 2020 | 30 Sep 2027 | NERC Natural Environment Research Council |
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA), is a consortium of research intensive Universities (Open, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Warwick and Cranfield) and research institutes who together to provide excellence in doctoral research training. CENTA encompasses research activities within three broad themes: Climate and Environmental Sustainability; Organisms and Ecosystems; and Dynamic Earth. The Open University STEM Faculty has match-funded 3 studentships per year throughout the project. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Nov 2019 | 31 Oct 2024 | NERC Natural Environment Research Council |
The pollen and spore (sporomorph) record is the most temporally and spatially complete record available to palaeontologists. In his field defining text book (Paleopalynology) Alfred Traverse remarks that it is common for 1g of siltstones to contain between 10 000 – 100 000 palynomorphs and for 5 000 specimens to be present on a single slide. This application delivers a framework that will allow us to fully explore this exceptional archive using state of the art technology to answer fundamental questions concerning linked to how the terrestrial biosphere responded to the Cretaceous Palaeogene (K/Pg) mass extinction event. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Oct 2019 | 30 Sep 2027 | NERC Natural Environment Research Council |
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA), is a consortium of research intensive Universities (Open, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Warwick and Cranfield) and research institutes who together to provide excellence in doctoral research training. CENTA encompasses research activities within three broad themes: Climate and Environmental Sustainability; Organisms and Ecosystems; and Dynamic Earth. The Open University STEM Faculty has match-funded 3 studentships per year throughout the project. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Oct 2016 | 30 Sep 2020 | NERC Natural Environment Research Council |
CENTA is a geographically and scientifically coherent consortium offering a wide range of excellent NERC science embedded in a vibrant multidisciplinary environment. The Universities (Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Open and Warwick) and Institutes (British Geological Survey and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) have a strong track record of producing PhD graduates fit for further research or other relevant employment. The Open University STEM Faculty has match-funded 3 studentships in the 2016 intake. |
The fossil insect assemblage associated with the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) oceanic anoxic event from Alderton Hill, Gloucestershire, UK (2024)
Swaby, Emily J.; Coe, Angela L.; Ansorge, Jörg; Caswell, Bryony A.; Hayward, Scott A. L.; Mander, Luke; Stevens, Liadan G. and McArdle, Aimee
PLOS ONE, 19, Article e0299551(4)
The robustness of some Carboniferous fossil leaf venation networks to simulated damage (2024)
Mander, Luke and Williams, Hywel T. P.
Royal Society Open Science, 11, Article 240086(5)
A 23‐million‐year record of morphological evolution within Neotropical grass pollen (2024)
Wei, Caixia; Li, Mao; Mao, Limi; Mander, Luke; Jardine, Phillip E.; Gosling, William D. and Hoorn, Carina
New Phytologist ((Early access))
Genomic correlates of vascular plant reproductive complexity and the uniqueness of angiosperms (2024)
Leslie, Andrew B. and Mander, Luke
New Phytologist ((early access))
Quantifying the complexity of plant reproductive structures reveals a history of morphological and functional integration (2023-11)
Leslie, Andrew B. and Mander, Luke
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, Article 20231810(2010)
Trait‐based approaches as ecological time machines: Developing tools for reconstructing long‐term variation in ecosystems (2023-10)
Brown, Kerry A.; Bunting, M. Jane; Carvalho, Fabio; de Bello, Francesco; Mander, Luke; Marcisz, Katarzyna; Mottl, Ondrej; Reitalu, Triin and Svenning, Jens‐Christian
Functional Ecology, 37(10) (pp. 2552-2569)
Descriptive systematics of Upper Paleocene–Lower Eocene pollen and spores from the northern Niger Delta, southeastern Nigeria (2023-04-07)
Mander, Luke; Jaramillo, Carlos and Oboh-Ikuenobe, Francisca
Palynology, 47, Article 2200525(3)
Grass pollen surface ornamentation is diverse across the phylogeny: Evidence from northern South America and the global literature (2023)
Wei, Cai‐Xia; Jardine, Phillip E.; Mao, Li‐Mi; Mander, Luke; Li, Mao; Gosling, William D. and Hoorn, Carina
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 62(4) (pp. 687-701)
Wildfire activity enhanced during phases of maximum orbital eccentricity and precessional forcing in the Early Jurassic (2021-11-30)
Hollaar, Teuntje P.; Baker, Sarah J.; Hesselbo, Stephen P.; Deconinck, Jean-François; Mander, Luke; Ruhl, Micha and Belcher, Claire M.
Communications Earth & Environment, 2, Article 247(1)
Geometric and topological approaches to shape variation in Ginkgo leaves (2021-11)
Hang, Haibin; Bauer, Martin; Mio, Washington and Mander, Luke
Royal Society Open Science, 8, Article 210978(11)
Reproductive innovations and pulsed rise in plant complexity (2021-09-17)
Leslie, Andrew B.; Simpson, Carl and Mander, Luke
Science, 373(6561) (pp. 1368-1372)
Phylogenetic and ecological correlates of pollen morphological diversity in a Neotropical rainforest (2021-01)
Mander, Luke; Parins‐Fukuchi, Caroline; Dick, Christopher W.; Punyasena, Surangi W. and Jaramillo, Carlos
Biotropica, 53(1) (pp. 74-85)
Toarcian land vegetation loss (2019)
Mander, Luke and McElwain, Jennifer C.
Nature Geoscience, 12 (pp. 405-406)
Measuring Biodiversity and Extinction – Present and Past (2018-12)
Sigwart, Julia D.; Bennett, K. D.; Edie, Stewart M.; Mander, Luke; Okamura, Beth; Padian, Kevin; Wheeler, Quentin; Winston, Judith and Yeung, Norine
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 58(6) (pp. 1111-1117)
The Latitudinal Distribution of Morphological Diversity among Holocene Angiosperm Pollen Grains from eastern North America and the Neotropics (2018-08-02)
Mander, Luke
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 58(6) (pp. 1170-1178)
The influence of environmental forcing on biodiversity and extinction in a resource competition model (2018-03-01)
Vakulenko, Sergey A.; Sudakov, Ivan and Mander, Luke
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28(3) (pp. 031101-1-031101-7)
Comparative performance of airyscan and structured illumination superresolution microscopy in the study of the surface texture and 3D shape of pollen (2018-01-25)
Sivaguru, Mayandi; Urban, Michael A.; Fried, Glenn; Wesseln, Cassandra J.; Mander, Luke and Punyasena, Surangi W.
Microscopy Research and Technique, 81(2) (pp. 101-114)
A morphometric analysis of vegetation patterns in dryland ecosystems (2017-02)
Mander, Luke; Dekker, Stefan C.; Li, Mao; Mio, Washington; Punyasena, Surangi W. and Lenton, Timothy M.
Royal Society Open Science, 4, Article 160443
The geometry of large Arctic tundra lakes observed in historical maps and satellite images (2017)
Sudakov, I; Essa, A; Mander, Luke; Gong, M and Kariyawaam, T
Remote Sensing, 9, Article 1072
A combinatorial approach to angiosperm pollen morphology (2016-11-30)
Mander, Luke
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, Article 20162033(1843)
Grass pollen surface ornamentation: a review of morphotypes and taxonomic utility (2016-07)
Mander, Luke and Punyasena, Surangi W.
Journal of Micropalaeontology, 35(2) (pp. 121-124)
High potential for weathering and climate effects of non-vascular vegetation in the Late Ordovician (2016)
Porada, P.; Lenton, T. M.; Pohl, A.; Weber, B.; Mander, L. and Donnadieu, Y.
Nature Communications, 7, Article 12113
Evidence for coal forest refugia in the seasonally dry Pennsylvanian tropical lowlands of the Illinois Basin, USA (2014-11-04)
Looy, Cindy V.; Stevenson, Robert A.; Van Hoof, Thomas B. and Mander, Luke
PeerJ, 2, Article e630
On the taxonomic resolution of pollen and spore records of Earth’s vegetation (2014-10)
Mander, Luke and Punyasena, Surangi W.
International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175(8) (pp. 931-945)
Identifying the pollen of an extinct spruce species in the Late Quaternary sediments of the Tunica Hills region, south-eastern United States (2014-10)
Mander, L.; Rodriguez, J.; Mueller, P. G.; Jackson, S. T. and Punyasena, S. W.
Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(7) (pp. 711-721)
Accuracy and consistency of grass pollen identification by human analysts using electron micrographs of surface ornamentation (2014-08)
Mander, Luke; Baker, Sarah J.; Belcher, Claire M.; Haselhorst, Derek S.; Rodriguez, Jacklyn; Thorn, Jessica L.; Tiwari, Shivangi; Urrego, Dunia H.; Wesseln, Cassandra J. and Punyasena, Surangi W.
Applications in Plant Sciences, 2, Article 1400031(8)
A gymnosperm affinity for Ricciisporites tuberculatus Lundblad: implications for vegetation and environmental reconstructions in the Late Triassic (2014-06)
Kürschner, Wolfram M.; Mander, Luke and McElwain, Jennifer C.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 94(2) (pp. 295-305)
Fossil pollen and spores in paleoecology (2018-10-28)
Mander, L. and Punyasena, S. W.
In: Croft, D. A.; Simpson, S. W. and Su, D. F. eds. Methods in Paleoecology: Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments & Ecological Communities. Vertebrate Paleobiology & Paleoanthropology (pp. 215-234)
ISBN : 978-3-319-94265-0 | Publisher : Springer
Milankovitch forcing of Early Jurassic wildfires (2019)
Hollaar, Teuntje Parnassia; Baker, Sarah Jane; Deconinck, Jean-Francois; Mander, Luke; Ruhl, Micha; Hesselbo, Stephen P and Belcher, Claire M
In : Third International Workshop on the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event – Impact on marine organisms and ecosystems (2-5 Sep 2019, Erlangen, Germany)