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Dr Wendy Fountain

BAppSc | MProf Ed | PGCert TertTeach | PhD

Head and shoulders image of Wendy Fountain [she/her]

Profile summary

Professional biography

With a teaching and research background in social-ecological systems design, I joined The Open University in October 2023 to contribute to the development of a new design qualification with an expanding design team. I hold a PhD in Urban Design from the University of Tasmania (lutruwita / Tasmania) and continue my design research via one of its key outcomes: a living lab dubbed 'the house that feeds' that supports experiments with ecological living.

My design work spans design for resilience, regenerative practices in housing, food systems, energy and community action, and the design of cross-cutting learning opportunities. As a design educator and learning designer, I’ve held varied roles in Australia, Sweden, New Zealand and the UK for over two decades – highlighting the potential versatility of a design education!

During the past five years I’ve been co-teaching and co-researching Design Processes - Resilience in the Design + Change program at Linnaeus University, Sweden. My related research interests include:

  • Systems, complexity and uncertainty in design processes
  • Design agency in movement building and activism, and
  • Learning ecologies for planetary health.


Designing STEAM Education: Fostering Relationality through Design-Led Disruption (2020-02)
MacDonald, Abbey; Wise, Kit; Tregloan, Kate; Fountain, Wendy; Wallis, Louise and Holmstrom, Neil
International Journal of Art and Design Education, 39(1) (pp. 227-241)

Capacity-building in open education: an Australian approach (2015)
Bossu, Carina and Fountain, Wendy
Open Praxis, 7(2) (pp. 123-132)

Becoming designers with Earth: propositions for design education (2023-03)
Fountain, Wendy and Carleklev, Stephanie
In : The 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers (29 Nov - 1 Dec 2023)

Co-citizen design labs in resilience making (2021-08)
Carleklev, Stephanie and Fountain, Wendy
In : NORDES – 9th Nordic Design Research Conference (15-18 Aug 2021, Kolding, Denmark) (pp. 318-327)

Making resilience through design doing (2019-05)
Fountain, Wendy; Carleklev, Stephanie and Hruza, Stephan
In : Around the Campfire - Resilience and Intelligence (27 May - 1 Jun 2019, Rovaniemi) (pp. 83-91)

Capacity-building for the adoption of OEP in higher education (2015)
Bossu, Carina and Fountain, Wendy
In : Open Education Global Conference 2015 Program (22-24 Apr 2015, Banff, Alberta, Canada) (p 1)

Design for resilience at home: Integrating housing and regenerative food systems (2015-01-01)
Fountain, Wendy
PhD thesis University of Tasmania

Developing Australian Academics' Capacity: Supporting the Adoption of Open Educational Practices in Curriculum Design (2016)
Bossu, Carina; Fountain, Wendy; Smyth, Robyn and Brown, Natalie
Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education and Training, Australian Government, Australia.