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Andy Diament

Profile summary

Professional biography

My qualtifications are BA Physics, MSc Remote Sensing & PGCE Secondary Physics Teaching.

I have research experience at The Meteorological Office (Stratospheric Photochemistry) and Cambridge University (Remote Sensing at the Department of Plant Sciences and Scott Polar Research Institute).

I have been an Associate Lecturer in Science, Physics and Engineering Modules since 1992, close to full time since 2015. I have worked teaching Phyiscs, Science, Computing and ICT in Schools and FE colleges from 1992.


Understanding student perceptions and engagement for formative assessment: A study of interactive online quizzes (2023-08)
Nylk, Jonathan and Diament, Andy
In : Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference 2023 (ViCEPHEC23) (24-25 Aug 2023, Durham, UK)