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If you already have an OU online account, please sign in.

Your date of birth must be in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

We use your date of birth to make sure we can identify your record from one with similar contact details.
Please retype your email address instead of pasting.
We need your address to make sure that your email gets to the team who will be able to answer your query.

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Create an Account

Start building your personalised study plan and save time when you contact us by creating a free OU online account. Your email will be your username. If you check this option, you will be prompted to choose a password below.


Other ways to contact us

Call us:

Please call us on +44 300 303 5303.

Or for enquiries about postgraduate courses call +44 300 303 2477.

Our advisers are available to take your call Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:30 UK Time Excluding Bank Holidays

Write to us at:

Student Recruitment
The Open University
PO Box 197
Milton Keynes

If you're visiting:

The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Once on campus we have a map available.