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Professor Raphael Kaplinsky

Raphael Kaplinsky

Profile summary

Professional biography

Engaging with African Policy Makers

Amongst other engagements, Raphie Kaplinsky:

Participated in the World Economic Forum’s Metal and Metals industry Partners Strategy Meeting in November 2011

Presented to various meetings on industry and policy stakeholders organised by the Common Fund for Commodities and UNCTAD 2010 and 2011

Presented to various meetings with Ministers of Industry at UNIDO.

addressed the African Chief Executives Forum on the role which benchmarking can play in supply chain development.

Together with Esko Aho (former Prime Minister of Finland, and subsequently CEO of Nokia) was the keynote speakers at the opening of the 11th Annual Conference of the Global Competitiveness Institute and was on the Closing Panel of Speakers. His presentation addressed the impact of China on Africa’s development strategies.

Presentations to various meetings organised by the World Bank and ILO on Global Value Chains and the Impact of China on SSA.

Research interests

Raphael is the author of numerous books on technology, industrialisation, and globalisation. These  include studies on globalisation, industrial policy, industrial organisation, global value chains, the international automobile sector, computer-integrated automation, computer aided design, the impact of microelectronics on employment, appropriate technology and on the resource sector. During the 1990s he pioneered research on changing patterns of organisation in manufacturing in developing countries and on global value chains. In 2005 he published a widely-cited book on globalisation, utilising micro-, meso- and macro-data to examine the generalised consequence of upgrading in the global economy (Globalization, Poverty and Inequality). More recently he has researched the impact of China and India (“The Asian Driver” economies) on Africa, and the implications of their growth for the global commodities sector (The Impact of China on Global Commodities, 2012). His current research is focused on the contribution of Emerging Economy innovation on pro-poor innovation and growth strategies in low income economies. During the course of this research he has over the years worked with enterprises, government-departments and other organisations in Japan, the USA, Western and Eastern Europe, Central America, Brazil, sub-Saharan Africa, and South and Central Asia.

Operational experience:

Raphael Kaplinsky has participated in numerous UN and EU Missions, providing advice to a large range of countries, particularly on industrial and technology policies. He has led teams of advisers in Central America, Cyprus, South Africa and Kazakhstan and has participated as an adviser in a number of other countries. Between 1991 and 2003 he worked intensively with the South African government on Industrial Policy, and has been deeply involved in the development of industrial strategy in the post-Apartheid era. He has also provided advice on strategic focus and on manufacturing organisation to transnational firms, and to firms in the UK, Africa, Brazil, Central Asia, Central America and India. In the mid-1990s he worked with the European Commission on a programme of assistance to encourage organisational restructuring in European manufacturing and services. More recently, he has worked with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on policies towards the resource sector.

Research management:

Between 1998 and 2003 Raphael was the research manager of an integrated and globally networked programme of research on Globalisation and Value Chains undertaken by the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex in cooperation with a range of global partners drawn from academia, the corporate sector, the multilateral agencies and civil-society. In 2005 he initiated a similar globally-networked research programme on the impact of dynamic Asian economies on the developing world (The Asian Drivers Programme), and has particular responsibility for the programme’s work on Sub-Saharan Africa. As part of this he worked closely with the African Economic Research Consortium’s 20 country Asian Driver Research Programme. More recently he has co-directed a research programme with the University of Cape Town on linkages form the commodities sectors in Africa.


Introduction to the special section celebrating the centenary of Chris Freeman's birth (2022-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Steinmueller, W. Edward
Research Policy, 51, Article 104449(2)

Inclusive innovation: an architecture for policy development (2014)
Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Innovation and Development, 4(1) (pp. 33-54)

‘‘One thing leads to another’’—Commodities, linkages and industrial development (2012-12)
Morris, Mike; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Kaplan, David
Resources Policy, 37(4) (pp. 408-416)

The impact of China on low and middle income countries’ export prices in industrial-country markets (2012-08)
Fu, Xiaolan; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Zhang, Jing
World Development, 40(8) (pp. 1483-1496)

What are the implications for global value chains when the market shifts from the north to the south? (2011-08-16)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. 4(1/2/3) (pp. 13-38)

China as a final market: the Gabon timber and Thai cassava value chains (2011-07)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Terheggen, Anne and Tijaja, Julia
World Development, 39(7) (pp. 1177-1190)

Schumacher meets Schumpeter: Appropriate technology below the radar (2011-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Research Policy, 40(2) (pp. 193-203)

The Asian drivers and SSA: is there a future for export-oriented African industrialisation? (2009-11)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
The World Economy, 32(1) (pp. 1638-1655)

Chinese FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa: engaging with large dragons (2009-09)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
European Journal of Development Research, 21(4) (pp. 551-569)

Below the radar: What does innovation in emerging economies have to offer other low-income economies? (2009)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca; Clark, Norman; Kale, Dinar; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu
International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 8(3) (pp. 177-197)

What does the rise of China do for industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa? (2008-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Review of African Political Economy, 35(115) (pp. 7-22)

Introduction: the impact of Asian drivers on the developing world (2008-02)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Messner, Dirk
World Development, 36(2) (pp. 197-209)

Do the Asian drivers undermine the export-oriented industrialisation in SSA? (2008-02)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
World Development, 36(2) (pp. 254-273)

Globalisation, inequality and climate change: what difference does China make? (2008-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Geography Compass, 2(1) (pp. 67-78)

Value chain analysis: a tool for enhancing export supply policies (2008)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morros, Mike
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 1(3) (pp. 283-308)

L’impatto della Cina sull’Africa sub-sahariana visto attraverso la lente del commercio (2008)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Afriche e Orienti: Revista di Studi ai Confini tra Africa Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente(2) (pp. 35-48)

The impact of the Asian drivers on innovation and development strategies: lesson from Sub-Saharan Africa experience (2007-09)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 1(1) (pp. 65-82)

The impact of China and India on the developing world (2007-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
CESifo Forum, 1(2007) (pp. 15-21)

A disaggregated analysis of EU imports: the implications for the study of patterns of trade and technology (2006-07-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Santos-Paulino, Amelia U.
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 30(4) (pp. 587-611)

Revisiting the revisited terms of trade: will China make a difference? (2006-06)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 34(6) (pp. 981-995)

China and the global terms of trade (2006-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
IDS Bulletin, 37(1) (pp. 43-53)

Deep and shallow integration in Asia: Towards a holistic account (2006-01)
Evans, David; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Robinson, Sherman
IDS Bulletin, 37(1) (pp. 12-22)

Innovation and competitiveness: trends in unit prices in global trade (2005-12)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Santos Paulino, Amelia
Oxford Development Studies, 33(3-4) (pp. 333-355)

Globalization and upgrading: what can (and cannot) be learnt from international trade statistics in the wood furniture sector? (2005-08-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Readman, Jeff
Industrial and Corporate Change, 14(4) (pp. 679-703)

Getting the Measure of the Electronic Games Industry: Developers and the Management of Innovation (2005-06)
Grantham, Andrew and Kaplinsky, Raphael
International Journal of Innovation Management, 9(2) (pp. 183-213)

Industrial policy in developing economies: developing dynamic comparative advantage in the South African automobile sector (2004-06)
Barnes, Justin; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Competition and Change, 8(2) (pp. 153-172)

The use of a lean production index in explaining the transition to global competitiveness: the auto components sector in South Africa (2004-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Kojima, Sakura
Technovation, 24(3) (pp. 199-206)

Putting supply chain learning into practice (2003-02)
Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Lamming, Richard
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23(2) (pp. 167-184)

Developing capability through learning networks (2003)
Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 2(1) (pp. 19-38)

Governance matters in value chains (2003)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Michael
Developing Alternatives, 9: Competi(1) (pp. 11-18)

The globalization of product markets and immiserizing growth: lessons from the South African furniture industry (2002-07)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Mike and Readman, Jeff
World Development, 30(7) (pp. 1159-1177)

Who gains from product rents as the coffee market becomes more differentiated?: A value-chain analysis observed in other agricultural-based value chains (2001-07)
Fitter, Robert and Kaplinsky, Raphael
IDS Bulletin, 32(3) (pp. 69-82)

Introduction: Globalisation, Value Chains and Development (2001-07)
Gereffi, Gary and Kaplinsky, Raphael
IDS Bulletin, 32(3) (pp. 1-8)

Developing manufacturing agility in SMEs (2001)
Bessant, J.; Brown, S.; Francis, D.; Kaplinsky, R. and Meredith, S.
International Journal of Technology Management, 22(1)

Globalisation and unequalisation: What can be learned from value chain analysis? (2000-12)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Journal of Development Studies, 37(2) (pp. 117-146)

Globalization and the Death of the Local Firm? The Automobile Components Sector in South Africa (2000-12)
Barnes, Justin and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Regional Studies, 34(9) (pp. 797-812)

Globalisation and Trade Policy Reform: Whither the Automobile Components Sector in South Africa? (2000-01)
Barnes, Justin and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Competition and Change, 4(2) (pp. 211-243)

Trade and industrial policy on an uneven paying field: the case of the deciduous fruit canning industry in South Africa (1999-10)
Kaplan, David and Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 27(10) (pp. 1787-1801)

'If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!': The Roots of the East Asian Crisis (1999-06)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Competition and Change, 4(1) (pp. 1-30)

Trade policy reform and the competitive response in Kwazulu Natal Province, South Africa (1999-04)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
World Development, 27(4) (pp. 717-737)

Concentration, competition policy and the role of small and medium-sized enterprises in South Africa's industrial development (1998-10)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Manning, Claudia
Journal of Development Studies, 35(1) (pp. 139-161)

India's industrial development: an interpretative survey (1997-05)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 25(5) (pp. 681-694)

Infant industries and industrial policy: a lesson from South Africa (1997)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Mhlongo, Edmund
Transformation(34) (pp. 57-85)

A Reply to Willmore (1995-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 23(3) (pp. 537-540)

Capital intensity in South African Manufacturing and Unemployment, 1972-1990 (1995-02)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 23(2) (pp. 179-192)

Industrial restructuring: facilitating organizational change at the firm level (1995-01)
Bessant, John and Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 23(1) (pp. 129-141)

Technique and system: the spread of Japanese management techniques to developing countries (1995-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 23(1) (pp. 57-71)

'Economic restructuring in South Africa: the debate continues': a response (1994-12)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Journal of Southern African Studies, 20(4) (pp. 533-537)

From mass production to flexible specialization: A case study of microeconomic change in a semi-industrialized economy (1994-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 22(3) (pp. 337-353)

Export Processing Zones in the Dominican Republic: Transforming manufactures into commodities (1993-11)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 21(11) (pp. 1851-1865)

La nueva flexibilidad: promotora de eficacia económica y social (1993)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Economia y Sociologiá del Trabajo(19-20) (pp. 8-20)

TNCs in the Third World: Stability or Discontinuity? (1991-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 20(2) (pp. 257-267)

A Growth Path for a Post-Apartheid South Africa (1991)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Transformation(16) (pp. 49-55)

'Teknolojik Evrim' ve Uluslararasi Isbolumunde Ucuncu Dunya'nin Yeri (1991)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Endustri Muhendisligi, 3(11) (pp. 23-31)

A Policy Agenda for a Post-Apartheid South Africa (1990)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Transformation(12) (pp. 42-52)

Technology and Development in the Third Industrial Revolution: Introduction (1989-06-01)
Cooper, Charles and Kaplinsky, Raphael
European Journal of Development Research, 1(1) (pp. 1-3)

Industrial and intellectual property rights in the Uruguay round and beyond (1989-04)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Journal of Development Studies, 25(3) (pp. 373-400)

'Technological revolution' and the international division of labour in manufacturing: A place for the Third World? (1989)
Cooper, Charles and Kaplinsky, Raphael
European Journal of Development Research, 1(1) (pp. 5-37)

Restructuring the Capitalist Labour Process: Some Lessons from the Car Industry (1988)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 12(4) (pp. 451-470)

Crisis in the World Economy: Some Consequences for Industrial Policy and South-South Trade in Technology (1987-12)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Development and South-South Cooperation, 3(5) (pp. 52-6)

Human factors in the labour process and the international division of labour in manufacturing (1987-02)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2(1) (pp. 15-24)

Policies Towards the Development and Diffusion of Microelectronics Technologies (1986-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Vierteljahresberichte de Entwicklungslanderforschung, 103 (pp. 19-28)

Does de-industrialisation beget industrialisation which begets re-industrialisation? (1985-10)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Journal of Development Studies, 22(1) (pp. 227-242)

Electronics-based automation technologies and the onset of systemofacture: Implications for Third World industrialization (1985-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 13(3) (pp. 423-439)

Locational patterns of direct foreign investment and the new international division of labour in manufacturing (1985)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
EADI Bulletin (pp. 69-94)

The international context for industrialisation in the coming decade (1984-10)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Journal of Development Studies, 21(1) (pp. 75-96)

Indigenous technical change: what we can learn from sugar processing (1984-04)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 12(4) (pp. 419-432)

Firm size and technical change in a dynamic context (1983-09)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Journal of Industrial Economics, 32(1) (pp. 39-59)

Foreign Capital, Employment and Accumulation in Kenya (1981-07)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Development and Change, 12(3) (pp. 441-458)

Capitalist Accumulation in the Periphery: The Kenyan Case Re-Examined (1980-04)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Review of African Political Economy, 7(17) (83 -105)

Radical Technical Change and Manufactured Export Growth Strategies (1980-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Vierteljahresberichte de Entwicklungslanderforschung

Inappropriate Products and Techniques in UDCs: The Case of Breakfast Foods in Kenya (1979-04)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Review of African Political Economy, 6(14) (pp. 90-96)

Export-oriented growth: a large international firm in a small developing country (1979)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 7(8-9) (pp. 825-834)

Accumulation and the transfer of technology: Issues of conflict and mechanisms for the exercise of control (1976-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Development, 4(3) (pp. 197-224)

Promoting Industrial Diversification in Resource Intensive Economies: The Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia Regions (2012)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Farooki, Masuma; Alcorta, Ludovico and Rodousakis, Niki
Publisher : United Nations Industrial Development Organisation | Published : Vienna

How China Disrupted Global Commodities: The Reshaping of the World’s Resource Sector (2011)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma
Routledge studies in global competition
ISBN : 9780415597890 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Globalization, poverty and inequality: between a rock and a hard place (2005-09-05)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
ISBN : 745635547 | Publisher : Polity | Published : Cambridge, UK

Corporate restructuring: Crompton Greaves and the challenge of globalisation (1998)
Humphrey, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Saraph, Prasad V.
ISBN : 9788170367109 | Publisher : Sage | Published : Delhi

Improving Manufacturing Performance in South Africa: Report of the Industrial Strategy Project (1995)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Joffe, Avril; Kaplan, David and Lewis, David
ISBN : 0-88936-777-9 | Publisher : UCT Press | Published : Cape Town

Easternisation: The Spread of Japanese Management Techniques to Developing Countries (1994)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Posthuma, Anne
ISBN : 9780203724828 | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London, UK

The economies of small: appropriate technology in a changing world (1990)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
ISBN : 1853390712 | Publisher : Intermediate Technology Press | Published : London, UK

Microelectronics and Employment Revisited: A Review (1987)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Publisher : International Labour Office | Published : Geneva

Driving Force: The Global Restructuring of Technology, Labor, and Investment in the Automobile and Components Industries (1987)
Kaplinsky, R. and Hoffman, K.
ISBN : 813375029 | Publisher : Westview Press

Automation: The Technology and Society (1984-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
ISBN : 0-582-90203-7 | Publisher : Longmans | Published : London, UK

Sugar Processing: The Development of a Third World Technology (1983)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
ISBN : 0-903031-98-1 | Publisher : Intermediate Technology Press | Published : London, UK

Computer Aided Design in a Dynamic World: Electronics, Comparative Advantage and Development (1982)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Publisher : Francis Pinter | Published : London, UK

Ownership and Equity in Kenya, 1966-1976 (1979)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Publisher : National Christian Council of Kenya | Published : Nairobi

An International Comparison of the Choice of Manufacturing Techniques in the Production of Cans in Kenya, Tanzania and Thailand (1974)
Kaplinsky, R.; Cooper, C. and Bell, R.
Publisher : International Labour Organization | Published : Geneva

Second-hand Equipment in a Developing Country: A Study of Jute-Processing in Kenya (1973)
Cooper, Charles; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Turner, R.
ISBN : 9221011917 | Publisher : International Labour Organization | Published : Geneva

Rents, Power and Governance in Global Value Chains (2022)
Davis, Dennis; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
In: Lianos, Ioannis; Ivanov, Alexey and Morris, Mike eds. Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law (pp. 29-54)
Publisher : Cambridge University Press

Global manufactures prices: how do China’s exports compare? (2011-10-20)
Fu, Xiaolan; Kaplinsky, Raphie and Kale, Dina
In: Fu, Xiaolan ed. China’s Role in Global Economic Recovery. Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy (pp. 127-145)
ISBN : 978-0-415-67034-0 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, UK

Global value chains, the crisis, and the shift in markets from the north to the south (2010-09-13)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma
In: Cattaneo, Oliver; Gereffi, Gary and Staritz, Cornelia eds. Global Value Chains in a Postcrisis World: A Development Perspective, (pp. 125-154)
ISBN : 9780821384992 | Publisher : World Bank | Published : Washington DC, USA

Asian drivers, commodities prices and the terms of trade (2010-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Nissanke, Machiko and Mavrotas, George eds. Commodities, governance and economic development under globalization
ISBN : 9780230203341 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke

China and Sub Saharan Africa: impacts and challenges of a growing relationship (2010)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; McCormick, Dorothy and Morris, Mike
In: Padayachee, V. ed. The Politcal Economy of Africa
ISBN : 9780415480390 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Impacts and challenges of a growing relationship between China and sub-Saharan Africa (2010)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; McCormick, Dorothy and Morris, Mike
In: Padayachee, Vishnu ed. The Political Economy of Africa (pp. 389-409)
ISBN : 9780415480390 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Two scientists for every man, woman and dog in America? How sustainable is globalisation? (2009-07)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Yueh, Linda ed. The Law and Economics of Globalisation: New Challenges for a World in Flux (pp. 279-298)
ISBN : 978 1 84542 195 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing | Published : UK

How can Sub-Saharan Africa turn the China-India threat into an opportunity (2009)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Kremer, Monique; van Lieshout, Peter and Went, Robert eds. Doing Good or Doing Better: Development Policies in a Globalizing World (pp. 279-302)
ISBN : 9789089641076 | Publisher : Amsterdam University Press | Published : The Hague

Environment, inequality, and the internal contradictions of globalization (2009)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world (pp. 149-158)
ISBN : 9780199560646 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

The Asian drivers and SSA: MFA quota removal and the portents for African industrialisation (2009)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, M.
In: McCormick, Dorothy; Kuzilwa, Joseph A. and Gebre-Egziabher, Tegegne eds. Industrialising Africa in the Era of Globalisation: Challenges to Clothing and Footwear
ISBN : 9789966846860 | Publisher : University of Nairobi Press | Published : Nairobi, Kenya

How can agricultural commodity producers appropriate a greater share of value chain incomes? (2006)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Sarris, Alexander and Hallam, David eds. Agricultural Commodity Markets and Trade: New Approaches to Analyzing Market Structure and Instability
ISBN : 1 84542 444 1 | Publisher : Edward Elgar and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | Published : Cheltenham, UK

Winners and losers: China's trade threats and opportunities for Africa (2006)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Wild, L. and Mepham, D. eds. The New Sinosphere: China in Africa
ISBN : 1860303021 | Publisher : Institute of Public Policy Research | Published : London

Is globalisation all it is cracked up to be? (2003-03)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Benewick, R; Blecher, M and Cook, S eds. Asian Politics in Development: Essays in Honour of Gordon White (pp. 255-272)
ISBN : 978-0-7146-5333-4 | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London

How do South African firms respond to trade policy reform? (2000)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Jalilian, Hossein; Tribe, Michael and Weiss, John eds. Industrial development and Policy in Africa: Issues of De-Industrialisation and Development Strategy
ISBN : 978 1 84064 120 2 | Publisher : Edward Elgar

Conclusions (1995)
Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael eds. Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment (pp. 321-332)
ISBN : 071464630X | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London

Does Participation in Ownership Foster Participation in Continuous Improvement? The Case of Baxi Partnership (1995)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael eds. Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment (pp. 211-230)
ISBN : 071464630X | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London

Patients as Work in Progress: Organisational Reform in the Health Sector (1995)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael eds. Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment
ISBN : 071464630X | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London

Flexible Organisation: European Industry in Transition (1995)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Andreasen, Lars Erik; den Hertog, Frisio and Coriat, Benjamin
In: Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael eds. Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment
ISBN : 071464630X | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London

Meeting the Global Challenge: A Framework for Industrial Revival in South Africa (1993-12)
Kaplinsky, R.; Joffe, A.; Kaplan, D. and Lewis, D.
In: Baker, Pauline; Krafchik, Warren and Boraine, Alex eds. South Africa and the World Economy in the 1990s
ISBN : 086486258X | Publisher : David Phillips Publishers | Published : Washington

TNCs in the Third World: Stability or Discontinuity? (1993)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Eden, Lorraine and Potter, Evan eds. Multinationals in the Global Political Economy (pp. 108-121)
ISBN : 333577523 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : London

The Role of TNCs in the transfer of organizational technologies to LDCs (1993)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Murshed, Syed Mansoob and Raffer, Kunibert eds. Trade, Transfer ad Development: Problems and Prospects for the Twenty-First Century
ISBN : 1852787961 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Aldershot, UK

Post Fordist Industrial Restructuring: Policy Implications for an Industrially Advanced Economy (1993)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Jensen, Jane; Mahon, Rianna and Bienefeld, Manfred eds. Production Space Identity (Studies in political economy)
ISBN : 1551300249 | Publisher : Canadian Scholars Press | Published : Toronto

Derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual a partir de la Ronda Uruguay (1992)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Gómez Uranga, M.; Sánchez Padrón, M. and de la Puerta, E. eds. El Cambio tecnológico hacia el nuevo milenio : debates y nuevas teorías (pp. 299-348)
ISBN : 8474261902 | Publisher : FUHEM/Icaria | Published : Madrid

The Manufacturing Sector and Regional Trade in a Democratic South Africa (1992)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Maasdorp, G. G. and Whiteside, A. eds. Towards a post-apartheid future: political and economic relations in Southern Africa
ISBN : 312074964 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : London, UK

How getting the prices right helped the wrong people (1991)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Colclough, Christopher and Manor, James eds. States or Markets? Neo-Liberalism and the Development Policy Debate. Ids Development Studies Series (pp. 148-172)
ISBN : 198283768 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK

Is and what is post-fordism? (1990)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Schulze, P. W. and Willman, J. eds. Economic and Social Policy in Europe
Publisher : Friedrich Ebert Foundation | Published : London

Technological Revolution and the Restructuring of Trade and Production - Some Implications for Western Middle powers and the Newly Industrializing Countries (1990)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Pratt, Cranford ed. Middle Power Internationalism: The North-South Dimension (pp. 108-142)
ISBN : 9780773507258 | Publisher : Queens University Press | Published : Kingston

Technology Transfer, Adaptation and Generation: A Framework for Evaluation (1990)
Kaplinsky, R.
In: Chatterji, M. ed. Technology Transfer in Developing Countries (pp. 19-26)
Publisher : Macmillan | Published : London

Intellectual Property and International Trade (1989)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Juma, Calestous and Ojwang, Jackton B. eds. Innovation and Sovereignty: The Patent Debate in African Development
ISBN : 9966-410-00-7 | Publisher : African Centre for Technology Studies | Published : Nairobi

Industrial Restructuring in LDC's: The Role of Information Technology (1989)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Fleury, M. ed. Padroes Tecnologicos e Politicas de Gestao: Comparacoes Internacionais
Publisher : Universidade de Sao Poalo e Universidade Esrtadual de Campinas | Published : Sao Paolo

Technological change: The increasing costs of 'keeping up' in the microelectronics era (1988-05)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Stoneman, Colin ed. Zimbabwe's Prospects
ISBN : 033346544X | Publisher : Macmillan Education | Published : UK

Appropriate Technology in Sugar Manufacturing (1986-05)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Stewart, Frances ed. Macro-policies for Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries
ISBN : 813373034 | Publisher : Appropriate Technology International (ATI)/Westview | Published : Washington, D. C.

The process of indigenous technical change (1985-09)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Carr, Marilyn ed. The A.T. Reader Theory and Practice in Appropriate Technology
ISBN : 946688109 | Publisher : Intermediate Technology Publications | Published : London, UK

Trade in Technology - Who, What, Where and When? (1984-07)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Fransman, Martin and King, Kenneth eds. Technological Capability in the Third World (pp. 139-160)
ISBN : 312787928 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : London, UK

Accumulation at the Periphery: A Special Case? (1983)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Cohen, Robin ed. African Islands and Enclaves
ISBN : 803919662 | Publisher : Sage Publications | Published : London, UK

A Country Study: Food Processing in Kenya (1979)
Kaplinsky, R.
In: Baron, C. ed. Readings on the Food Processing Industry in Developing Countries
Publisher : Pergamon Press

Technical Change and the Multinational Corporations: Some British Multinationals in Kenya and India (1977-11)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Chisti, S
In: Germidis, D ed. Transfer of Technology by Multinational Corporations. Development Centre Studies
ISBN : 9264116664 | Publisher : OECD | Published : Paris

Choices of techniques for can making in Kenya, Tanzania and Thailand (1975)
Kaplinsky, R.; Cooper, C.; Bell, R. and Satyayakwit, W.
In: Bhalla, A. S. ed. Technology and Employment in Industry: A case study approach
ISBN : 9221012417 | Publisher : International Labour Office | Published : Geneva

Secondhand Equipment in Undeveloped Countries: Some Generalisations from the Kenyan Maize Bag Industry (1975)
Kaplinsky, R. and Cooper, C.
In: Bhalla, A. ed. Technology and employment in industry : a case study approach
ISBN : 9789221012412 | Publisher : International Labour Office | Published : Geneva

Comparative Advantage by Design (1965)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In: Langdon, Richard ed. Technological Change and Design
Publisher : Royal College of Art | Published : London, UK

Asian Drivers: Opportunities and Threats (2006-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael ed.
Special Issue IDS Bulletin
Publisher : Institute for Development Studies | Published : UK

Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment (1995-12)
Andreasen, L.; Coriat, B.; den Hertog, F. and Kaplinsky, R. eds.
ISBN : 714641510 | Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London

A Policy Agenda for a Post-Apartheid South Africa (1994-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael ed.
IDS Bulletin
Publisher : Institute of Development Studies

A Strategy for Industrial Restructuring in the Dominican Republic (1991)
Kaplinsky, Raphael ed.
Publisher : UNDP/IDS

The state of small scale sugar (1988)
Kaplinsky, Raphael ed.
Publisher : Intermediate Technology Publications | Published : London

Third World Industrialisation in the 1980's: Open Economies in a Closing World (1984)
Kaplinsky, Raphael ed.
Publisher : Frank Cass | Published : London, UK

Readings on the Multinational Corporation in Kenya (1979)
Kaplinsky, Raphael ed.
ISBN : 195724461 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : USA

Innovation for pro-poor growth: from redistribution with growth to redistribution through growth (2011)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In : Conference in Honour of Sir Richard Jolly - “From structural adjustment to human development: impact on poverty and inequality” (17-18 Nov 2011, Brighton)

What Contribution can China Make to Inclusive Growth in SSA? (2011)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
In : China Rising Conference (5-6 Dec 2011, University of Bristol)

Towards A Taxonomy of Knowledge Leakage: Literature and Framework (2006-09)
Kaplinsky, R.; Grantham, A.; Mynors, D.; Mohamed, S.; Walsh, K.; Coles, R. and Chan, P.
In : British Academy of Management Annual Conference: BAM 2006: building international communities through collaboration (12-14 Sep 2006, Belfast, UK)

"One thing leads to anothercommodities" - linkages and industrial development: a conceptual overview (2011)
Morris, Mike; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Kaplan, David

Commodities and Linkages: Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa (2011)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Adam and Kaplan, David
The Open University

Commodities and Linkages: Meeting the Policy Challenge (2011)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Adam and Kaplan, David
The Open University

A Conceptual Overview to Understand Commodities, Linkages and Industrial Development in Africa (2011)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Mike and Kaplan, Dave
Africa Export Import Bank

The role of standards in global value chains and their impact on economic and social upgrading (2010)
Kaplinsky, Raphael
World Bank

What happens in global value chains when the markey shifts from the north to the south? (2010)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Terheggen, Anne; Tijaja, Julia and Farooki, Masuma
World Bank

What are the implications for global value chains when the market shifts from the north to the south? (2010)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma
The World Bank

What happens when the market shifts to China? The Gabon timber and Thai cassava value chains (2010)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Terheggen, Anne and Tijaja, Julia
The World Bank

Africa’s cooperation with new and emerging development partners: options for Africa’s development (2009-10)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma

Special Issue of European Journal of Development Research - China in Africa: A Relationship in Transition (2009-09)
Ajakaiye, Olusanya and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Palgrave, UK.

Below the radar: What does innovation in the Asian driver economies have to offer other low income economies (2009)
Clark, Norman; Chataway, Joanna; Hanlin, Rebecca; Kale, Dinar; Kaplinsky, Raphael; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu
Economic and Social Research Council

Upgrading strategies in global furniture value chains (2009)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Readman, Jeff and Memedovic, Olga
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

The impact of China's exports on global manufactures prices (2009)
Fu, Xiaolan; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Zhang, Jing
University of Oxford

Upgrading strategies in global furniture value chains (2008)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Readman, Jeff and Memedovic, Olga
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna.

The structure of supply chains and their implications for export supply (2007-06)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
AERC - African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Africa.

Dangling by a thread: how sharp are the Chinese scissors? (2006-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Institute of Development Studies

Manufacturing Excellence in South Africa: CD and Accompanying Manuals (2004)
Kaplinsky, R.; Barnes, J.; Bessant, J. and Morris, M.
Department of Science and Technology

The global wood furniture value chain: what prospects for upgrading by developing countries? The case of South Africa (2003)
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Memedovic, Olga; Morris, Mike and Readman, Jeff
UNIDO, Vienna.

A Handbook for Value Chain Research (2002)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Institute of Development Studies

Can an agricultural 'commodity' be de-commodified, and if so who is to gain? (2001-12)
Fitter, Robert and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Integrating SMEs in Global Value Chains: Towards Partnership for Development (2001-01)
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Readman, Jeff
UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, Austria.

Organisational Change in Zimbabwean Manufacturing (1993)
Kaplinsky, R. and Posthuma, A.
United Nations University (INTECH)

Transnational Corporations and the Transfer of New Management Practices to Developing Countries (1993)
Kaplinsky, R. and Hoffman, K.
United Nations Centre of Transnational Corporations

Cyprus Technology Strategy (1988)
Clark, N.; Edquist, C.; Kaplinsky, R. and Pimentel, D.
UNDP/OPE and Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK.

Role of TNCs in India's Exports (1981)
Kaplinsky, R. and Chishti, S.
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade