openTEL Seminar: Martin Glynn

Wednesday 24th February 2021 (14:30 – 15:30)
ONLINE: MS Teams (please email openTEL to be sent an invitation)

Data Verbalization is about ‘communicating’ & ‘disseminating’ research data using performance approaches & techniques (Glynn, 2019)

Within academia, the corporate sector, and many areas of public and social policy, contemporary research has to now demonstrate its wider impact/s. Research impact centres on the understanding that generating knowledge by conducting research should contribute, benefit, influence and transform the environment, culture, as well as the wider society. So how relevant are traditional approaches when disseminating research data in today’s mediatized world? Furthermore, how do sociologists and criminologists move beyond the confines of traditional approaches to sharing their research? It is my contention that ‘data verbalization’ can give researchers a unique and distinct voice, beyond the academy, conference, and peer review journal.

Dr Martin Glynn is a criminologist and Winston Churchill Fellow with over 35 years’ experience of working in criminal justice, public health, and educational settings.  Dr Glynn is currently a lecturer in criminology at Birmingham City University.


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