Pathways - Being Digital

Skills finder

When you select a pathway, you will see a number of activities on a particular theme. Pathways allow you to develop a deeper understanding of a topic. You can work through the activities in your chosen pathway in any order.

Trust online

Trust online

How do you know who to trust online? Which information is accurate and reliable? Find out how you can evaluate people, networks and information you find online.

Here are the activities making up this pathway.

The icon next to each activity helps you to identify the format used (e.g. video, activity, further reading).

Icon Key: AudioAudioVideoVideoExternalExternalFurther ReadingFurther ReadingActivityActivity

Deciding what to trust online


This activity will help you to develop some criteria for judging the accuracy and reliability of information you find online.

This activity will take you: 5 minutes

Start Deciding what to trust online

Deciding what to trust online (pdf)

Deciding what to trust online (word)

Evaluation using PROMPT


Introduces the framework PROMPT, a set of criteria which can be used to evaluate information found online.

This activity will take you: 5 minutes

Start Evaluation using PROMPT

Evaluation using PROMPT (pdf)

Evaluation using PROMPT (word)

Scams and hoaxes


Learn how to spot some of the signs of email scams.

This activity will take you: 10 minutes

Start Scams and hoaxes

Scams and hoaxes (pdf)

Scams and hoaxes (word)

Using Wikipedia


Some guidelines for judging the trustworthiness of information you find in Wikipedia.

This activity will take you: 5 minutes

Start Using Wikipedia

Using Wikipedia (pdf)

Using Wikipedia (word)