Another day, another webinar. Today’s was a very useful JISC webinar from the University of Glamorgan on their evaluation of ‘Assessment Diaries’ and Grademark.
In a sense, we’ve had assessment diaries stitched up for some time at the OU, because all assessment deadlines are predetermined and advertised in various places, including Moodle. We also have our own online eTMA system (system for the electronic submission, markingĀ and return of tutor-marked assignments). Having said that, I liked the look of Grademark.
We have an expectation that TMAs that are submitted on time should be marked, commented on and returned within 10 working days, but we don’t publicise ‘feedback dates’ per se. So the idea of ‘feedback parties’ (where students apparently await the return of their assignments at the specified time, chatting on Facebook, and then celebrate together or commiserate with each other) was new. I was also interested to learn that students don’t mind if their feedback is late, provided they have been warned. That experience echoes my own, though I would query whether late-delivered feedback is perhaps sometimes too late to be useful (even if students say they don’t mind).
There’s a recording of the webinar at